Chapter 62 Decoration Space

   Not only sweet potato vines, but when the weather is a little cooler and not so hot, you can grow Chinese cabbage, small cabbage, and all kinds of green vegetables.

   Can you plant two crops before winter? Her space has now been upgraded, and she is not afraid of not being able to store it.

There are still a few days before going to the Mang tribe to exchange, because the Mang tribe doesn't like to have too much contact with outsiders. I said before that the only people to exchange are Lin Lang Lixian, Songfeng and Teng who have been there. The four of them go.

   We discussed it, this time, in addition to bringing salt, we will take out some large pottery and ask them if they want to exchange it?

  Other things, don't take them out for now.

   Of course, good things cannot be exposed all at once.

   Before setting off, Lin Lang wanted to deal with her own space, she had a little idea.

   The current space, with an area of ​​more than 80 square meters, is about 8 meters high.

   Her space is like a house. She can't do any kind of planting and breeding, and she has no spiritual spring water, so she can only store things.

   Better yet, living things can also be stored.

   So she thought, since it was a house, it could be a bungalow, or maybe a two-story building.

   Otherwise, a lot of space will be wasted!

  Lin Lang told Li Xianyi, Li Xian also thought it might be better to give it a try.

  Lin Lang first closed his eyes and silently gathered his spiritual power, and concentratedly imagined how to divide the space into two floors in his mind.

   is useless.

   She went in again and repeated the imagining process.

   is still useless.

   also pulled Li Xian in.

   is useless.

  Lin Lang was a little discouraged, and he spread his hands helplessly: "I don't even have a guide, it's too difficult to explore!"

   The most important thing is that such a height is really unwilling to use it perfectly without layering.

  Li Xian pondered for a moment, and then his heart moved: "Is there a lack of materials? Let's try to transport suitable building materials inside?"

  Lin Lang's eyes lit up, "Yeah, why did I forget this! Of course, to build a house, you first need raw materials!"

   Thinking about it, I am a little unwilling: If you have to do everything yourself, then what is the use of this space?

  Lin Lang decided to try again, and simply pulled Li Xian and went to the forest with money.

Li Xian used a saw to cut down two large fir trees that were thick together, stripped off the bark, removed the branches, and cut them into several sections that were more than four meters long. Sit, start to silently gather spiritual power to control and operate in the space

   Her body trembled slightly, and the corners of her lips were raised: It really works!

  Li Xian smiled and waited at ease.

   It seems to be done.

   At this time, Lin Lang's space was slowly changing.

  I saw the piles of wood, under the control of her mental power, silently turned into beams, pillars and planks, neat and tidy.

   Soon, the second floor was separated in the space.

  Lin Lang controlled the height of the first and second floors to be about four meters.

   After the floors were divided, a staircase with railings was built against the wall.

  The second floor was divided into a row of four rooms by her, each room was 20 square meters.


   Not enough materials!

  Lin Lang had to pause first.

   As soon as she opened her eyes, she pulled Li Xian with a smile and continued to cut wood: "I still need wood, let's go, let's cut two more big trees, no, try three!"

  Li Xian asked with a smile while working: "This time?"

   "Yeah!" Lin Lang nodded, smiling brightly: "I'll take you in when I'm done!"


  The saw fell down, the axe and hatchet were lined up, and the three big trees were quickly settled.

  Lin Lang is like a concoction method.

  Li Xian and Qian Qian stayed by her side to guard.

   Of the four rooms on the second floor, Lin Lang planned to use one room as her and Li Xian's bedroom.

   Well, the bedroom should have a bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe, a desk, and a dresser. If you need to spend the night here in the future, you can also live comfortably.

   If the space continues to increase in the future, guest rooms, study rooms, and treasure rooms can be built.

   In the other three rooms, two opposite walls are built against the wall to make a whole huge cabinet with the top grid. to store things.

   Anyway, when things are stored, she can control them with mental power. There is no problem that the cabinet is too high and inconvenient to take.

  On the first floor, there is only a whole wall of wide wooden shelves for storage. After all, it is often necessary to store wood, stone, etc. here. It is inconvenient to make too many cabinets and shelves.

After    was done, Lin Lang put those bamboo shoots, mushrooms, dried radishes, etc. into the locker on the second floor on the spot.

  Because the space is connected to her spiritual power, she can know where the things she puts in with her own hands can be found with a second thought.

  Unfortunately, the furniture made by controlling mental power in the space can only be used in the space and cannot be taken out. Otherwise, it would be a lot easier.

After    was done, Lin Lang took the sawdust and leftovers outside, opened his eyes, and couldn't wait to pull Li Xian with a smile: "Come in with me and have a look, I'm sure you like it!"

  Everything in front of him changed, and Li Xian was greatly surprised: "It's really—great!"

   "Really? That's what it looks like!" Lin Lang giggled and pulled him upstairs.

   That's all, Li Xian really liked this bedroom so much, he hugged Lin Lang and said with a smile, "Let's live here in the future!"

   Just take the bedding and take it inside.

   is better than the outside.

  The most important thing is that no matter what you do in it, you will not be disturbed!

  Lin Lang also thought this was a good idea, and nodded with a smile.

  These furniture can’t be brought out, but outside things can be brought in. She can also decorate well!

   Well, I can even build a bathroom and make a big bathtub in the future. Taking a bath here doesn't have to worry about the water temperature getting cold, and it won't freeze, it's perfect!

   The more they looked at it, the more they liked it, and they discussed the conditions for space upgrades with each other, and they could not wait to upgrade again.

  Unfortunately, in the end, it was impossible to determine how this space was upgraded. It probably requires some kind of accumulation. When the accumulation reaches a certain level, quantitative changes will naturally lead to qualitative changes.

   Although I still can't figure it out, it must be related to Lin Lang's mental power, perhaps also related to the ability to promote plant growth, and this space is best to use more, the more the better.

   Li Xian laughed half-soundingly: "It's pretty good now, it's getting late, let's go back!"

  Lin Lang swallowed what he wanted to say, but was very surprised: "Is it getting late?"

   It was the morning after breakfast when they came out.

   "Yeah," Li Xian said with a smile, "You're doing something, so you shouldn't notice it."

  Lin Lang was busy pulling Li Xian out, and sure enough, the sun turned westward!

  Dare they tossed here all day, they didn't even eat that kind of lunch.

   (end of this chapter)

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