Treasure Hunt America

Chapter 774: Japanese right-wing idol

Are there any Japanese politicians who are not good at that tone?

In fact, Jin Muchen also knows this very well. In fact, long before he came to Japan, he had heard of many dirty things between Japanese politicians.

Although this country claims to be democratic and free to the outside world, all the politicians in power are elected by the people.

But in fact, as long as you check the details of those politicians, you can see that those politicians have been counted for three generations, and how many are not from the Chinese family in the era of the emperor?

Even if they are not from the Chinese family, they are usually the offshoots of the Chinese family, or they are the son-in-law of the Chinese family. Anyway, if you don't have a family tree, you can't be an official in Japanese politics at all.

Even if he can become an official, he is only the head of some functional departments, such as the police chief, the embracing the chief, and so on. Even if there is someone who can be in charge of one party, he will end up being a county chief.

It is almost impossible for a guy from a commoner background to ascend to a high position.

Moreover, once these guys become officials, few of them can be related to honesty and integrity. For example, a few days ago, Japan was forced to resign from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the councilors of the Ministry of Tibet.

It seems that they are not high-ranking officials, but they are all in positions of real power, and the mistake they made is to put some funds into their pockets under various names, and they were caught and exposed. , was finally forced to resign.

And after resigning, isn't it the same thing? Moreover, when those guys were exposed, some people have already picked up their old bottoms. Almost from the time of the grandfathers, they were all political backgrounds. Many people's ancestors were during World War II. high-ranking officials of the Japanese government.

Although Japan is now claiming to be leaving Asia and joining Europe, in fact, they have not done so completely, at least in terms of not punishing literati. It still retains the tradition of Confucian culture.

When it comes to matters between men and women, the Japanese are even more open. Those politicians, on the surface, are sanctimonious, but behind the scenes, almost all of them are male thieves and female prostitutes.

Especially those old guys in their 50s and 60s, there are few who don't like drinking flower wine.

This time, Jin Muchen asked Watanabe to check this Ishihara Ichiro as a good example. This guy can be said to be an outlier in Japanese politics. His background is not prominent, but he is quite talented. The most important thing is that this person has a big mouth and knows how to please the people very well.

Back then, he was the one who wrote the book "Japan Can Say No", strongly advocating Japan's nationalist sentiment, and Japan's economic situation was really good at that time. His **** book killed the Japanese in one fell swoop. At point g, the Japanese people blew on the spot, so they quickly entered the political world from a folk scholar.

And after entering the political world, this guy is relying on his big mouth all the way. And to trumpet Japan's nationalist sentiments, he won the support of Japan's far-right voters, from the governor of a district in Tokyo. In the end, he became the Governor of Tokyo and the Mayor of Tokyo.

If this guy hadn't come from Shiro, if he had a family tree, he would most likely be the Prime Minister of Japan in the end.

But it is precisely because of his low background that his position as mayor of Tokyo has come to an end.

And when he was the governor of Tokyo, it can be said to be the saddest time in the entire Tokyo b society. During that time, he relied on his mayor's right to demand bribes from these societies. There is someone who dares to disrespect him. In the end, all of them died quite ugly.

And this guy is still a big pervert, and he goes out to drink flower wine almost every week. Playing with flower girls, of course, does not cost money.

But this guy does a particularly good job of keeping it under wraps. It has never been dismantled, so I can safely retire in that position.

And this old guy, after retiring, still maintains the habit of the year.

He now lives a few days a week from Asakusa's high-end apartment in Ginza, and of course he doesn't come to Tokyo to play with flower girls for other reasons.

After listening to Watanabe finish saying this, Jin Muchen smiled: "This old guy, it seems that he is really old and not old."

"Hey, yes, anyway, everyone is used to this guy's shamelessness. But don't tell me, this guy is not very friendly to us scumbags when he is in office. But he is too tempting. You know, his extreme right-wing rhetoric is quite popular among Japanese folks. Especially some **** in the b society like him the most. So even though many people are squeezed by him It's very powerful, but he doesn't hate him. At least he said the innermost thoughts of those ****. Those guys, they really can't see the current situation clearly, they think the current situation is the past emperor's era. Thinking about the glory of rebuilding the Empire of Japan, what a bunch of ****."

Are you a mixed society? Of course, you must have a passion for it. Furthermore, the Japanese b society has a tradition of participating in politics from ancient times to the present, and from ancient times to the present, these mixed society members are the most loyal believers of Japanese nationalism.

For example, in the era of falling curtain, those ronin, that is, the samurai who could not be raised by the daimyo family, became ronin when they were reduced to the common people. In fact, it was a special b society.

These guys are the spokesmen of Japan's ultra-nationalism. They shouted Tianzhu at every turn, and then went to assassinate those big names or politicians they despised.

When the curtain-fall campaign ended and the emperor ascended the throne, these guys turned into the b society directly, and the emperor chose to turn a blind eye to their actions because of their support back then.

Therefore, in the 1920s and 1930s of the last century in Japan, there were several incidents of 'civil patriots' assassinating Japanese politicians. They were more fearful and trustworthy than the Japanese Foreign Minister, Mori Yuli, Minister of Education, etc., and these politicians were actually fundamental It was because of their position that they were assassinated by those extreme right-wing b-society.

From this, it can be seen that these Japanese b-society are of a far-right nature, so although Ishihara Ichiro is not friendly to these group members, these guys still like him very much.

And Watanabe Junichi obviously looked down on those people very much, so he always used **** to address those people when he opened and closed his mouth.

"Forget it, forget it, don't get angry with those fools. By the way, you have to investigate carefully recently, this Ishihara Ichiro's regularity of activities every time he comes to Tokyo."

Jin Muchen said these words with a smile, but the white teeth he showed when he smiled made Watanabe feel a chill in his heart.

How did that Ishihara Ichiro provoke this uncle? Forget it, that old thing is clean only when he dies.

When Ishihara Ichiro was the governor of Tokyo, it happened that his grandfather was the president of Yoshiharu Society. In those days, his grandfather was badly caught by Ishihara Ichiro. He still remembers that his grandfather paid tribute every month of the month. He always sighed and sighed, so he didn't have the slightest affection for that Ishihara Ichiro.

Those stubborn far-right **** like him, but Watanabe doesn't like that guy.

Du Te has already retired, and recently he picked it up and said that the country should buy that Senkaku Islands, and that broken island has a bad use?

Why do you have to provoke China in this regard? It made him have to be careful when he went to China the last few times. What the hell, that old **** should have died a long time ago.

Jim-san asked this today, it seems that Jim-san is ready to deal with this old guy, that's fine.

"Okay, leave this to me."

Watanabe nodded, although he knew that Jin Muchen was going to kill the hero in the hearts of the Japanese far-right, but he had no intention of helping him at all, because he also hated that guy. . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In a mountain villa near the Urakami River in the north of Kumamoto Castle, there was also a meeting at this time. There was a black man in his twenties, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Although it was only ten o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining outside, and the outdoor temperature could reach 26 degrees, but there was no warmth in the room at this time. Those big men were all sitting upright, wearing suits and ties , but no one sweated.

Looking closely at these people, you can see that although these people are all in suits and leather shoes, they all look very embarrassed.

The collars and cuffs of some people's shirts are already black, and their body exudes an unpleasant smell of sweat.

Some people have several damaged suits on their suits, and even blood stains can be seen on dark suits.

There are a few more guys, either with bandages on their heads or flowers on their faces, and one with a cast on his arm.

At this time, everyone was sitting on the tatami in the room, their expressions were extremely solemn, and they were all smoking suffocating cigarettes. Because there were curtains in the room, the room was already filled with smoke at this time.

And the master seat at the end of everyone's seat was always empty at this time, and after twenty minutes or so, the paper door behind the chairman's seat was pulled open with a hoot.

Two big men in black arrived, and then a white-haired old man in a kimono walked into the room, but the old man's image was not very good at this time.

Although the kimono on his body is quite clean and tidy, his body exudes an unpleasant medicinal smell, and his mental state is also very sluggish, his face is sallow, as if he has not recovered from a serious illness.

However, anyone close to him can see that his kimono is not tied tightly. Through the neckline, you can see that his abdomen is wrapped in a thick layer of bandages, and the edges of the bandages can still see oozing. bloodstains. (To be continued.)

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