Traveling at the same time, creating the door of truth

Chapter 181 Yan Kingdom, see the common people

"As the Emperor of Heaven, I should suppress the enemies of the world!"

Ye Fan was wearing a divine garment that seemed to be made of golden light, with a blooming green lotus at his feet. He put his hands behind his back and looked at everything in front of him calmly, like a god looking down at the world.

As the protagonist, after witnessing the decay and plague of this world, the so-called cultivation method, all wars, conflicts, contradictions in reality, and the killing between monks, the first disaster at the root of the universe, the poison of absolute fighting spirit After the aftermath, Ye Fan had an idea.

——Holding the sky with one hand!

"System, what will be the outcome of the salvation? How many people will die?"

[Host, cannot be calculated]

How many people will die, and how many monks should die to completely kill the old monks and those with vested interests?

The answer is unknown.

Culture, at its simplest, is just two words, but it contains a very complex abstract system.

The text reading we are used to, the so-called thoughts contained in the words in reading and reading newspapers, what the words spoken by others actually mean... these are all culture.

Culture is abstract. The culture formed in Donghuang, Beidou, and the Universe has formed a concept in these millions of years-cultivation. As long as your cultivation is strong enough, you will be omnipotent and have no taboos.

No one will care about what you want to do, and no one will say whether what you do is right or wrong. You can do everything you want to do within your own life without restraint.

There is a concept in classical cultivation literature: the way of heaven transcends tribulations, and there are tribulations in practice, such as human tribulations, Taoist tribulations, and inner demon tribulations... These are like a law. Under the laws of heaven, they restrict the monks' personal behavior and allow the monks to Being able to live with mortals.

Although in this case, the monks are still the so-called ruling class, mortals don't have to worry about a monk coming out from time to time, trying to kill them, and taking a city of mortals to refine medicine and elixirs.

"The monks long for a rotten world. In their eyes, this is a beautiful future." Ye Fan sighed and clenched his fists.

Feeling inexplicably emotional, Ye Fan took a step forward, and his figure gradually disappeared into the sky.

"Is this asking for Jedi Heavenly Power?" Bai Mo narrowed his eyes and followed Ye Fan calmly.

The Yan Kingdom is backed by the Lingxu Cave. It can be said that the Yan Kingdom belongs to the kind of country where the princes and nobles are all monks, and ordinary people belong to the standard cultivation world of the courtiers.

This country is the same as other countries in the Eastern Wasteland. Except for the national master who is a monk, the rest are ordinary people.

Ye Fan walked on the street like a young man on an outing. As he walked, he listened to the scattered news here.

Of course, since he restrained his aura, no one could find traces of Mark himself.

At this time, Ye Fan was like a ghost, wandering on the streets, only the breeze stirred up by his movements from time to time.

"Selling steamed buns!"

"Shopkeeper, give me a handy weapon!"

"Longmen Escort Bureau is running orders today, please support me."

...On both sides of the street, the noise of vendors selling goods made Ye Fan feel a little out of place.

The hustle and bustle of the world, and this ancient-style phenomenon like a TV series made Ye Fan both familiar and unfamiliar.

Being a stranger in a foreign land, I miss my family even more during the festive season.

A very simple poem, but it covers the longing for home. Now Ye Fan has a new understanding of this ancient poem.

Scanning the surroundings with his spiritual consciousness, Ye Fan looked at the lives of these ordinary people. The things for sale on the stalls were exactly the same as those in ancient times on earth.

"These things seem to have never changed." Ye Fan found a corner at random, holding his chin in his hands and thinking.

The ordinary shops here are very similar to those in my memory.

"Get out of the way!" On the road, a girl in red was riding a sweaty horse.

Fresh clothes, angry horses, graceful appearance.

The bloody horse screamed and rushed all the way, overturning dozens of fruit and vegetable stalls, and then sped away.

Passers-by on the street all hid on both sides, and then watched the girl ride away.

"..." Frowning slightly, Mark knew her identity at a glance.

Princess Yan, Yan Wuxia, is an ordinary person.

In the Zhetian series, it seems that there are many practitioners. In the later period, there was the famous phenomenon that the saints are inferior to dogs and the saint kings are everywhere.

Ignoring the issue of combat power expansion, it seems that there are many monks, countless in number, but in fact the number of monks is very small.

On average, there may not be even one monk on a planet. The reason why there are so many Beidou is entirely due to historical factors here.

"No cultivation." Ye Fan scanned with his consciousness and quickly recorded all her information in his heart.

Yan Wuxia, the twenty-seventh princess born in the Yan Kingdom, is the youngest child of King Yan in his old age.

She has no cultivation and her qualifications are mediocre.

Ye Fan shook his head and randomly found a stall to sit down.

"What's the latest news from Yan State?" Although Ye Fan already knew most of the things through his spiritual consciousness, there were still some things that he had to ask.

When the busy boy heard Ye Fan's inquiry, the first thing he looked at was Ye Fan's clothes to determine his identity.

To be able to survive in this kind of environment without being beaten to death by those monks who pretended to be pigs and eat tigers, the young man knew one thing well - don't cause trouble.

Even if a beggar comes to your door, you must treat the guest with respect and respect, and do not ridicule him at all. After all, how can you guarantee that the "beggar" is not a monk who deliberately dressed like this?

In a country like Yan where practitioners actually exist, you have no idea whether those immortal masters are just ordinary passers-by, or so-called beggars or lunatics.

"Senior." The young man saluted Ye Fan respectfully.

Well, for Ye Fan who seemed to be an "immortal master" at first glance, if he neglected or made the immortal master dissatisfied, he would probably be slapped to death by the immortal master.

"Tell me about the changes in Yan State."

"Yes." The waiter brought a stack of tea and spoke.

"Recently, there was a war between immortals and masters in Yan State, and the great city has been destroyed."

"Not only that, but also..."

The place where the boy reported was not elsewhere, but the location of Ye Fan's experiment.

Because Ye Fan gave power to the oppressor, the battle between immortal masters appeared.

"Besides that, what else is there?" Ye Fan's face was dull.

He already knew this information.

The young man nodded quickly, and then said with a respectful smile: "The national master of Yan Kingdom has changed his immortal master for some reason."

"Replace...tell me carefully."

"The thing is like this. In the Yan Kingdom, the national master is said to come from the Immortal Family Cave Heaven. This has been the case for nearly a thousand years. In recent times, the immortal master has been..."

Blah blah blah, the boy used about 90% nonsense and very little valuable content to tell the relevant gossip about the national master.

After Ye Fan asked these questions, he felt slightly moved.

The rebels who were created casually took over the position of the immortal master who oppressed them, and this was a cycle.

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