Compared with Kotori and the others thinking about how to investigate the three sisters of Toki Kuang, Wuhe Shidao pays more attention to other places.

   Tokisaki Kuzou didn't mention her parents?

   "Aren't your parents at home?"

   "They are gone a long time ago."

   is gone?

   Hearing this, Wuhe Shidao was stunned for a moment, and a little bit did not realize that the other party said that he was not at home or not in the world.

Turning her head, Wuhe Shidao looked at Shizaki Kuangsan in surprise, looking at the expression of no fluctuations in the distance, she was long gone. Doesn't that mean that she has not been with her parents for at least the past few years, regardless of the presence or absence of her parents? of.

   Moreover, the meaning revealed by these words is mostly that the parents are no longer in the world.

   Wuhe Shidao is a bit unimaginable. Toshizaki Kakuzo actually has no parents, only her and her sister are at home. How did they come here for so many years?

   At this moment, Wuhe Shidao suddenly felt an impulse to take care of...Ahem, help Tokisaki classmate, anyway, it seems that his family doesn't lack money at all.

"Student Tokisaki, if you have any difficulties, you can come to me at any time." At that time, Wuhe Shidao was thinking of letting her bring her younger sister into her home, but she always felt that if she said this to her own. The image will become very bad, but Wuhe Shidao can swear that when he thinks about this sentence, it is completely out of sympathy and distress. There is absolutely no other idea, absolutely nothing, absolutely... just that one. Lost it...

   "Well, if I have any difficulties, I will definitely find the Shidao Monarch." Lin Qingyin agreed casually. Although he said that there shouldn't be anything to help Wuhe Shidao, but the future things are still uncertain.

   "En." Wuhe Shidao nodded fiercely, feeling that he had finally come in handy.

   After half an hour, Wuhe Shido was almost resting, so he took Tokisaki Kuzou to the last destination of the day, the amusement park.

   From the perspective of objective facts, Lin Qingyin thinks this is unscientific. How can an amusement park be the last destination? This is the hotel.

   Of course, if Wuhe Shidao dared to say that the hotel was the last location, then Lin Qingyin would have to consider whether he was going to perform operations such as extermination of children and grandchildren.

   A qualified harem protagonist does not need to take actual actions, at most one kisses..........

Otherwise, let’s not talk about how to deal with the relationship between the major heroines. Just the relevant clips and information can make a big audience feel poisoned to varying degrees, unless the hero is so good that everyone willingly admits him. This can be done. Of course, it is very difficult to meet this requirement. The tastes of the audience are difficult to satisfy.



   On the side of the Flaxinas ship, Kotori watched dissatisfiedly as Shidao and Kuangsan were talking and laughing, and arranged to proceed to Tokazaki Kuangsan to find out.

"Kami Wuyue, you go to the house of Kuzumaki Tokizaki just now to take a look at the situation. Although we have known that she lives here, we must investigate the matter that she still has a younger sister. It took so long. We haven't received any relevant information. Maybe there is a big problem!"

   Muramame: Why do I have a familiar feeling...

   "Receive!" Although Kamimuzuki Kyohei was a little bit reluctant to have such a good (masochistic) opportunity today, he still had to follow the commander's order.

   So, Shen Wuyue relied on his secret identity and the power in his hands to successfully incarnate as a staff member of the Water Affairs Bureau, and even the certificate was prepared, and he went to the door to check the water meter.

   Then, he walked to the gate, and was stopped by a crowd of clones.

  Kamitsuki Kyohei (profusely sweating): Didn’t you say that my identity was concealed very well? Why these clones seem to be very familiar with their own appearance.

   "Well, I'm a staff member of the Water Affairs Bureau, here to check the water meter."

   "Seeing that we can still be so calm, are you so brave to check the water meter now?"

   "Hey, isn't this the trembling M, I personally delivered it to the door today?"

   "Let's talk, what are you doing here?"

   "Why do you still ask so much, it won't be enough to beat him up."

   "Isn't it cheaper for him?"

  Kamimatsuki Kyohei looked at a group of avatars around the corner, feeling a big problem, "No, how do you know me?"

   "Guess it." "Guess it."

"........." God Wuyue Gonghei had heard of this evil spirit, and now he was thinking about how to run away, although the commander and Muramare were very relieved. The way he came here, it seemed that there would be no life-threatening, but Shen Wuyue felt that this should be a crisis situation in which his life was at stake. "No, for the commander's beautiful flesh like a green fruit, I can't fall here!"

   took off his work clothes, Kamimuzuki Kyohei revealed a battle outfit inside, with an expression that looked like death at home.

   Kotori: "Lingyin, are you sure that Tokizaki Kakuzo will not kill you?"

   Lingyin: "Sure, didn't she say that she wanted to live a good life here and didn't want to mess around?"

  Qinri: "Very Then take this opportunity, just to take a good look at everyone, what kind of combat power the elves closest to us have."


   "Also, what will Tosaki Kuzou's house have? It makes her so defensive."

  Kamimuzuki Kyohei is here.

   "Tap, tap, oh oh."




   Lin Qingyin was sitting on the front of the roller coaster, looking at Wuhe Shidao, who had an unnatural expression on the side: This guy was obviously bold in his date with Qin, so why is he so scared now.

   "Shidao-jun, are you trembling?"

"No~No, I have an oh~~" Wuhe Shidao originally wanted to bring Tokizaki Kuzami to play with other small amusement equipment, but the other party said that he wanted to make a roller coaster, but he also thought about a roller coaster. What a big deal. , Although he had never done it before, but as a man, could he still be compared with a girl, so he brought Kakuzo Tokisaki over.

   But when I got in, I realized that sitting in the front of the car was such a terrifying thing.

  No, at this time, keep calm and calm. Don’t show a scared expression in front of Tokazaki Kakuzo. Don’t be afraid, you can’t be afraid, you can’t be afraid, Wuhe Shido!

   Unfortunately, the trembling body is still showing to the people next to him how nervous Wuhe Shidao is now.

   "It's going to begin, Lord Shidao." Lin Qingyin felt that the roller coaster was slowly starting, and looked at Wuhe Shidao's fearful look, and "kindly" reminded him.

"wait wait wait!"

   "Here comes, hahahaha~"


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