Chapter 22 is done

   Pottery is no stranger to Yu Yan and Songfeng.

  Although pottery is relatively precious and rare in the Luan tribe, it is not uncommon.

When    was making pottery Pi, they were very excited.

  Because, with the example of tiles, it is very likely that the pottery will be successfully out of the kiln, and it can almost be said to be a sure thing.

  Thinking that they will have a large batch of pottery in a few days, even happier!

   The corners of his mouth twitched up when he was working.

Lin Lang and Li Xian are also doing Tao Yan.

  Li Xian's soil control ability is getting stronger and stronger, and when he is a Pi, he is better and faster than others.

   He is now making a big water tank.

  Lin Lang said that two large water tanks should be fired and placed at the door of the kitchen, so that it is more convenient to use water.

Large items like    are more convenient for Li Xian with the ability to control soil.

  Lin Lang has a lot of pottery to make, various types of jars, jars and jars, with or without lids.

   Also make pottery pots, pottery bowls, pottery plates, pottery teapots and teacups.

  A clay pot for cooking, a pot for cooking rice and porridge, a pot for stewing soup, and a stove for burning charcoal.

   A kiln is quite large, and it is impossible to burn everything well at one time, so you can only choose one or two models of each type and burn them first.

   After these two kilns are fired, two more kilns can be fired.

  Pottery is a very important utensil nowadays. It is used everywhere in life. Do more to be prepared.

  Songfeng made a jar that is tall, wide and long. The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. Hehehe smiled proudly and asked everyone to take a look.

   Everyone is so envious.

   "Wow, Songfeng, you did a good job with this jar!"

   "It must be very durable after burning!"

   "Ah! Look at Brother Xian, Brother Xian, he made a jar so big and so big!"

  Mao suddenly screamed.

   Everyone looked at each other, their eyes widened and they were all stunned.

"Ah! It's really big!"


   "I've never seen such a big jar!"

   "Yes, Brother Xian, what is such a big jar for?"

   Everyone was surprised and curious.

  Lin Lang and Li Xian smiled, no wonder they had never seen such a large piece of pottery.

   With their burning method, it is impossible to burn such a large piece.

  Lin Lang smiled and said, "It's used to hold water. It's convenient to use outside the kitchen. After our food is harvested in the future, we can also store food."

   That's all, the rice must be packed in a big jar with a lid.

   Everyone suddenly realized, "Oh!" After thinking about it, it seems that this is really more convenient.

  Lin Lang glanced at each of them making such a half-sized jar in their hands, so speechless.

   Actually, you don’t need that many jars of this size.

   A jar of this size is actually quite tasteless.

  Lin Lang smiled and briefly introduced the pottery and utensils he knew. After hearing this, everyone was stunned and confused, and they didn't even have the time to marvel.

   Simply. Reshaping the three views of pottery.

   "So, there are so many different kinds of pottery."

  They really never thought about that. But when I heard Lin Lang say it, it was easy to understand and agree, and there was a feeling of "Ah, so it can be like this! How stupid, why didn't I think of it!"

   Yu Yan Xinyue sighed sincerely: "Chaoyang tribe is really amazing."

  Awesome in every way!

   Give them a surprise every now and then.

  Lin Lang giggled: "Where is this going? There will be better ones in the future! Come, come, teach you to make other pottery!"


   "Good good!"

  Everyone was refreshed and gathered around one after another.

   It is much more complicated to make different kinds of pottery pi than to make tiles of the same size and shape.

   After a day's work, you can't do everything well.

   And it is more tiring and energy-consuming than making tiles.

   But the joy and fulfillment of the harvest are also double.

   "Haha, I can make a jar!"

   "The teapot I made, Sister Lin said, is pretty good!"

   On the way back, everyone is very excited.

  Because there was a kiln burning, thirteen people dispatched a vigil to watch the fire as usual.

  Lin Lang and Li Xian were last in line, so Lin Lang planned to pinch a few sweet potato vines while the weather was still fine.

   Back in the yard, everyone took a break and started to make dinner.

  Washing, cutting, boiling soup, and lighting things don't need Lin Lang, Lin Lang just needs to explain it, and then she pulls Li Xian to plant sweet potatoes.

  The various crops in the vegetable field have been watered and taken care of by Lin Lang, and they have grown more vigorous and fast. The sweet potato vines have been crawling on the ground a lot. It happens to be planted and planted.

  According to Lin Lang's request, Li Xian controlled the soil and dug a long shallow pit, and Lin Lang put the long sweet potato vine that was pinched into the shallow pit horizontally, covering it with a thin layer of soil.

   Just like this, I planted more than a dozen rows of sweet potato vines in a row and watered them with water, which is a super sense of achievement.

   The sweet potato vines were still very tender, and Lin Lang picked up a handful of tender shoots, which can be cooked and eaten at night.

  Sweet potato vine is like this, the more you pinch it, the longer it grows.

   The lettuce was also very tender, and Lin Lang peeled off another twenty green lettuce leaves.

   There is not much lettuce in the ground, so when you eat it, you are reluctant to uproot it.

   On the second day, everyone continued to be Tao Pi happily. Yu Yan and the others were reluctant to go back to sleep.

   After two full days of work, the pottery Pi was finally made. The kiln was installed and ignited. Everyone was more excited and looking forward to it than when burning tiles.

  This is pottery!

   When the kiln tiles cease fire and seal the kiln, the rice seedlings can also be transplanted.

  Lin Lang is so excited: This is fragrant white rice! As long as the rice is planted, it means that there is real grain in your hands and you will not panic!

  If you don't have rice or pasta, just eat meat and vegetables, you will lose half of your happiness when you think about it.

   These seedlings are very tender and weak, and they are of great significance to Lin Lang and Li Xian. Right now, there are only three points of the test field, and Lin Lang did not ask Yu Yan and the others to help. She and Li Xian came in person.

   Just let Yu Yan wait by the side to watch and let them know what's going on.

   Next year, if they are planted on a large scale, let them move at that time.

  Yu Yan and the others are very fresh and strange: It turns out that the fruit of this weed-like "rice seedling" grows up, is it the "porridge" they drink? Really. Incredible!

Sanmutian soon planted.

Seeing the weak, thin seedlings in the paddy field as if blown by a gust of wind, so tender that one would sweat, Lin Lang was full of a sense of accomplishment and said with a smile, "It will turn green in a few days. The seedlings will grow up soon, and in a few months, you will be able to harvest!"

  Li Xian smiled and said, "I should be able to turn green tomorrow."

Yes, Lin Lang giggled!

Of course it is extraordinary!

   (end of this chapter)

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