Transformed Into a Two-dimensional Beautiful Girl

Chapter 377: Other people's stories

In other words, Lin Qingyin remembers that she had completed a mission during the anniversary of Station B last time. The reward was a mysterious thing that she didn’t even know so far. He couldn’t even see a shadow and didn’t know. Where are the prizes for this mission?

   I only hope that the system will not be involved in the college entrance examination these few days, otherwise it would not be a good thing to delay the college entrance examination.

  Think about how my true identity was accidentally revealed in the future, and someone checked my academic qualifications and found out that I was a scumbag who had repeated the grade in the college entrance examination or simply didn't graduate from high school. That would be too embarrassing.

   The day before the college entrance examination, Lin Qingyin didn't seem to feel any sense of tension, and she still wrote casually as usual.

   As long as you maintain a normal mentality and steadily perform at the level you should have for the college entrance examination, there is nothing to panic.

Only Lin Qingyin has this kind of thinking. It is impossible for almost every normal student to be nervous before the college entrance examination, unless he is abandoning himself and feels completely indifferent to the "Buddha" elders or the family long ago. Only the "big guy" who arranges everything can do it.

   Lin Qingyin has experienced too much, the college entrance examination is not a big thing, it is really nothing.

Surprisingly, this guy Chen Xiuquan looked tired after going back every day a few days ago, but he went back to school anyway. However, this morning was almost over and no one was seen, and the class teacher just seemed not to care. The cover-up was very good, but in fact a little flustered and asked "Where did classmate Chen Xiuquan go?" Lin Qingyin clearly felt that something was really wrong.

Now, if there is a news that "Chen Xiuquan was hit by a car on the way to school the day before the college entrance examination because of something at home," Lin Qingyin can only say that it is true. Too bloody.

   However, if things are really like this, Lin Qingyin might help out. He can't face the unexpected and then say that there should be this kind of **** in the fate of others and just ignore it.

   I am not a Virgin, I will not waste my sympathy everywhere, but I will not look at such an excellent young man who regrets his life because of a small accident.

   Chen Xiuquan has done better than most people. If you don't help a good person, should you help those social worms? It must be wrong.



  Chen Xiuquan, a relatively unusual member of countless high school students across the country, he has no other advantages compared to others, just that he studies well.

   doesn't smoke or drinks, doesn't have any real close friends. Before entering high school, there were two buddies who were classmates from first grade to graduating from junior high. Unfortunately, he gradually became alienated because he didn't take the initiative to contact others.

In my memory, the young guys who were still young when they graduated from junior high school have cried several times when they learned that they would be separated from different schools in the future, and went out to eat and drink happily to keep the friendship for nine years. It was the first time in that life. In the case of deliberately getting drunk, make a promise to practice more even if you can't meet each other.

It's a pity that after several cold and lukewarm responses to the invitations of the other two people in order to take care of their own affairs, Chen Xiuquan and them never talked to each other anymore. They only talked back home during the New Year holiday because they were far away from home. I came across and said hello.

   It seems that everyone has their own business to be busy, and there is no time to chat with old friends and brag.

   In Chen Xiuquan’s cognition, it’s better to do something you want to do when you have time to chat and waste time. Even sitting in front of the computer and playing games for a while is an improvement.

   As a schoolmaster, he also likes games and anime, the kind he likes very much, but he can clearly remember what he should do and like games? Want to play? Like anime? Want to see? Let's talk about the top two in this monthly exam.

  Chen Xiuquan is a person with such a high level of self-discipline, but these changes only occurred after the next semester of high school.

When he was in the first year of high school, he was attracted by Lin Qingyin, the most beautiful girl in his class, like most boys in the class. There was no special reason at that time, just Simply because the other person is beautiful and fits the cognition of female beauty that I cultivated since childhood.

   It is human nature to yearn for beauty.

   Secretly, there have been many beautiful fantasies about this. If they can be described in detail and vividly, it may be a beautiful scroll-like story.

Using Chen Xiuquan’s own words to evaluate himself in the first semester of high school at that time, it was about this situation: I was the same as the Wuhe Shidao in the Dating Battle Fanwai. In the first semester, when I contacted Tokizaki Kuangsan, I thought foolishly The two can develop more stories in the second semester.

As an anime fan, I have only two monthly vacations every month. After the birth of the date battle, I will give priority to the updated chapters and then arrange the As for Say vacation homework? Xueba said that there is no need to panic at all, it is difficult for others to do a long-term problem, and it may be a short matter for him.

   High school tyrants have two supreme requirements in doing problems: speed! And how to master the problem to 1 plus 1 so that you can know the answer at a glance.

   This is why the quizzes are usually not so important. Many ordinary students will be dumbfounded to watch the prescribed two-hour test. The master can handle it in only half an hour and then hand in the papers and continue to do his own things.

   As for why Chen Xiuquan commented on himself in the first semester, it was also because of some things.

   If he hadn't escaped from the state of being a fan of the authorities, he would definitely not make such an evaluation of scolding himself as stupid.

  Family, for everyone, whether it is a growing child or an adult who has grown up to bear the burden, is a very important thing.

   This is especially true for young girls who are growing up.

   Unfortunately, after a month of winter vacation from the middle of high school, Chen Xiuquan's family changed.

   I don’t know why, the two parents started quarreling like crazy. He could only vaguely hear the words "money", "network", "man" and "woman".

   Chen Xiuquan, who has a wealth of experience in reading novels, can naturally guess some probabilities, but he can't think that plots that only appear in online news or novels will happen in his own family.

   Is the previous generation of people who have not experienced the impact of the information explosion on the Internet that hurt their minds? Or is there a factor of discord between the parents?

   Chen Xiuquan didn't know the reasons. Although the parents quarreled, they still cared a little bit about their children's feelings.

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