Treasure Hunt America

Chapter 794: historical imprint

Speaking of Chinese civilization, according to the current argumentation of China's archaeological circles, the Yellow River civilization is our Zhengshuo, which means that the real Chinese civilization originated in the Yellow River area.

In fact, our civilization started from the time when there was a real historical record, that is, the legend of the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor, and their tribal origin was in the area of ​​the Yellow River.

But those historical distances are advanced, and it is only three thousand years of history.

However, our historians have said from another aspect that our Chinese civilization is not only more than 3,000 years old, we have a civilization of more than 5,000 years.

Where will the extra two thousand years come from?

This requires finding evidence from archaeological discoveries in other parts of the country, such as the Hongshan Culture that dates back more than 5,000 years, or the Liangzhu Culture of the same period.

Are these the earliest records of our Chinese civilization? But after all, Zhengshuo of Chinese civilization originated in the Yellow River area. In order to maintain the unity of propaganda, it will not let modern children cause ideological confusion.

Therefore, historians should try to draw the Liangzhu culture and Hongshan culture, which were still early in the Yellow River civilization, as close as possible to the Yellow River civilization.

The most correct statement is that the earliest primitive people lived in the ancient Taihu Lake area, as well as in ancient Liaoning and Inner Mongolia.

And their culture is still very developed, and their social level is also very advanced, so they left a lot of living sites, and also left a lot of cultural relics of the Stone Age.

For example, the stone tools, jade tools, and pottery pots they used back then are all historical evidence of their civilization.

But later, the primitive people living in these cultural circles began to migrate on a large scale because of various natural disasters, changes, or wars, plagues, etc.

The last one migrated to the Yellow River area. And through the gradual exchange and integration here, the ancestor of our Chinese civilization, the Yellow River civilization, was finally born.

This is the tune that the Chinese archaeological community has always followed.

Because that's all. Only then can you guarantee that your Chinese will have the most qualified hair to survive on the land of China.

You don't have to be like the Americans, if you celebrate Thanksgiving today, you will be scolded by caring people all over the world tomorrow.

Bah, you guys are too embarrassed to celebrate Thanksgiving. When your Mayflower arrived in the American continent, how did the local Indians treat you?

For your ancestors to eat, for your ancestors to wear, and also invite your ancestors to their homes to eat turkey for the festival, but what about your ancestors?

It only took two years to exterminate the Indians who graciously entertained you back then. Not only did they exterminate the Indian tribe that rescued your ancestors, they also killed their sons, robbed their wives, and even killed their chief’s sons. Sold to be a slave.

So if you say that you are living in the Americas, you have the hair. Which is the most inappropriate.

Look at us Chinese, it is legal for us to live on our land. Our ancestors lived on this land more than 5,000 years ago, before there were written records.

Therefore, our rule over these places is legal. This is hard to say, but when you can say this to others, you must show evidence.

So those archaeologists are desperately trying to prove their theories are correct. Then you have to speak with evidence.

For example, you have to compare the stone tools used during the Yellow River Civilization with jade, Liangzhu culture, and Hongshan culture. See if they have similarities from time to time, or simply have craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation or something.

This stumped the archaeologists in China, because when they wanted to do research, they discovered, what's more, the cultural relics left by the Liangzhu Culture that Laozi discovered. They were all taken away by the Japanese.

I want to demonstrate the connection between the Liangzhu Culture and the Yellow River civilization, but there is no reference at all. Even if there are still some Liangzhu cultural relics left in China, there are only a few dozen or hundreds of them. .

How can the Yellow River civilization and the Liangzhu civilization be related by relying on such a little thing alone.

So you say Chinese archaeologists hate the Japanese?

Fortunately, many historical and cultural relics of Hongshan Culture were discovered after the liberation. Although there are many cultural relics of Hongshan Culture that have been lost overseas, there are many preserved in our country.

Chinese archaeologists can easily associate the Hongshan culture with the Yellow River civilization. If the Hongshan culture is also stolen by the Japanese, then those archaeologists will jump up and scold their mothers. Not possible.

Jin Muchen quickly finished reading the prehistoric cultural relics and the exhibition hall of Xia, Shang and Zhou cultural relics. Apart from being shocked, his only feeling was that it was a pity, how good it would be if these things were in China.

Maybe the archaeologists in China have already passed these things and verified the relationship between the Liangzhu culture and the Yellow River civilization.

Next, what I see is the ancient Chinese cultural relics that have entered the Bronze Age, most of which are mainly bronze.

Most of them are from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and most of them are bronze tripods and jars of various periods, all of which are very exquisite and beautiful in workmanship.

Compared with the bronzes collected by Jin Muchen from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and the British Museum, it can be said that it is definitely not much.

Looking at these bronzes, Jin Muchen also felt a burst of sadness.

It can be said that most of the bronzes from the Shang, Zhou and Han Dynasties in China displayed in European and American museums, especially the American museums, were passed over by the Japanese back then.

At that time, the Japanese had just defeated the Qing Dynasty, and they had a good relationship with the Americans. After defeating the Qing Dynasty, the Japanese opened a lot of trading ports in China, and they have been infiltrating China like crazy.

At that time, many Japanese thieves and dealers of cultural relics went to China to loot.

After exhausting all kinds of tricks and tricks, he collected a lot of good things from China, which was a huge windfall.

It is a pity that Japan's national strength was limited at that time, and Japan was actively preparing for a war with the Russian Empire at that time. In order to raise military expenses, they sold a lot of good things to Americans.

Including many of the treasures that Jin Muchen collected in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, they were all sold by the Japanese to Americans in those days.

Among them, there are many beautiful bronzes, but unfortunately the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston does not specialize in collecting bronzes.

Later, they made a lot of directional adjustments in the collection, and many of those high-quality bronzes were sold by Americans, either to other museums, or to some private individuals who liked this stuff. The collector has been missing since then.

Therefore, when looking at these exquisite bronze wares, Jin Muchen, on the one hand, can appreciate the ingenuity and technical innovation ability of our ancestors, but on the other hand, he hates these Japanese so much that he gnashed his teeth.

After looking at all these things at a glance, Jin Muchen began to quietly look at the security measures of these showrooms.

In fact, since entering the Oriental Mansion, he has been paying attention to the security measures here.

The security measures in the Egyptian exhibition hall in front, the Southeast Asian exhibition hall, and the West Asian exhibition hall can be said to be very sparse. The entire exhibition hall is empty, and there are not many cameras at all.

Even some cultural relics are piled up there, even the glass cover outside is omitted. It can be seen that the Japanese also know that the value of those exhibits is not high, so they are not afraid of being stolen, so they do not pay much attention to it. .

But as soon as you enter the exhibition hall of Chinese cultural relics, the atmosphere will change immediately. Although I dare not say that it is ten steps and one post, five steps and one post, I can clearly feel the security measures here, which are better than the previous halls. Be a lot more serious.

Almost every exhibit is covered with a glass cover, and the glass cover is basically bulletproof and electrified. It is almost impossible to smash these glass covers by violence.

Even if you are powerful enough to lift these glass covers, as long as these glass covers are moved, the alarm will be triggered immediately.

And that's not to mention, most of the cultural relics in the glass cover are tied to the display stand with titanium alloy wires. As long as you touch those alloy wires, the alarm system will be triggered, and even if you can remove the glass hood, but it is not so easy to cut these wires.

What's more, there are many cameras in these showrooms.

You are in these exhibition halls, don't say anything big, even if you want to get close to those display cabinets, I am afraid that it will immediately arouse the vigilance of the security guards in the monitoring It seems that the Japanese know very well , In their Tokyo National Museum, what cultural relics are the most precious.

That's why they made such a slack on the outside and tight on the inside. It can be seen that they attach great importance to these Chinese cultural relics.

Jin Muchen cursed inwardly, then continued to walk back.

In the showroom of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties in the future, all kinds of Buddha statues are most displayed in this showroom.

You must know that the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties were the era of the first great national integration of Chinese civilization. Various ideological conflicts collided, but in the end, it was a peaceful religion such as Buddhism, which was finally merged together. A kind of luck of Chinese civilization.

And that era was also the most prosperous and prosperous era of Buddhism in Chinese civilization, so the historical relics that best represent that era are all kinds of Buddha statues.

The Buddha statues standing here are also of high quality, at least higher than what Jin Muchen has seen in many museums in China. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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