Lisa saw the look on Rizky's face from the corner of her eye. And it seemed that the man was also embarrassed to hear Karina's whining that sounded spoiled. His ears were red and his arms around Karina's waist loosened, no longer hugging her.

If Lisa were in Rizky's shoes, she would also be embarrassed to see Karina's spoiled attitude towards her. If it were in the room where there were only the two of them, Lisa would be okay. But acting so spoiled in public? Disgusting!

Lisa doesn't like to show romantic gestures towards her partner in public. Now, seeing other people do that with their partners made her shudder in horror.

Even when she was in a relationship with Oscar, she didn't like it when other people found out about their relationship, let alone showing how romantic they were towards each other in front of people.

"Ah, Rizky, I think you should bring her to your table. Poor her! Karina is starving. Her stomach will hurt later, she'll definitely be fussy!" Lisa teased while throwing a cynical look at Karina.

Others might take Lisa's words as a friend showing her concern to an old friend. But actually, Karina knew that the woman was making fun of her and was trying to humiliate her.

Hearing that made Rizky smile widely. He tightened his arms around Karina's slender waist and said, "Then, I'll go back. But when can we meet again?"

To be honest, seeing the man she used to think of as a close friend who cared about and once helped Bella become the boyfriend of her mortal enemy made Lisa's heart feel uncomfortable. Moreover, her mortal enemy is Karina, not Indri or Amelia.

Lisa didn't say anything and just chose to chuckle. She saw Rizky trying to greet Oscar again, but the man just nodded his head and leaned closer to her. Then, after that, Rizky turned his body and invited Karina to sit back at their table.

Actually, Lisa knew that Karina wasn't that hungry so she whined at Rizky to return to their table and eat the food they ordered. She knows the real reason is— the woman is afraid that her secret and dark past will be exposed in front of Rizky, her new boyfriend.

Moreover, knowing Karina's cunning and thirst for money, Lisa knows that she doesn't want to lose a man like Rizky. A rich man who has a stable job and also happens to have his heart set on Karina… How could she let go of him?

Just like Rizky and Karina, Lisa and Oscar sat back at their table. This time, Oscar chose to swap their seats so that Lisa didn't have to see Karina and Rizky.

After sitting in their respective chairs, Oscar couldn't help but laugh out loud. The sound of his laughter that sounded deep and warm made Lisa laugh out reflexively.

Oscar held up both thumbs, "You look so cool, Lisa. I really didn't expect you to dare to fire back at Karina's insults!"

Hearing Oscar's compliment made Lisa's cheeks heat up, she was sure her cheeks were turning red like boiled tomatoes. She bit her lower lip and said, "Ugh, I was annoyed with Karina. Did she think she's the only one who could make fun of people?"

"Now I'm not afraid of Karina." Lisa continued.

"Wait, hasn't she been imprisoned before?" Oscar asked as he remembered something.

Lisa pursed her lips and took a fork, "She and Veronica have been bailed out since a few months ago."

"Oh..." Oscar replied, nodding his head. He then followed what Lisa was doing and started to eat the food he ordered. "Then, if they look for trouble with you again, let me know. I'll help you put them in jail again."

Hearing that managed to make Lisa's heart and face feel hot.

At a time like this, Lisa thinks that she might've saved the world in her past life so that in today's world she gets a partner like Oscar. If she had never done anything great before, how could she know Oscar and be his lover?

Lisa smiled faintly. "Karina.. She couldn't change and chose to go after wealth. But actually, I don't know the reason why Rizky likes Karina. What kind of magic do you think she used?"

"Hush," Oscar interrupted quietly, "Your voice is too loud!"

Lisa frowned and turned her head slightly so she could see at Rizky and Karina's table. The pair looked intimate and Karina's eyes sparkled while talking with Rizky. Their left hands that were on the table touched each other.

"Eh? What's wrong? Let them hear. I really want them to hear it." Lisa turned her gaze and looked at Oscar, "Who would have thought that Karina could get a guy like Rizky…?"

Oscar took a sip of his drink slowly. He then raised his eyebrows and placed the glass of his drink on the table. "She's your sister, Lisa. Your question is too obvious."

"Sister my ass. I'd rather climb a tree and get electrocuted than admit that she's my sister!"

"I just feel sorry for Rizky. He's a nice guy and he cares about other people, including me and Bella. I think Rizky is a smart guy who can tell the difference between a girl who really loves him or just loves his wealth. How come he got a girl like Karina though…" Lisa continued with a sigh.

She really regrets Rizky's choice to make Karina his lover. If only that man knew what Karina's nature was like.

Hearing Rizky's name leave Lisa's lips made Oscar's face change drastically. He leaned his back on the back of the chair and said, "You seem to care a lot about Rizky."

A stupid woman like Lisa didn't know that Oscar's tone sounded like a jealous man. According to her, the man was teasing her to get rid of his boredom and relieve her from her anger towards Karina.

Having such thoughts made Lisa burst out laughing. She touched Oscar's hand which was on the table and looked at the man with her right eyebrow raised upwards.

"Are you jealous?" Lisa asked with a cheeky tone.

When Oscar didn't reply to her question, Lisa realized that the man was jealous.

"Oh my gosh, I've already told you that I don't have any relationship with Rizky. I used to be close to him because he was Bella's lecturer and counselor at the university. He was very kind and considerate of Bella, that's why I feel grateful to him.." Lisa said in a tone that sounded impatient.

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