Traveling at the same time, creating the door of truth

Chapter 113: Calm and calm, gray fog gathers again

"Madam Queen, these are the books I have read during this time."

After Little Sun finished speaking, he filled several pieces of parchment with text.

"what do you need?"

"I would like to ask you to help investigate the recorded history of the Second Era."

Compare the records of different worlds, and then infer the results through the differences.

Of course, this was not what Little Sun thought of, but the chief of Silver City.

After Little Sun obtained all the potion formulas from Sequence Nine to Sequence Five of the Sun Sequence given by Medea, he prevented himself from dying due to hunting and causing the City of Silver to lose these potion formulas, so he chose to donate the potion. formula.

Therefore, Little Sun came into contact with the elders and chiefs of the Silver City, and he knew "what he should do to save the Silver City."

"This is difficult." Mitya said bluntly.

"The history of the Second Era requires me to find those angel families from the Four Emperors era. Only these angel families can record the correct history."

Angel family...what is it again?

Klein felt like his head was buzzing.

Could it be that ancestors, no, there are angels in these families now?

"I..." Little Sun was a little at a loss. He wanted to tell the rewards that the chief could offer, those powerful sealed objects.

But in front of the four characters of the Angel Family, everything is so pale.

Ordinary sealed artifacts and the angel family...are not equivalent at all.

"Perhaps you can think of our City Lord of Silver City and ask him what he can offer."


After leaving Source Castle, Medea rubbed her eyes.

"This time around, there isn't much valuable content in the Origin Castle."

Calculating carefully, Miss Justice Audrey is understanding why nobles rarely choose to become extraordinary; The Hanged Man Ajer is on the sea, and the sea is not peaceful; Little Sun is meeting the chief of Silver City, relying on Origin Castle thousands of miles away Making trades… These trivial matters don’t come with big twists and turns.

“It’s a bit of a surprise that Klein became the Sequence 8 clown.”

Shaking her head, Medea glanced at the girl with red eyes and white hair who was studying the "chessboard" on the side.

The fallen mother goddess is now thinking of blessing and giving spiritual gifts to Tingen City.

Well, everything works fine, no issues.

"Amon didn't do any big work?" Medea asked like Bo Shizun on the back of her hand.

The next second, Bo Shizun conveyed the relevant picture of Amon's end and assisting Forsi.

"Is this a cosplay of Odin?" Medea couldn't help but think of it.

He is blind in his right eye, has a crow on his shoulder, and also masters the magic spear (the art of the magic spear of the door)...

Are you tampering with Odin? !

"But fortunately, everything is still under control now." After thinking for a long time, Medea leaned on the sofa and pinched the "bubble paper" formed by the fog emitted by the City of Disaster.

The experiment in Tingen City went very smoothly, and all the investors who joined temporarily were very satisfied...

Not long after, the world in front of him was shrouded in gray fog.

Following the starlight, Medea walked to the meeting place of several Bai Mo.

Still in the same place, several Bai Mo are acquaintances, but the newcomers have not been seen.

"Long time no see, guys." Xingtie Baimo breathed.

"You seem to be overindulging in sexual activities." Naruto Baimo made a quick assessment and came to a conclusion.

"Kidney deficiency? How could I have kidney deficiency! I'm suing you for defamation!

Don’t think that because you are all from other universes, you can spread rumors at will! "

You slander me!

Um... several Bai Mo nodded in agreement and expressed their approval.

"Okay, tell me about the situation here." Mitya looked at Dragon Clan Baimo.

"I have thoroughly studied the spiritual materialization and information solidification energy conversion technology that you have been thinking about."

"Really!" Dragon Clan Baimo's face lit up.

If he can really achieve spiritual materialization, and can transform information, energy, and matter at will like the third method, just like virtual reality, then he will truly grasp the cornerstone of the way of a saint!

"The underlying systems of the two universes are different. I have an extraordinary concept here, which initially evolves everything. Spirituality is everywhere. You need to make some local modifications."

"I know, elements, dragon science, I will understand." Dragon Bai Mo's eyes were calm.

“All I need is inspiration.”

As he embarks on the path of a saint and continues to advance, it is already difficult to describe him with the concept of human beings.

"By the way, this is my experimental manuscript.

[Logical self-analysis of the concepts of Star God’s destiny and envoys, belief in gods and spiritual derivation...Seventh edition]

Do you have any suggestions? "

"Destiny, Star God? Could it be that those gods became Star Gods in the past?" Xingtie Baimo seemed to have thought of something interesting.

This kind of fun is so fucking fun!

Cosplay, or an adaptation and a second release, the concept of the star god from another world appears in the mysterious universe structure, it is really awesome.

"It's a very valuable manuscript. I want to buy 'it'. My boss would be very happy to see it."

After finishing talking to himself, Xingtie Baimo looked at Medea and asked, "What do you need?"

"What do you need? Well, let me think about it.

The history of the Star God, the history of the universe, the history of civilization, more and more historical data, I need enough history. "

"Okay, it's very simple." Xingtie Baimo stretched out his palm.

The two then completed the deal.

Seeing the two of them completing the deal, Conan coughed softly.

"Ahem, regarding ritual magic, can I apply for a trade?"

"Invest?" Medea looked at Conan Baimo.

"Yes." Conan Baimo waved his hand, showing a helpless expression.

Compared to the other Baimo who are growing rapidly, Conan Baimo who is learning magic is the one who has changed the least.

It can be said that there is almost no change between him and the original self. There are only a few magic apprentices who have arrived from the magic learning catalog to parallel imports.

It’s almost a breakthrough from the half-step Dzogchen state in kindergarten to the early stage of first grade in elementary school.

"Learning magic is too difficult." Thinking of this, Conan Baimo really regretted his original stupid behavior.

I offered Hong Zi's fragrant thighs, and then... I want to be invincible in the world, I want to be invincible at the same level, I want to learn all the magic systems, what are just five or ten systems? Fellow practitioners, come here and see all the "magic" of my fellow practitioners in ancient and modern times. 』! Take the world by storm!

——Classical magic, classical alchemy, red magic, modern magic, secret magic, arcane magic, ancient arcane magic, druid magic, divine magic...

Then... Conan's foaming stopped.

He has an invincible foundation, the most solid foundation, and his growth rate is extremely fast.

"Yes, you have no problem investing. The changes in Conan's world are worthy of my investment." Mitya nodded.

This is a business that is sure to make money without losing money. With just a little investment of knowledge, you can reap the changes in another universe and the collision between multiple ideas. No matter what the result is, Mitya will always make more money and make more money. What a difference.

"How about now, how about everyone's progress?" As the proposer, Xingtie Baimo took the lead in introducing himself.

"If you don't show any talent, the Star God of Joy will sit down as the first envoy, Aha's favorite fun person.

The most beloved girl's dream lover in the universe, the kingly protagonist of the harem drama, the man with a seductive and fertile front! "

At the end, Xingtie Baimo clearly had an "invincible" demeanor.

"The mastermind behind Tingen City, the revitalized body of the City of Disaster, the Evil God Vortex of Destruction." Medea patted the non-existent dust on her dress.

Little brother, it's your turn.

"Saint, Pseudo Alaya Consciousness, Pan-Earth Star Gaia Consciousness... Infancy." Dragon Clan Baimo's eyes were as calm as water.

Hokage Bai Mo laughed at himself in embarrassment: "I'm just an ordinary new noble."

"Usually those who say this are the big guys."

"Am I still the boss?" Naruto Baimo pointed at the people in front of him.

Which one of them is not invincible?

"Everyone, where is this?"

Add a little bit of the rest of the plot of Baimo World to make it more interesting

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