Thinking about the tragic ending of Tokizaki Kakuzo in the feature film, many people are very willing to see the situation where she and Wuhe Shido walk step by step.

Kazaki Kazaki approached Wuhe Shidao for the purpose of absorbing his time, and was forgotten in the daily life of the two gradually fermenting, just like Wuhe Shidao would watch with one hand and his face silently on the screen during class. Tokisaki Kakuzo's profile face attentively listening to the class didn't remember that he was still in class until he was named by Xiaozhu. Looking at that beautiful profile face, he could gradually forget everything.

At this moment, what Shixiang, what piano, and what mission to save the elves have long been thrown to the horizon by the audience. As long as they can seal Kazaki Tokazaki before all tragedies have occurred, even if they give up other elves, they are willing. .

   Everything came to fruition until the end of the first semester.

   The moment when the Tokazaki Kakusan ontology and the Five River Shido were dating, which did not appear in the feature film, has finally come, and the beautiful scene that everyone has been fantasizing in their minds seems to be about to come.

   It's a pity that at the end of the date, the scene where the tearful Wuhe Shido teaches how to date a girl with a girl broke everyone's heart.

   Especially Wuhe Shido secretly tells himself that after the next semester, he will meet all the requirements put forward by Kakuzo Tokizaki, and he will start dating her again, which has gradually caused many viewers to have a bad premonition.

"As long as you can do this next time, I will promise you." This kind of plot seems to be full of light in the future. Kazaki Kazaki almost explicitly told Wuhe Shido as long as you change it and invite me to date again, I will agree. You, but is there really another time?

   The plot is so smooth that the audience can't believe that Wuhe Shido can take the Tokazaki Kakuzo so easily.

What's more, everyone has noticed Tosaki Kakuzo’s apparently determined expression, as if the determination to cut everything and regain the gloom of the past almost didn’t say that she was going to let go of her relationship with Wuhe Shidao. Fate, chose to continue to be a brave man who sacrificed himself for the happiness of everyone.

Perhaps Wuhe Shidao can’t give Tosaki Kakusan everything that Kakusan wants. The fate of acquaintance and the desire to cut off the root of the pain have become irreconcilable contradictions. One is small righteousness and the other is great righteousness. No matter what, no perfection can be obtained. Happiness, it seems that Kakuzo Tosaki should live in flaws and pain.

   After a difficult decision, she finally chose to be a person who silently dedicated herself to reduce the pain.

  Probably, Tokisaki Kakuzo was destined not to be with Wuhe Shidao. He could not understand her true thoughts, and she could not achieve the best of both worlds.

  The soft teaching ended, Wuhe Shidao finally wiped away the tears, and left with the determination to keep every word in the three words of Tosaki Kuang in his mind forever.

   If the audience in front of the screen is allowed to replace Wuhe Shido at this time, I don't know how many people will choose to turn around desperately, taking advantage of Tosaki Kakuzo's idea to change her choice with action.

   Tokizaki Kakuzo’s current path is firmly unacceptable to the audience, and that path is undoubtedly a road to the fall of the eternal **** in the eyes of those who have seen the other ending.

   They couldn't see Tozaki Kyouzo's smile when his wish came true, and they couldn't imagine how persistent Tozaki Kumazo's heart was for that beautiful dream full of hatred.

As Tokisaki Kakuzo once again began to search for the origin spirit, everything was too late, once she really decided to let go of this fate, and then want her to regain it, it is almost as difficult as letting Wuhe Shidao give up and save the spirit—— There is almost no possibility.

   Can you only watch Tokazaki Kuang three times repeat the mistakes of the corpse flower?

   The audience did not believe that the story of Kuzō Tosaki would simply fail.

If it’s really that simple and they get to the same ending as in the previous story, then the disappointment in their hearts is estimated to be able to spray station B for a long time and can’t lift their heads, and by the way, the reputation of the little cute will also be greatly affected. Blow.

   Telling the same story with obviously different world lines will definitely be dissatisfied.

   The transfer came very quickly, and a group of avatars pushed towards the laboratory where Erya was held, and successfully rescued the all-knowing elves.

   Honjo Niya, as the pioneer who led the story of Kakuzo Tokisaki, what kind of identity does she play in the story?

  , it must be very important, the omniscient she can help Tokazaki Kuzou is immeasurable.

   At this time, Erya can't see the appearance of the person behind the scenes in the future. It is just a little naughty (older) girl who will be a little nervous in the face of a savior. In addition, it is a house that is beyond everyone's expectations.

   This is the first time the audience has seen someone who would forcibly pull his benefactor to play a game together in order to thank others.

The surprised and non-resisting look on Tokisaki Kuangsan’s face also showed her doesn't this person play cards according to the routine? Generally, this kind of time shouldn't be "a little girl has nothing to report." , Is it right?

   Tokisaki Kakuzo did not reject Erya in the end, which also allowed the audience to see a little bit different from the Five Rivers Shidao: Erya seemed to understand Tokisaki Kakuzo's thoughts.

   However, it is really weird to say that the all-knowing Erya can't understand Tokazaki Kakuzo.

  Maybe, Erya is the one who can really change Tokizaki Kuzumaki. The sincere smile on Tokizaki Kuzumō's face is the best proof.

When    was with Wuhe Shido, the audience couldn't tell whether Toshizaki Kakuzo was really smiling or whether he was holding a polite smile while pressing down on the depression in his heart.

   It seems that it is mostly the usual smile.

   Slowly, several more episodes passed.

The audience was surprised that Tokizaki Kyouzo and Honjo Niya could get together on the sacred path of turning, confirming that Tokizaki Kyouzo and Five Rivers Shido were impossible, but also discovered something that could be compatible with each other. The place where the positive film is connected.

Although it is heartbreaking that such a good resource is actually digested internally, it is necessary to know that a Tokazaki Kuangsan can greatly resolve the problem of the imbalance of male and female ratios in China today, but what makes the audience breathe a sigh of relief is that Tokazaki Kuangsan Three finally had a good home.

   There are many changes brought about by Erya. For example, Kakuzo Tokisaki is now able to look at his wishes with a greater perspective, and finally made a move that can explain some of the doubts in the final plot of the feature film.

   caught Shixiangduo origami, and then made some tricks on the two of them.

   The purpose of solving puzzles seems to have not changed, and everyone enjoys the excitement and pleasure of solving puzzles.


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