Traveling at the same time, creating the door of truth

Chapter 159 Entering Yang Tomb, the past is the future

"Ahem, let's go explore together..."

"Sorry Ye Zi." Pangbo scratched the back of his head, and then said: "It should only be accessible to you."

"According to Lord Qing Emperor's principles, only you, the emperor's son, can enter." Lao Jiao spoke and described.

They also wanted to go in, but reason told them that the so-called great demon and powerful cultivation were so vulnerable when facing the Qingdi Yang Tomb here.

"Okay, in that case, let me enter alone."

Ye Fan waved his sleeves, a gust of wind rustled and the water became cold, and the back of the warrior was gone and never returned.

While walking, Ye Fan communicated with the system in his heart.

"System, what level is that scripture?"

Bai Mo followed him, his hidden figure like a ghost, analyzing and answering from a systematic perspective.

[...According to inference, it was written by "immortal\

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