Friga’s magical projection slowly dissipated, leaving Loki with a loving look.

Loki had mixed feelings in his heart, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Outside the Immortal Palace, a residential area.

Because there was no way to take the “ether particles” for the time being, Thor took Han Luoyu to the garden of the Immortal Palace.

They strolled through the garden and chatted about interesting events that had happened recently. But most of them are Thor talking, and Han Luoyu is listening.

Han Luoyu was full of curiosity about the Nine Great Kingdoms and listened very seriously.

“You know what? Yalfheim is an elven kingdom. Portal said to Han Luoyu with his teeth dancing, “That elf is very beautiful, friendly, and powerful.

“And Nidaville, which is a forging sanctuary.” Thor raised his hammer and boasted to Han Luoyu, “My hammer, Myrnir, was made there.

Han Luoyu looked at the sparkling lake in the middle of the garden and said to Thor:

“I am actually a person who loves to travel, and I like to record the scenery and humanities along the way, and it is a good memory to see it later.”

She smiled, turned around, and leaned against the fence by the lake and said to Thor: “How about taking me around the Nine Kingdoms when you have time?”

“Of course.” Thor was naturally very happy, but when it came to the Nine Kingdoms, he remembered the “ether particles” in Han Luoyu’s body, and frowned, “However, we have to solve the ether particles in your body first.”

Han Luoyu felt the breeze in his ears, and his mood was indescribably comfortable, and said to Thor: “It’s okay, it’s not urgent.”

“I see!” Thor suddenly thought of something and said to Han Luoyu, “The Nine Kingdoms revolve around the World Tree.

He made a spinning motion with his right hand and said to Han Luoyu: “It’s like the earth revolving around the sun.”

“Every five thousand years, these kingdoms are aligned in a straight line, which we call the convergence of celestial bodies.”

Thor put the two palms together, and continued: “During this period, the boundaries between the kingdoms will become blurred, and the etheric particles on your body may be what Jane found such a blurred point and accidentally got it.

Although Han Luoyu knew the plot, he was still in awe of the wonders of the universe, and couldn’t help muttering: “It’s really magical.”

At the mention of Jane, Thor’s heart couldn’t hold back again, and he immediately said to Han Luoyu: “I’m going to Midgard to see Jane, and I’ll come back to you later.”

Han Luoyu glanced at Thor, showed a smile that a man understood, and raised his eyebrows: “Go!” Thor

flicked Myrnir and soared into the sky, heading towards the end of the Rainbow Bridge.

Han Luoyu secretly shook his head, looked at Thor’s distant back, and muttered, “It turns out that Thor, this stupid big man, can also get on the brain.”

At this moment, a female voice suddenly came from Han Luoyu’s side: “Aren’t all men like this?”

Han Luoyu turned his head to look at the woman beside him, that dignified and elegant dress, mature and stable but not losing her beautiful appearance, who is not the queen of gods, Friga?

Although Han Luoyu recognized Friga, he could only greet her as if they had met for the first time: “Are you…”

Frigga smiled and said: “My name is Friga, and I am Thor’s mother.”

“Hello.” Han Luoyu pretended to be surprised and bowed slightly to Friga.

“You don’t have to be so restrained.” Frigga waved her hand, “You are Thor’s friend, that is, my friend, just call me aunt.”

Han Luoyu nodded and immediately changed his words: “Aunt!

Frigga was very satisfied and said to Han Luoyu: “You are a smart child, how good it would be if my two sons could have you so worry-free.”


Luoyu was speechless for a while, and secretly said: “Why do you parents have the smell of a matchmaker when you open and close?”

Inside Senggu Prison.

In a certain cell, a war criminal wearing a beast bone mask who had been watched by Heimdall for a long time suddenly tore open the wound in his abdomen, took out a diamond-shaped container the size of a walnut, and crushed it with gritted teeth.

In an instant, a stream of scarlet energy drilled into the body of the war criminal, causing his body to instantly become like burning black charcoal, becoming a black and red color.

He was twitching, apparently in great pain.

When the people in the same cell saw the hideous appearance of the war criminal, they kept slapping the light mask in fright, trying to attract the guards of the Immortal Palace and subdue him.

As if he could no longer bear the pain, the war criminal roared in pain, clenched his fists, and hammered the ground furiously.


The roar was like thunder, echoing in the prison, and immediately alarmed the two Immortal Palace guards who were patrolling.

But when the Immortal Palace guards arrived, the war criminal had already broken the prison light mask with a punch and walked out.

Seeing the war criminals fleeing their cells, the guards of the Immortal Palace immediately turned their swords at them.

An Immortal Palace guard swung a sword at the shoulder of the war criminal, only to hear the sound, and the long sword was directly stuck on the shoulder of the war criminal.

As if he could not feel pain, the war criminal grabbed the Immortal Palace guard by the neck and lifted him up.

Another Immortal Palace guard, seeing that his companion was defeated, stepped forward and stabbed his sword into the heart of the war criminal.

However, before the blade reached the skin of the war criminal, he was punched to the ground by the war criminal.

Before the guards of the Immortal Palace could react, they had already followed in the footsteps of their companions and were held up by the neck of the war criminals.

The two Immortal Palace guards struggled desperately, and the hands of the war criminals gradually turned red, slowly choking off the necks of the two Immortal Palace guards and throwing them to the ground.


He snorted coldly, raised his hand to knock off the long sword stuck in his shoulder, and walked towards the cell on the side.

Loki lay on his back on the cot that Frigga had bought for him, tossed the glass in the air, reached out to catch it, threw it into the air, reached out again to catch it, and so on.

Yes! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, he seemed to hear something moving, stopped the movement in his hand, and pricked up his ears.

It was the chaotic voice he knew best!

He put the water cup on the table next to him, rolled over, and walked to the prison’s light mask.

Outside the prison light mask, the war criminals broke the light mask of the adjacent cell, releasing all the prisoners in the left and right cells.

He led the prisoners to the exit, and as he passed Loki’s cell, he stopped and looked at Loki in the cell.

He looked at Loki, and Loki looked at him as well.

A moment later, the war criminal exhaled disdainfully, turned his head and walked towards the exit of the prison.

Loki looked at the back of the war criminal, and the ghost sent out a sentence: “Take the stairs on the left.”

The war criminal paused slightly, looked back at Loki, then turned and walked towards the stairs to the left.

In the cloister, Han Luoyu and Frigga were talking and laughing, and suddenly ran past several Immortal Palace guards in a hurry.

Han Luoyu activated his super hearing, clearly heard the impact of the weapon, couldn’t help frowning, pointed to the source of the sound, and asked Friga: “Where does that direction lead?”

Frigga said without changing her face, “It’s a prison.” Han

Luoyu’s body surged with a surge, and the venom-supergirl suit was instantly online, ready for battle.

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