Trial Marriage Husband : I Am CEO’s Plaything

Chapter 783 - Everything Will Be Alright

If there wasn't a major problem, Petersson Communications wouldn't be holding an open meeting. Other companies must have the same rules. If there is no big problem, they will not hold an open meeting.

In all her years working at the telecommunications company, Lisa knew how rarely Petersson Communications held open meetings. Not only is it rare, even as far as Lisa knows, the company has never held an open meeting.

What is happening right now?

Lisa continued to read the news with her eyes wide in shock. Her two hands slightly  trembled as she held her cell phone and her knuckles were protruding. Feelings of fear, surprise, impatience, and many others were mixed into one in her chest.

For the next few moments, until her phone screen went out, Lisa continued to stare at her phone screen. At first, Lisa wanted to contact Oscar, but remembering that the man would definitely attend an open meeting, Lisa decided to cancel her intention. The man must have been busy preparing everything.


Lisa just realized something.

Maybe that's why Oscar was in such a hurry this morning to get to work! But why didn't Oscar tell her anything about the open meeting? Did he not want her to panic? But it's the same! Whether Oscar told her or not, Lisa would still panic when she found out on her own.

She then decided to send the man a short message.

Lisa: I heard that your company will hold an open shareholders' meeting, right? Why didn't you tell me earlier!!! Was the meeting held because you've got happy news? Please reply to my message if you have time. Good luck anyway.

After sending the text, Lisa couldn't calm down. She couldn't sit for more than a minute, and couldn't stop herself from pacing back and forth around her office. She couldn't stop biting her index fingernails, and a feeling of anxiety filled her even more.

One minute turned into two minutes, two minutes turned into five minutes, and Oscar still hadn't replied to her text. The longer he didn't reply to her message, the more she panicked.

For the umpteenth time, Lisa got up from her chair and walked to the window of her study. Not long after, she looked down again and made sure Oscar still hadn't replied to her message. Never mind replying, the man hadn't even had the time to read her message.

As time went on, Lisa's urge to pick up her cell phone and call Oscar grew even more! But if Lisa did that, she was worried that it would only make Oscar panic even more.

Lisa felt that at times like this, she shouldn't look too panicked. If they're both panicked at the same time, the end result would definitely not be good. The two of them will definitely get carried away with emotions and so a fight will be inevitable.

So in times of uncertainty like this, Lisa just hoped that she didn't make things worse.

Finally, instead of feeling more and more panicked, Lisa decided to go back to work. After all, if Oscar replied to her message later, her cell phone would ring with a fairly loud tone.

About half an hour later, Lisa couldn't focus at all on her pile of work. Since then, her eyes have been fixed on her phone screen that still remains dark.

Was Oscar really so busy preparing for the open meeting that he couldn't reply to her text messages?

Yes, Oscar must have been busy and his cell phone must've been put on silent mode so that no one else could interfere with the man's work.

Having such thoughts made Lisa feel a little at ease. At least she was sure that if something bad happened to Oscar, someone would try to contact her. Be it Dani or the mysterious friend Oscar contacted at the time of the accident.

Besides, Lisa is also sure that Oscar will be fine.


Oscar put his hands in his trouser pockets and stood facing the window of his study. His face that was lit directly by the morning sun made him frown. The man's face was stiff and his eyes looked panicked.

Even though he looked like a fine person, Dani knew that Oscar was actually panicking and confused. After knowing each other for more than 10 years, Dani already knew the man's behavior by heart.

Dani stood faithfully beside him while placing his hands in front of his stomach, and didn't say anything.

Thinking that maybe Oscar needed some time alone, Dani decided to leave his study. It was better for him to be outside and get everything ready than to sit around and get panicked and confused because of Oscar.

About half an hour later, Dani tried to get into Oscar's room again. And when he opened the door to the room, he saw Oscar was still in the same position. Standing facing the window of his study, he put his hands in his trouser pockets.

If Dani didn't know that Oscar was panicking and confused, maybe he would think that Oscar was in a trance.

"Sir, all the preparations for the meeting have been completed. And," Dani raised his left hand and looked at his watch, "In about ten minutes'¦ the meeting will start."

Oscar's lips that had been tightly pressed together finally opened, "Have all the guests arrived yet?"

"Yes, including your uncle." Dani replied nervously.

The man was very surprised when he saw Michael was one of the guests who came. As he recalled, the man was still in Sweden playing golf with his old friends. But why is he  suddenly here and attending the open meeting now?

Was his prediction yesterday correct about Michael owning a portion of the company's shares?

Hearing Dani's reply made Oscar turn around quickly. The look on his face was filled with disbelief, but his eyes were still as cold as ever.

Oscar then nodded his head and walked over to Dani, heading for the exit. The burly man opened the door and followed Oscar behind.

In the elevator to the meeting room located on the 5th floor, Oscar took his cell phone from his pocket. Earlier when he arrived at the office, he had decided to mute his cell phone so that the preparations for the meeting would not be disturbed.

When Oscar saw the message from Lisa, the look on the man's face turned smooth. All feelings of panic and worry seemed to disappear when he read Lisa's text message.

Oscar: I'm sorry I just didn't want to worry you. Everything will be fine, you don't have to worry too much.. I'll call you again later.

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