Traveling at the same time, creating the door of truth

Chapter 256 Divine Burial Hall, Nibelungen

"This is what Aga has prepared." Uesugoshi kept pacing back and forth around the round iron ball.

"No, this thing was jointly modified by Ahe and Pompeii." Angers pointed at the huge iron ball that was modified from the Ditrieste.

The Trieste, a legendary equipment in the history of diving, reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench in 1960, with a depth of more than 10,000 meters.

Of course, this is its prototype.

The current Diryste is a magically modified version, which not only reaches new breakthroughs in modern craftsmanship, but also incorporates a lot of alchemy-related technologies internally.

Uesugoshi stretched out his hand to knock on the shell and suddenly stopped: "Aga will help you, but how could Pompeii..."

"I made a deal with him." Angers said nonchalantly: "If I come back alive, I will help him kill the God King Odin."

"God King Odin, you are so shameless."

Uesugoshi looked at Angers with a look of contempt.

No one knows what you are going to do yet.

It is nothing more than going deep into the Nibelungs in the inner door of the Divine Burial Hall, finding the traitors within the first generation members of the Lion Heart Society of Kassel College, and then killing them to complete their silent revenge.

Of course you are lucky to survive.

As for death, it’s not a loss for you.

"I made a bet with him. If I can come back alive, I will help him. If not, forget it."

"Let's go, let's start diving." Uesugi clapped his hands and strode into it.

Angers followed his footsteps and got into it.

After the two entered, these secret members working nearby who directly belonged to Inuyama Ga began the operation.

"The first pressure test of the DiTrieste! The pipeline pressure is 300 atmospheres and the valve is open!"

"The first circuit test! All switches, full load, ready, turn on!"

"The propulsion system is in trial operation, 80% output!"

"The memory metal film is energized and ready!"


The dive was very smooth. The alchemy system hand-made by Pompeii and the vice-chancellor was combined with modern technology to achieve unmanned driving. Even if Angers and Uesugoshi didn't understand how to operate the now upgraded and iterated Ditrieste, they were still able to operate it. Dive slowly and evenly.

Uesugoshi raised his head and looked around. There was blue-black water here, and a glimmer of light seemed to be projected from an upside-down well in the sky. The deep submersible seemed to be sinking in a well.

He didn't care about the deep darkness.

A ramen stall chef, this is Uesugoshi's profession.

But before that, he was the Shadow Emperor, the most noble and supreme emperor among Japanese hybrids.

Although he was secretly manipulated on stage, this does not mean that Uesugoshi is a ramen chef.

In the fields of tea ceremony, ikebana, kendo, etc., Uesugoshi is a true master, a master who can pick up and put down.

"Finally, it's begun." Uesugi whispered, his eyes filled with the unique cruelty of the dragon clan.

The seeds of hatred have grown over the past sixty years. It is no longer the way that he could repay it by burning the eight Sheqi shrines. Now he is more like killing those enemies with a knife.

The surroundings suddenly lit up, and the intelligent system automatically turned on the external light source.

On all sides of the Trieste, high-intensity spotlights were installed during the renovation.

This alchemical magic modified item called "gas thunder" can emit dazzling white light, illuminating the space about 10 meters next to the deep submersible. If it exceeds this range, the brightness will quickly decay.

Angers glanced around, and the screen displayed in the cockpit showed that the Dirieste was descending rapidly and had now reached a water depth of three thousand meters.

"Ange, what exactly is death?" Uesugi said casually, as if he was having a casual conversation.

Angers glanced at him: "You said it."

"I think death is fair. There is no so-called distinction between humans, hybrids, dragons, and gods. Everything must die."

So, if something never dies, what should you do - the answer is to send him, it, him to death!

"How long will the current dive take?" Angers asked about the intelligent system installed inside.

The intelligent system jointly built by Pompeo and the Vice Principal is a living artificial intelligence modeled on Norma's type.

Taking into account the precedent of Norma's out-of-control artificial intelligence, the vice-principal created many small programs internally that seemed to have no effect, but could suppress the flexible personality and will.

"The dive currently takes another hour and a half."

This time it wasn’t an intelligent system that answered Angers’ question, but Pompeii.

In a quarter of the display area in front of Angers, Pompeii was riding a horse on an endless open prairie, wearing a very slutty magenta dress, giving people a mean look. appearance.

"Long time no see, Angers."

"What are you?" Angers had a question mark on his face, unable to understand Pompeii's behavior.

Dive into the Divine Burial Hall and enter the Nibelungen. This seemingly simple task is actually very dangerous. As a result, this guy is still singing and dancing.

Are you thinking that even if the end of the world comes, you will still entertain yourself to death?

"I found a beautiful girl here, and I plan to do some happy exercises recently." Pompeo spoke casually, looking particularly happy and enjoying himself.

Angers took a deep breath and felt a bit like toothache.

Although I have long been accustomed to your unconventional, crazy, and indifferent character every day, but in this case, do you need to be more serious?

Now is not the usual casual time. Now is the time to enter the Nibelungen of the God's Burial Hall to find those traitors to complete their hatred!

"Okay, I have something else to do, Angers, I wish you no home." Pompeo glanced at the time on his watch, he finished quickly and hung up the phone.

At this time, the interface displayed in front of Angers returned to its normal appearance.

Uesugi stretched out his hand and tapped the back of his hand: "How to say it."

After checking it, Angers shook his head and pointed at the data displayed on the analysis results: "It's very smooth. There is nothing down there."

There was nothing, which meant that the dragon corpse guard identified through advance exploration was missing, or that the people in the Nibelung were ready to invite outside guests in.

The door is open and the other party has extended an invitation to you.

"It seems like we are a bad visitor." Uesugoshi casually chatted: "Just drop a nuclear bomb?"

Both of them are people who don't care about their lives. As long as they can achieve the result, it doesn't matter how they do it.

As for whether the forceful detonation of a nuclear bomb at the geologically fragile location of the Divine Burial Hall will cause the collapse of the Japanese plate, this is completely outside the scope of the considered impact.

Anyway, as long as the goal is achieved, it doesn't matter what the consequences are.

"Smashing a nuclear bomb cannot guarantee 100% success." Angers calmly analyzed: "For the Nibelungs here, there are many doubts about the results of the advance investigation. Just set it to a countdown to detonate."

Uesugoshi nodded in acceptance.

"Then, come in, they have already sent out invitations."

As he spoke, the submerged Dirieste began to slowly move towards the Nibelungen inside the Divine Burial Hall.

Silently, the door of the Nibelung opened to the two visitors who entered, and the owner inside prepared to welcome the two arrivals. (End of chapter)

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