"You…" Greta's hand still didn't come down and kept pointing at Lisa's face, "Do you really think you have the right to talk about me behind my back? I'm older than you! Is that how you treat older people?!"

"If I knew your attitude, I would not approve of your relationship!" Greta continued, looking hella annoyed and carried away by her anger.

Hearing that made Lisa raise her eyebrows, "Oh? So you've agreed to my relationship with Oscar?"

"What a fool, I didn't say anything about your relationship! How could I let a slut like you into the Petersson family? Keep dreaming!" Greta replied in a shrill tone.

That last sentence was the reason why Lisa wanted to rush out of the western restaurant. She doesn't know what will happen if she stays here and listens to the ridicule and accusations that keep coming out of Greta's lips. Most likely, what would happen was, she would slap the demonic woman's cheek with her tote bag and then pour red wine onto Greta's expensive pure white dress.

Lisa lowered her head to pick up her tote bag. "Go get a mirror. If I'm a whore then you're also a whore. It takes one to recognize one."

"W-what did you say just now!?" Greta asked in disbelief.

But Lisa didn't have the strength to reply to Greta's words anymore. Talking to that demonic woman for too long could drastically reduce her lifespan! Lisa still wants to live even longer with Oscar and William. She didn't want to die young just from hanging out with Greta for too long.

Lisa turned her body, then accidentally saw a very familiar group of people sitting not far from her. At this rate, she realized that she was in a deadlock!

If she turned around and sat across from Greta, the demonic woman would think that she needed the 500 million check. But if she were to leave now, she would inevitably run into them!

Oh Lord!

Why are Cicilia and the rest of her co-workers here!?

But Lisa prefers to do the latter option. She'd better get out now and run into them than stay in silence any longer with Greta. Finally, the woman stepped steadily toward the exit. She could only hope that neither of them noticed her presence.

Then, what Lisa was worried about happened.

"Miss Lisa?" They greeted her in unison as Lisa walked past their table.

Lisa couldn't help but stop walking and turned around when she heard her name being called. Lisa knew and was one hundred percent sure that the four of them had overheard her bickering with Greta. How could those sitting not far from their table not hear their petty arguments just now?

Besides, they are still young and their hearing is still clear. Lisa also knows Cicilia's character by heart. That woman loved gossip, so Cicilia would definitely do anything just to find out what was going on.

Lisa could only smile faintly and pretended to be surprised. "Ah? I didn't know that you guys were here too…"

"Oh no," Cicilia replied, the woman pretended to be surprised and just didn't hear the hot gossip. "We're here because we want to book a place for the celebration party next month. It seems like this restaurant is suitable for such an event, but Bella doesn't agree."

Bella, who was sitting opposite Cicilia, felt her leg kicked by the woman. She nodded her head and replied, "Ah yes.. I think this dining place is too dark!"

Actually, Cicilia didn't know the root of Lisa's argument with the middle-aged woman. When she and her friends came, they only had time to see Lisa and the woman fighting for a while. Then, not long after that, Lisa turned her body. But judging from the look on Lisa's face and the way she held her tote bag, Cicilia knew something was wrong with the two women.

"Oh?" Cicilia hurriedly got up from the chair and touched Lisa's arm. "Are you okay? Why does your face look red like this…"

Lisa, who had known Cicilia for a long time, knew that it was her way of extracting more information. She shook her head and tried to put on a friendly smile.

"I'm fine. Don't worry."

Before Cicilia could reply, Lisa continued, "I'm going back to the office first. You guys, be careful later."

At first, Cicilia wanted to invite Lisa to sit with them for a while and then go back to the office together. Her work as well as her friends' had not finished, but they went to The Hills for a while just to see the atmosphere in the restaurant.

But since Lisa had refused her invitation, Cicilia couldn't force her anymore. She could only let go of her grip on Lisa's arm and sat back across from Bella.

"Okay, we'll be back in the office soon." Cicilia replied slowly.

Lisa had come here by taxi, but now she chose to walk. She still needed more time to refresh her mind, and maybe a short walk could help her with it.

Meanwhile, Cicilia and her co-workers were still sitting dumbfounded and looking towards the exit.

"What do you think of it? Her face didn't look very good earlier." Bella asked quietly when she made sure Lisa wasn't around them anymore.

Cicilia also had the same question as Bella. The distance between their table and Lisa's was not too far, but that didn't mean they could find out the root of Lisa's problem with the mysterious woman.

Cicilia turned her head and saw the mysterious woman who was sitting while looking out the window. Her face still looked annoyed, as if she was about to explode. It wasn't long before the woman took a glass and took a sip of red wine.

Cicilia and Lisa are not as close as they used to be. In addition to their different positions, Lisa rarely comes into the office. This causes them to seldom communicate except about work. But that doesn't mean she likes to invite her friends to gossip about Lisa.

"I don't know," Cicilia replied at last. She shrugged her shoulders and took out her tote bag. "Maybe the food here isn't good. That's why I already said, it's better if we don't hold the celebration party here. The food is not good and the price is also expensive."

Bella frowned, "Eh, it's impossible if the food isn't good. Many people have good reviews for the food and the good vibes of this place."

"Well, people's tastes are different," Cicilia interrupted quickly. She then stood up and looked at her friends. "Come on, let's go.. Let's just buy some boba."

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