"Recall, is the time normal?"

"Think about it, is the Jida Holy Land you saw abnormal?"

"Think carefully about language, culture, and the order of this world. Are there any abnormalities?"

...Every question is like a sharp blade, piercing through the numerous bugs that exist in this realistic drama.

Compared with gentle and attractive lies, the truth is a sharp knife that kills people without blood. It cruelly tells you how...crazy the so-called truth is.

The operation of Beidou is based on a simple principle.

In other words, it's nothing but normal.

Why is the time 24 hours, day and night the same as when Ye Fan stayed on earth?

The movement of the stars, or the changes in day and night according to the four seasons, why are they like this!

Since this planet is so huge, according to the laws of physics (the mortals Ye Fan met prove the existence of physical laws), the changes in the sun and moon caused by the planet's revolution cycle will not be absolutely the same.

Change will be the inevitable result!

"Introduce yourself, the subspace suppressed by the Qing Emperor, the Chaos Lord." As Bai Mo introduced himself, the corresponding avatar in the other world showed new changes.

Cutting off this chaotic memory, Bai Mo hung down the withered branch and looked at Yan Ruyu with the dense eyeballs like dragon eyes that appeared on it.

Yan Ruyu lowered her head, clenching her fingers with a cold look in her eyes.

Heart broken? Yes a little bit.

When everything in your life is just a joke and everything in reality is a script, boundless anger will arise in anyone's heart!

This is the anger of a person locked in an iron house waiting to suffocate to death against outsiders who woke him up.

If you don't wake me up, then I don't have to face the bloody reality!

I can completely enjoy my own happiness in dreams!

Ostrichism works, doesn’t it?

As long as you make good use of ostrichism, bury your head in the sand, and selectively ignore these problems one by one, then there will be no problem.

As long as I can't see it, it doesn't exist.

Anyway, if you lived like this before, what does it matter if you live like this in the future?

As long as I ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist, then the problems it causes have nothing to do with me...

"Long story short, you're destined to be king!"

"Become a king?" Yan Ruyu understood Bai Mo's words, but because of this she felt very confused.

The king here refers to naturally not an ordinary human emperor, but a king who truly unifies the universe and reorders it.

A monk of this level can only be an emperor.

"Yes, you become king."

Yan Ruyu was silent, and after a long time she asked: "Why me?"

She does not think that she is so unique, or that she is qualified to be considered the emperor who unifies the order of the universe.

Genius? Invincible young man? One of the most proud men in the Eastern Wasteland.

When facing Ye Fan, a living young emperor, Yan Ruyu couldn't bear the thought of confronting him in her heart.

In the realm of suffering, the combat power is so exaggerated that it can defeat the so-called great religion. The normalized strength is comparable to the great power. With the Immortal Sutra running, it is not a problem for Ye Fan to rebel against the king.

How strong Ye Fan is, in Yan Ruyu's eyes, Ye Fan is a Super Saiyan who can explode at any time.

With this kind of monster appearing in front of them, how many people think that they can compete with him for the position of emperor?

Bai Mo shook his head, and based on common sense, he speculated that Yan Ruyu was indeed not qualified to compete with this version of Ye Fan for the title of emperor.

But the reality is so unreasonable. Yan Ruyu's identity allows her to truly become the king.

"If you know the truth of reality, what will you do? Ignore it, live with peace of mind, or do you want to change?

No matter what you do, when you know all this, you will eventually reach the position of king. "

This is a conspiracy with no solution.

Yan Ruyu knows the "truth", ignores it, forgets it, or makes a choice. No matter how she does it, when she sees that the world is turbid and dark, the power of subspace is everywhere, reality is just a cage, she is destined to go to " Change".

Because she doesn’t want her relatives to be like this, because she wants to realize her own desires, because she has a direction to move forward, because of many, many reasons... Therefore, because of desires and emotions, she will move towards this step by step because of desires and emotions. Go in the direction until death.

"You will be the king and bring about change."

The mastermind behind the scenes is following the trend.

After the subspace envelopes the universe because of Ye Fan's belief, the protagonist will pierce the darkness and save all living beings in the dire straits of the universe.

The general trend has destined this battle between good and evil. Under the general trend, the king will eventually be born.

In Bai Mo's opinion, this is a very complete script. As a villain, he happens to be a key role in it.

Each is pushed forward, fighting for the sentient beings who represent their respective positions, the struggle between the protagonist and the supporting character, the bloody battle between the subspace and the universe.

Everyone thinks they are right and is practicing their rightness, so they fight each other. This will be a bloody battle between brave men and brave men.

"So, the king is a dead man, right?"

Yan Ruyu’s summary is incisive.

Dead man, prepare to do this kind of thing, become the king and save the world, this is to take the road of becoming the enemy of the whole world.

On this road, there are no relatives or friends, and almost no one will recognize you as an "outsider" who wakes them up.

Walking on this road, you will make enemies of too many monks.

Bai Mo said calmly: "You have no choice."

"No, I can choose to give up." Yan Ruyu retorted: "As long as I don't care, then I will naturally..."

"Are you really going to give up? Are you willing to accept the arrangements of fate and follow the gods of subspace like a puppet on a string and act according to their will?"

"Are you really willing to accept all this? Marriage, life, practice, and your whole life, all are left to others, and you are willing to become a machine..."

Listening to Bai Mo's mocking words, Yan Ruyu reached out and patted the void in front of him. The next moment, the jade mirror emitted strong light, the green lotus swayed, and the Demon Emperor's Nine Slashes fell on him.

Yan Ruyu proved her idea with practical actions.

"Everything you said is right...

But, I refuse.

I don't believe you, monster of the warp, get lost. "

"Oh, I hope you will change your mind next time we meet."

Bai Mo let out a mocking laugh, and then disappeared without a trace in this blow.

"Princess!" Within a few breaths, several great demons arrived, and they felt Yan Ruyu's reminder.

"What happened?"

Ye Fan, who arrived late, asked: "Why did a war break out here? Did anyone attack you?"

It can be seen from the traces at the scene that Yan Ruyu was really the kind of person who would kill someone, a blow that unleashed all his strength.

Yan Ruyu shook her head, she was about to say something.

A big demon spoke: "Princess, why don't you ask the young master to accompany you to prevent another sneak attack?"

"Yes, it just so happens that you, princess, and the young master are both talented and beautiful..."

"I have something to leave." Yan Ruyu didn't wait for these big demons to continue talking, and she left calmly.

Bai Mo's words still have some influence after all, and Yan Ruyu's favorability towards Ye Fan is naturally negative now.

"What's wrong with her?" Ye Fan asked doubtfully.

But unfortunately, the big demons here don't know the reason.

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