The sunlight in Jakarta illuminates every corner of the city. No matter how thick the fog that remained in the morning, it all disappeared in an instant as the sun began to rise.

The rays shone into the master bedroom through the window. The light woke up a pair of lovers still deep in their sleep under the blanket. Their bodies hugged each other, with Oscar's hand under Lisa's head, and the woman's left hand wrapped around his waist.

Lisa blinked a few times, moved her body slightly, and kissed Oscar's cheek. Unlike her, who woke up because of the warm rays shining on her face, Oscar had just woken up because he felt movement next to him.

"Good morning." Lisa said while kissing Oscar's cheek again.

Before Oscar could pull her closer again and enjoy her kiss, Lisa was already up from the bed. That morning, Lisa's movement could be said to be too fast for Oscar who had just woken up. Maybe she was too excited to see William that day that her body seemed to move faster than usual.

As if moving at a lightning speed, the woman came out of the bathroom way earlier than usual, with her body that smelled good and her hair slightly damp. Meanwhile, Oscar was still trying to wake himself up.

"Oscar!" Lisa shouted in disbelief "Why are you still not awake yet?"

Hearing his name being called made Oscar stretch his body. He glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was still six in the morning.

Six for goddamn sake!

"What time is it'¦." Oscar grumbled which was soon followed by his lips parting wide with yawns.

Lisa walked to the dressing table and grabbed a hairdryer. "We really have to go to the office because we need to go home early! Have you forgotten that today is William's birthday!?"

"Alright, alright."

Everything went fast, and Lisa forced Oscar to do everything quickly. Not long after the man came out of the bathroom, Lisa was ready with a complete make-up and a tote bag on her lap. Oscar could not help but have to be ready to not be scolded by Lisa again.

After breakfast, Lisa and Oscar came out of the house together. That day, Lisa really looked excited and in a hurry. She wasn't usually the way she was now. She usually looked sluggish and lazy when she went to work so she did everything slowly. But now, Oscar had never seen Lisa this excited.

Before their car stopped in front of Lisa's office building, the woman had already removed her seat belt. She fixed her appearance in the mirror while saying, "Don't forget to pick me up later, okay?"

Oscar cleared his throat, "When I get there, I'll call you."

In the middle of the day, around 12 noon, Lisa came out of her superior's office after asking permission to go home early. Through a short message, Lisa reminded Oscar to pick her up and park the car far enough from the office building because it's lunch time.

Oscar complied with the woman's request as he understood what she wanted. He deliberately parked his car quite far from her office building and waited until the woman came in his car.

As he saw Lisa walking at a brisk pace, Oscar unlocked the car. After the woman sat in the driver's seat, he started the engine and stepped on the gas pedal.

Since today wasn't actually a holiday and that parents weren't allowed to pick up their children in the boarding school, Oscar had to specifically meet the principal. With the excuse of wanting to celebrate William's birthday together and return the boy before 8 pm, he would do everything to make it happen.

Perhaps it's been about 2 months since Lisa hasn't seen William in person. Usually, they only meet through video calls and so they couldn't feel their warmth. So when Lisa saw William come out of the boarding school in Oscar's arms, she felt her eyes heat up.

"William!" Lisa called, looking very excited.

Not seeing his biological mother for 2 months, William began to wriggle in Oscar's tight embrace. The boy asked to be put down and then ran to Lisa with a jog.


As soon as William was within reach, Lisa immediately crouched down and spread her arms wide. The woman carried the boy's tiny body and gave a sweet kiss attack all over her son's face.

If they heard the sound of laughter that escaped William's lips, they would have assumed that the boy was as happy as Lisa. Heusually spends the night looking at the moon because he misses his mother, and now is actually in the warm embrace of the woman he misses the most.

You could say this was the happiest day since William attended boarding school.

"Now I will tell you my grades!" William said excitedly. The boy leaned his back on Lisa's chest, and his head rested on his mother's shoulder.

Lisa furrowed her brows, "Grades? What grades?"

"Your grades!" William replied, still using the tone that sounded excited. He glanced at Oscar who was driving and continued, "Today, Papa only got 60 points, while Mama got the highest points! 90 points!"

Oscar's brow automatically furrowed when he heard William's answer. He didn't know where he went wrong that he only got 60 points. He carried William in front of the class and even brought the boy's school bag.

"Why did I only get 60 points?" Oscar asked in surprise as he glanced at William's face, "60 points is very low..."

"Dad, you haven't seen William in a long time, but why didn't you seem to miss me like Mama? She just looked so excited that she couldn't stop kissing me even until I sat in the car. You just carried me but until now, Papa hasn't kissed me!" William grumbled in annoyance.

Hearing that made the corners of Oscar's lips lift upwards. He could only shake his head and look for a detour because he had entered the wrong lane.

Then William continued again, "So, if Papa wants to get high points like Mama, Papa must study with Mama first! If you see a child, it should be kissed, not just held!"

Lisa, who had not made any sound before, was now laughing out loud.. It had been a long time since their little family gathered like this.

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