Traveling at the same time, creating the door of truth

Chapter 202 A dragon teacher in a sense

"...Rewards and punishments are really clear." Xia Mi sighed.

The answer China gave to her, a high-risk factor like Lu Mingfei, was to deal with her according to law.

What kind of law was broken, what kind of punishment was received, other than that, nothing else.

"Of course, because this is the law." Bai Mo reached out to close the papers and handed them to Xia Mi.


With his mouth bulging, Xia Mi flipped through the contents.

This is the admission notice from Lobotomy College. It is a very detailed acceptance of this college.

From the beginning to the location of the college and the positioning of the college, it is written very clearly. It can be said that you can know what the college is through the text.

Different from ordinary schools, or Kassel College, the position of this college is simply to provide ideological education to mixed races.

Xia Mi was a little confused when he saw these things for the first time.

What is ideological education?

I know every word, but when connected together, I find it very strange.

However, after reading it carefully, Xia Mi had to admit that it was indeed how it should be.

China is different from foreign countries. Look at the way Kassel Academy handles it.

The students of Kassel College found traces of dragons, so they flew fighter jets into the airspace of other countries, and then missiles bombed and killed the dragons. This was considered normal.

Abnormal ones, such as the private soldiers under the Secret Party. If you talk to them about legal protection, are they performing in a circus?

Taking these factors into consideration, the ideological education of mixed races is urgent.

"Okay, get ready to leave for school. You are the only one responsible for me."

After Bai Mo finished speaking, he reached out and patted Xia Mi on the shoulder.

Xia Mi clenched his fists, thought about his situation, and decided to follow Bai Mo's footsteps with the admission notice...

The coordinates of Lobe Academy are mysterious. They are not in a special area positioned by the software. There is a soldier's handle nearby.

During the construction of the college, the relevant staff took into account the special speech and physical qualities of the mixed race, so the college is currently short of manpower.

If the manpower arranged cannot match the mixed race, then it will be difficult to control.

"I'm actually a teacher!" Bai Mo sat on the chair with mixed emotions.

What should I say? A biogenetics researcher went to archeological records of the dragon race, and was then assigned to enter the Lobotomy College to give ideological education courses to hybrids.

This is really a reality that only happens when you are drunk.

Bai Mo shook his head and took out his student files from years ago.

The first person to bear the brunt was Xia Mi.

In her headshot, she looks like a "monster", and her appearance without makeup is as good as any mixed-race beautiful girl.

However, the appearance of mixed-race people is generally good-looking men and beautiful women, so there is no phenomenon of lack of good looks.

Bai Mo looked at it briefly and saw that the introduction column was the same as Xia Mi's record at Kassel College. He had a Beijing household registration and was a serious and authentic native of the capital.

"I don't pay much attention to the rest. What's going on with this 'the description may be biased'?"

Your standard is really heartbreaking.

Bai Mo put down Xia Mi's file, picked up the other student files, and looked through them one by one.

Students who enter Lobe Academy have one thing in common - they have broken the law and are being punished by the law.

Because of the misunderstanding brought about by the awakening of his own bloodline, he believed that he was a "patriot", "superman" and "the only immortal cultivator". He looked like he was invincible and awesome and treated the law as child's play.

Of course, these people have also undergone several rounds of review, and most of them are below the death penalty level, within the range of indefinite or fixed term.

Some people joined Kassel Academy, where they learned how to fly a bomber with one hand to blast the Dragon Tomb. As a result, they assembled high-energy bombs in their hometown and carried firearms with them.

Some people set up a cult, use their superpowers to defraud people, illegally raise funds, and commit fraud.

Others took the initiative to join it, perhaps influenced by the novels in which people with superpowers can enjoy the status of a superior and omnipotent person by joining the motherland, and they think that Iron Fist must make concessions for themselves.

After reading these files, Bai Mo had the idea to check the criminal files of famous criminals in Gotham City.

"It's time to go to class." Bai Mo checked the time, picked up the professionally compiled book, and left with the thermos cup.

In the class, the noise was soaring.

Hybrids are a very energetic and energetic group. While they are outstanding in all aspects, they also have the character of dragons fighting and comparing.

Although they may be able to control their thoughts, in general and daily habits, half-breeds and half-breeds will be like wild beasts, competing to determine who is the boss.

Now, this is what is happening.

Chen Motong put one foot on the podium, put his hands in his pockets, and said unceremoniously: "I am the squad leader, whoever agrees and who opposes."

Even if the mixed race is forced to receive ideological education in the Lobe Academy, the passion for fighting is still uncontrollable.

"...Ahem." Bai Mo reached out and knocked on the classroom door, looking at Chen Motong in front of him.

What a coincidence.

The voices in the class fell silent. Chen Motong stood up awkwardly, patted the dust on the podium, and then sat down on his chair numbly.

The deskmate beside her was an old acquaintance - Su Qian. She glanced at Bai Mo, looked at Chen Motong, and whispered.

"Are you so tough?"

"I'm very happy and want to vent." Chen Motong crossed her legs, rubbed her cheeks with both hands, took out a wine-filled chocolate, and chewed it.

"Vent, what's going on?" Susie asked worriedly, what happened?

Chen Motong shook his head, then took out his ID card, put it on his fingertips and turned it around.

"Just think that I ran out of the cell and escaped from prison."

"It feels like your personality has changed a lot, and it's a bit strange."

"I feel like I'm fine. I don't have to worry about messy things. I can let myself go as I please and do whatever I want."

She has an unfamiliar personality, but Chen Motong feels very comfortable. This is her true self - an out-and-out little witch.

In the past, even if she left the family and never returned, she could still feel that she was tightly bound by ubiquitous threads, like a puppet on a stage, involuntarily controlled by the Chen family.

Now, as the country cleans up the Chen family, a huge family with multiple powers, Chen Motong breaks out of his cocoon and takes a breath.

"Don't worry about Kassel College, don't worry about the group of immortals who have always existed, life is happy and free!"

Free and cool!

"That's it, as long as you're fine..." Susie wanted to say something else, but she stopped chatting when she saw Bai Mo walking towards them.

"Hello, teacher." Chen Motong ignored what happened a few minutes ago and said hello to Bai Mo.

"Are you free to go racing together? I heard that a new highway specifically for motorcycle racing is going to be built nearby."

"Just don't cause trouble for me." Bai Mo replied directly due to the influence of his first meeting and his identity.

Chen Motong whistled nonchalantly.

Well, without the restraints of the Chen family and so on, she now wants to be a husky in full condition, looking full of energy.

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