
The next day, on a sunny Saturday with the scorching sun looming high, Lisa woke up with a less sore stomach. The heat that morning made Lisa sweat all over, which automatically put her in a bad mood.

That day, Oscar had to go into the office for a while because there was an issue that required the man's presence. As long as Oscar wasn't home, Lisa remained quietly in the master bedroom. She really used her day off to rest.

At first, Lisa thought that Oscar would be in the office until 4 pm, but apparently, the man was back home not until 12 noon. His right hand carried a plastic bag filled with snacks and fresh fruit.

Just like what Lisa said earlier, her stomach doesn't hurt too much. It's just that, when she saw Oscar, especially when the man had changed his work clothes into home clothes, her stomach suddenly hurt again!

"A-ah! Ouch, it hurts…"

Within seconds, the man was standing next to Lisa. He put his big hand on her lower stomach, "Does it really hurt? Do you want me to put a warm towel over it again?"

"No need, just caress my stomach."

For 2 days in a row, Oscar turned into Lisa's personal assistant. He put all his work in the office, thinking that he could finish it all the upcoming Monday, preferring to take care of Lisa at home.

As usual, the man peeled the fruit that she wanted to eat at that time. He also made hot sweet tea for her, stroking her back and lower stomach. If the two of them lay down, Oscar would hug Lisa from behind, not daring to do anything.

On a slightly cloudy Sunday, Lisa woke up feeling refreshed. Her stomach, waist, and back are no longer sore. There was a feeling of relief as well as disappointment because her body was back to normal, no longer in pain.

She felt relieved because she could finally do anything without getting carried away with emotions or the sudden drowsiness. But she also felt disappointed because she had to go to work and live her monotonous day tomorrow.

If possible, Lisa would like to take 10 days off. If she could do that, she certainly wouldn't have gone far from the bed. It had been a long time since she had pampered herself in bed! Sometimes, on a busy and troubled day, Lisa forgets how soft the bed is.

Since today was Sunday and her stomach wasn't too sore, Oscar decided to take her to see Brigitta.

"Now!?" Lisa asked after choking on Oscar's warm milk. "Today?!"

Oscar patted her back, "Yes, today."

In the last few months, not long after Brigitta fell due to heavy snowfall in Sweden, Peter and Oscar invited the old woman to live in Indonesia. The reason was simple— so the two of them could take care of Brigitta with ease.

The old woman is more than 50 years old. Although her body still looked sturdy and healthy, Peter and Oscar never ceased from feeling anxious to leave Brigitta alone. In the past, they could still rely on Chloe to visit the woman once in a while, but since Chloe had decided to visit Indonesia too, no one could keep an eye on the old woman.

Before Brigitta arrived in Indonesia, Peter had prepared everything with the help of Oscar and Dani. The man bought a villa on the outskirts of the city, to be precise in the Tangerang area. Peter tried to give Brigitta a place to stay where it wasn't too crowded and noisy like in big cities.

Every now and then, Oscar and Peter came to visit the old woman. Actually, Oscar wanted to take Lisa to visit Brigitta since the old woman lived in Indonesia, but he didn't have the right reason and time to do so.

"But I haven't bought a present yet..." Lisa said when they were already sitting in the car's seat. The woman couldn't lie that she wasn't ready to meet Brigitta yet.

"I have everything ready," Oscar replied quietly as he was getting ready to drive. "You can just come and give the gift to grandma."

Since today is a Sunday, the streets are busy in the morning. Especially on toll roads, apart from the incident with a truck rolling over due to carrying too much load, other four-wheeled vehicles fill the entire lanes. At 11 am in the morning, they just managed to get out of the toll road.

The area around Brigitta's villa is quiet, there are not many people walking around. Each villa located in the area is equipped with a large in-house garden and some also have a swimming pool. Tree leaves fall and litter the sidewalks for pedestrians and cyclists.

Half an hour later, Oscar's car stopped at one of the large villas. The heat of the morning made Lisa sweat profusely. Even though the trees scattered there made a cold wind blow, it didn't mean that Lisa didn't sweat. As soon as the woman's feet hit the road, sweat started trickling down the back of her neck.

Oscar didn't need to knock on the fence first. The man had taken his key out of his trouser pocket and opened the tall, black fence. The two lovers were immediately greeted by the small garden of the house with various kinds of potted plants inside. Walking not far from the fence, there is a koi fish pond with a small fountain in the middle.

Before Lisa could ask Oscar where Brigitta was, they both heard the sound of dry leaves being swept away. Suddenly, the lovers turned and saw the figure of an old woman who was standing with her back to them. She had a small build, almost all her hair white, and this time she wore a pink gardening hat.

Lisa and Oscar stopped walking and tried to see clearly. The old woman wearing flip-flops was Brigitta.

Even though she was almost 70 years old, her body showed that she was still healthy. She still regularly swims, takes care of her own garden, and walks around her villa in the afternoon. At first, Peter and Oscar insisted on getting Brigitta 3 housekeepers to accompany her. But Brigitta was stubborn, just like the two of them, and said that she only needed one assistant.

"Grandma, we came to see you!" Oscar greeted enthusiastically as he grabbed Lisa's hand.

The two lovers then walked over to Brigitta with fast steps.

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