"This is a letter from Eric to you." At the dining hall table in the evening, Xu Jingkun first drove away the others, then took out a snow-white envelope from his arms and handed it to me. The center of the envelope has the family crest of the George family. Look It's very elegant. I reached out to take the envelope and threw it on the table. I took the bread in my left hand and took a bite. With my right hand, I took out the dagger and scratched it randomly on the edge of the envelope. Then I returned the sword to the sheath and then roughed it with my hand. Open the envelope and shake the letter paper out of it. "It's a waste to write to you with an envelope. He might as well let me bring you a note!" Xu Jingkun said irritably, seeing my behavior, "Is that someone with an identity? Just a soldier, you don't need to pay attention to anything with him." I replied confidently, opened the letter paper and started to check the content of the letter.

"Dear leader Gawain-Ackerman,

Seeing the words like meeting, on the 14th, Anjian received a commission from the wall teacher to hunt down a pair of Ackerman mother and daughter and put them to death. For your sake, Secret Arrow rejected the entrustment, and then the Intelligence Department began to intervene in the investigation. The results of the investigation showed that the Mural had been secretly persecuting and executing Ackerman family members for the past four years, and the number of known victims reached There were 57 people, and the name "Hank Ackerman" appeared on the list, and the restoring party awaited further instructions.

Eric George

16th. "

My breathing was stagnant, and my body trembling unceasingly, my left hand let the bread fall onto the table, and my right hand grasped the letter paper hard. The knuckles looked a little white because of excessive force. I always thought that the things of the year were over. No matter it is the direct murderer and the traffickers, or the real murderer Skog behind the scenes, I have already killed them. I have completed my revenge. As a result, I never thought that what happened back then was promoted by the wall teachings. If I didn't talk about this, it would be unforgivable to say that the wall teachings hurt my compatriots! Giggle! I clearly heard the sound of my teeth fighting, and almost ran away on the spot. "What's wrong?" Xu Jingkun noticed my abnormality for the first time, and hurriedly pressed my left hand and asked, "Look at it for yourself!" I pushed the letter paper forward, and Xu Jingkun immediately picked it up and checked it.

Boom! Xu Jingkun slammed a fist on the table, and the loud noise immediately alarmed everyone in the cafeteria eating. I and him looked at each other, and both saw the murderous intent in the other's eyes. The Demon Hunter is not an organization, but a family, a family of millions of people! Everyone in the family is our brother and sister. Even if I have never met, this fact will not change. This is what my mentor has always taught me. We can accept the situation where our companions are killed by different species, because every demon hunter who participated in the hunt has the consciousness to accept death, but the situation is different now, our compatriots are persecuted to death! The anger that made Xu Jingkun and I separate, we must have revenge.

"Tooth for tooth, blood for blood!" Xu Jingkun gritted his teeth and said, I nodded, stood up and walked out of the door, "Mikasa come with me, the others are staying, this is a private matter!" I said coldly, Mikasa She stood up and trot to follow me. Although she was very curious about what happened, she knew very well that it was not the time to ask questions, but followed me silently. A few seconds later Xu Jingkun also caught up. The three of us Walk to Keith’s office together...

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