Traveling at the same time, creating the door of truth

Chapter 250 Preparations for the Qin Emperor’s Mausoleum

"Operation Guixu in the South China Sea." Bai Mo turned his pen.

While the Fourteenth Man was being repeated in Shilan City, the related projects of Nanhai Guixu had already been carried out.

The person leading the team was none other than Su Xiaoqiang.

Shaking his head, Bai Mo was not worried that she would encounter an accident. Some of his backhands were on Su Xiaoqiang. If an accident happened, the possibility was too low and could be ignored.

Bai Mo put down the pen and paper in his hand and began to think about the current situation.

As a good Lobotomy Academy teacher, you need to deal with students' situations.

"Chen Motong and Xia Mi, it is probably impossible for the two of them to achieve the friendship they once had."

"The accumulated conflicts between hybrids and dragons, as well as the things that are being promoted now, are difficult."

Raising his hands to rub his temples, Bai Mo felt extremely difficult.

Due to the training of the Secret Party and the experience accumulated over the past few hundred years, many hybrid species are basically unable to urinate in the same pot as humans.

Even Bai Mo himself has no absolute solution to the conflict between the two. He can only try to choose the best way to integrate the mixed-race group into his own national order in a reasonable, safe, secure and perfect way.

"Dong dong..."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Bai Mo picked up the water glass, unscrewed the lid, and took a sip.

The person who came to find Bai Mo was none other than Su Qian.

"I know what you want to ask." Bai Mo glanced at her and saw her thoughts directly.

In Su Qian's mind, the differences and contradictions between Chen Motong and Xia Mi were too obvious.

As a good friend or bestie of the two of them, she was worried about whether things would get worse if this continued, and wanted to solve this problem.

"Actually, as outsiders, it's not easy for us to get involved in this matter."

"Outsiders." Susie didn't ask what it was.

She is not one of those people who "brainlessly delve into things" and think "I know it for your own good" or "I am trying to help you".

Susie knows very well that when a friend is depressed due to some problems, if you investigate deeply, the problem can easily turn into a conflict between you and your friend.

In this situation, in the eyes of your friends, you are like someone who is poking at her heartache with a needle.

There is an old saying that goes well - if you don’t understand, don’t speak.

In the conflict between Chen Motong and Xia Mi, Su Qian chose to be tolerant and bear the storm like the sea.

She understands a truth very well - sometimes, you don't want to understand it in the end or ask what it is. What you need is to be the one who listens, listens to the troubles, and calms the inner emotions of the confused two people.

"I see."

Susie nodded, but she still asked: "Teacher, can you guarantee it?"

I can act as a listener and not delve into personal privacy, but I must get a guarantee.

Understanding what Susie meant, Bai Mo nodded: "Of course, I am their teacher."

"Okay." After Susie said this, she opened the door and left.

Bai Mo pressed his forehead and considered the controllable aspects. After confirming the latest results of the Nantianmen Department, he made a decision.

Raising his hand to close the open book, Mo Yu stood up and closed the office door.

After leaving the office and walking through the corridor, after a while, Bai Mo stopped in front of a private apartment.

"This is where Xia Mi lives. Let's first determine her condition."

Muttering in his heart, Bai Mo pressed the doorbell.

After half a minute, the door of the villa was opened.


Xia Mi poked his head out, with a dull hair hanging down, no makeup, and wearing pale white pajamas.

"Oh, oh. Oh!" Xia Mi was stunned, pointing at Baimo with his finger, stammering.

Why did you come to my door?

"Confirm your situation." Bai Mo directly stated his purpose.

Bai Mo knew that she was a dragon, Xia Mi knew that Bai Mo knew that she was a dragon, and Bai Mo knew that Xia Mi knew that he knew that she was a dragon.

Therefore, Xia Mi opened the door readily.

While stretching, she casually sat down on the sofa, picked up the potato chips on the table, and started eating them. She didn't have the image of a beautiful girl at the beginning, with a sense of letting herself go. .

"As you can imagine, I'm living a good life." Xia Mi said nonchalantly.

From the plastic garbage and accumulated snacks placed here, it is indeed clear that she is living a good life.

"Huh, the Nantianmen department has a suggestion for you."

"Suggestion, are you finally going to take action?" Xia Mi put down the potato chips in his hand and licked his fingers.

"First of all, let's say that I want to enjoy a delicious meal before I die, preferably a Man-Han banquet."

"Shami, Jormungandr."

Xia Mi's fingers trembled, and she turned to look at Bai Mo: "Haha, I've found out now."

"No, it was from the beginning." Bai Mo shook his head.

You underestimate a country's ability to act.

"Really, what are you going to do?"

"The Nantianmen Department has a suggestion."

"You're sure it's advice, not a death notice."

"No, Citizen Xia Mi does not have a criminal case that requires death."

"What if I kill you?" Xia Mi fluttered and flew to Bai Mo's side, pressing his neck with his palm.

"kill you."

Moist fingers touched the skin, and a slight chill came. Bai Mo could feel that what Xia Mi said with a smile was true. She really had the idea of ​​killing the teacher in front of her.

As long as this force on the fingers is used, the power from the Dragon King of the Earth and Mountains can break the neck, shatter the internal organs, and kill him completely.

Bai Mo stretched out his hand to pull off Xia Mi's palm and looked at her calmly.

Killing people doesn't need this nonsense.

Just like Lu Mingfei, if he says he wants to kill you, he is ready to kill you. If he says he wants to destroy the system, he will move towards this goal wholeheartedly.

"A suggestion, it doesn't matter whether you choose it or not."

"Tell me."

"The Nantianmen department has made a breakthrough in soul research. You and Jormungandr can be divided into two different individuals."

"Are you saying that I watch Jörmungandr die and then enjoy Xia Mi's life?" Xia Mi looked at Bai Mo, his eyes were those of the Dragon King.

This is pure Sun, Via from the One Above.

Bai Mo swallowed the words he wanted to persuade.

At the same time, the senior officials of the Nantianmen department who were listening to the live discourse here through the system wing fell silent.

"She is Xia Mi, but she is also Jormungandr." During the meeting, Bai Di spoke.

"We made a wrong judgment. Xia Mi and Jörmungandr are not two independent personalities that are inseparable from each other. Xia Mi knows Jörmungandr, and Jörmungandr also knows Xia Mi." Black Emperor said solemnly.

Chidi clenched his fists: "So, all the preparations need to be re-planned?"

"Not necessarily." Qingdi shook his head.

"You can try to convince Xia Mi first. Xia Mi doesn't know much about the history of the Dragon Clan through profiling. What she knows is limited, which is exactly what we need now."

Chidi closed his eyes, thinking about the preparations required for the excavation project of Emperor Qin's Mausoleum, and nodded in agreement.

If there is no preparation in advance for the excavation of the ancestor dragon tomb in history, many people will die.

Thinking about the historical evolution of the myths of our ancestors, maybe the Goddess of Heaven and the God of Drought are really buried in the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin!

If some big treasure is unearthed or the corpse is faked, it will really be a big earthquake.

"I agree."

"me too."

"I abstain."

After one round of voting, Bai Mo looked at the content that popped up in front of him.

The writing is very clear - let Xia Mi tell the truth about history legally, and let her speak through formal means and channels while ensuring her legal rights as a citizen. (End of chapter)

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