Traveling at the same time, creating the door of truth

Chapter 259 The Saint’s Strike, Prelude

"Japan will sink in one hour and twenty-seven minutes." Bai Mo closed the page in his hand.

This is really a tedious and troublesome thing.

Bai Mo looked at the results composed of data in front of him.

In the next four minutes and eighty-one seconds, the aftermath caused by Japan's sinking will set off a wave, covering it and spreading to all directions.

The first is the impact of the warm current caused by the loss of the island nation of Japan. This impact will affect the fishing and farming of marine fishery resources in the coastal areas of East Asia, and will cause some earth-shaking changes to the ecological environment.

In addition, there is a new chain reaction caused by the tearing of geological plates. In the preview, there is a 99.97% possibility of creating the largest earthquake and tsunami in human history.

Natural disasters will spread towards the Asia-Pacific region, and the impact will directly affect all walks of life.

If America and European hybrids are fighting against each other, the pressure caused by finance will cause 80% of the countries that are still struggling to go bankrupt.

In today's context of closely united countries around the world, this is an unprecedented disaster...

"And...those Japanese masterminds have appeared."

Bai Mo looked at the picture displayed in front of him. The Dead River had been strangled by the Odins, and the remaining shadow assassins were also surrounded and suppressed by enemies wearing masks.

The Assassin's Guild has now lost its original ability to control the international situation. They cannot control these new versions of enemies that appear in the context of the return of the myth.

"Among the possibilities, all are the destruction of human civilization, without any exception."

Difficult to calculate numbers, the result is like destined entropy increase, destined annihilation.

Uncertain geological disasters, the emergence of mythical characters due to the emergence of Japanese masterminds, and the elemental chaos caused by the Nibelungs...

Many troubles were piled on top of each other, and looking at the things that needed to be dealt with as a result of this incident, Bai Mo fell silent.

These things suggest an ending.

Even if a saint tries to stabilize everything here and guide them to change for the better according to the original order and pattern of human civilization, the result is already doomed.

Modern scientific society and dragon alchemy mythology are two different things that cannot be integrated together. The differences in all walks of life explain the outbreak of war.

The War in the Arctic Circle: Norma, Lilith, the Morgan Consortium, the America military-industrial complex... these can all be effectively controlled under the influence of the Assassin's Guild without completely collapsing.

The Assassin's Guild is not omnipotent, and the Shadow Assassins cannot keep up with the changing speed of combat power of the times.

"Huh..." Bai Mo closed the book in his hand.

"If it is the return of pure mythology, then this will be a battle between the old and the new, with countries led by modern technology fighting against the mythology with alchemy as its core."

"But the eradication of the Assassin's Guild has made me need a weapon to maintain healthy competition in the country."

Bai Mo has always hoped that the creatures in this world can live a better life, that the civilization will be great and immortal, and that the humble sons of mortals will create magnificent towers.

Competition, war, conflicts between countries, and fighting from all angles can make the future of mankind better, and prosperity and hope will light up the stars.

“I am a bright light that guides those who are lost and leads them to follow their own path.”

If you can't practice it, then I will help you practice it!

As long as from the perspective of the world, human civilization is becoming better, that is enough.

"I fight to protect the beauty of the world." Bai Mo whispered softly and made a decision.

Since the original Assassin's Guild could not effectively manage the competition of conscience within the kingdom, they could not keep up with the legends in these newly emerging mythical backgrounds and histories.

Then, replace it with a better weapon, worthy of the "weapon" you use now.

With the thought of the birth of foam, the world seemed to press the pause button at this moment.

The originally operating factories, noisy streets and alleys, and crowded tourist attractions were all stopped one by one, as if the pause button of a video had been pressed and the intermission was paused.

They were all foaming.

In Lobe Academy, Bai Mo nodded slightly. The thoughts from his "self" made him understand what he needed to do next.

He closed his eyes and began to slowly walk on another incomprehensible layer of time and space, jumping.

In this time and space, he is not alone, there are many white foams moving around, like an efficient machine, operating all the time.

Jumping distances and transcending the constraints of time and space, Bai Mo opened a door in front of him and saw the lonely girl sitting on the chair.

The girl is Shami, no, to be precise, it should be Jormungandr.

She was attracted by Bai Mo's anomaly, raised her head and stared at Bai Mo in front of her, and asked in a surprised tone: "What on earth are you?"

Jormungandr's dragon life has seen all kinds of things in her life. She has eaten more salt than ordinary people have walked, but she has never seen such outrageous things as foam.

Bai Mo didn't explain, but stretched out his hand and snapped his index fingers.


"A sweet dream, have a nice day."

Power enveloped Jormungandr, causing fierce resistance.

But she found that she was unable to resist at all, and could only accept the assimilation of the unknown thing like the deep sea.

This is not a special case. Many beings who were still watching and watching have been approached by Bai Mo one by one, and then forcibly assimilated.

Chu Zihang looked at the white foam in front of him. He pulled out Murasame and wanted to say something at the same time, but his consciousness was frozen, like an insect in amber.

Caesar, Pompeii, or others, there are no exceptions at this moment. The foam engulfed their consciousness, and assimilation made them become part of it.

After dealing with Xia Mi and Bai Mo, he stepped out into Chen Motong's spiritual world and saw Ying Long who was nailed by countless nails.

"Did you agree to the deal?" Ying Long asked calmly.

Bai Mo shook his head, then reached out and tapped it.

Ying Long felt the transformation of this incomprehensible force. Its bones rubbed and made a clicking sound: "Are you the Supreme?"

"No." Bai Mo shook his head.

"Only the Supreme has such strength."

"Really?" Bai Mo replied casually.

Now, he no longer needs to know the relevant information about the Black King.

While Bai Mo was dealing with this, Lu Mingfei saw the system.

The system, that is, the hazy light made of foam, took out two pills.

"What is this?" Lu Mingfei looked at Bai Mo uncertainly.

Bai Mo reached out and placed two pills in his left and right hands.

"Red represents knowing, blue represents not knowing."

"your choice…"

"I choose red."

"All right."

Bai Mo nodded and handed the red pill to Lu Mingfei.

After Lu Mingfei swallowed the pill, he held on for less than a second and passed out.

Both the blue pill and the red pill have the same effect, which is to induce a deep sleep.

Looking at Lu Mingfei's deep sleep, Lu Mingze chuckled and said, "Next, is it my turn?"

"…………" (End of this chapter)

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