True Marvel World

Chapter 132: Professor, I'm for your good

[Title: A Man of fantasy with the United States now Chapter 132 professors, I was good for you Author: adhere to the squirrel]

Welcome to the latest chapter of a beautiful fantasy fantasy 2k novel network! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: Supreme Legend Dragon King Legend of the Ancient God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements Tian Xuan Jie The Gate of the Heavens Chosen Forever Night King Inverse Scale Lord Dominion Holy Market Snow Eagle Lord US Cable News (n):

"State announcement that the U.S. government has formally arrested mutants who have recently been under heavy destruction, and vowed to control all the mutants who have been undermined. At the same time, if anyone finds a mutant, please call 911. If your There are mutants at home, so please take the initiative to the local police station for investigation. "

"But please be assured that mutants are also humans. They are our kind, so the U.S. government does not treat them as such. It is just that the superpowers they have are too dangerous and need to be controlled by the government. They can still see their own variants in the future. Friends, loved ones, love, thank you! "

USA Today:

"Since last night, the U.S. government has officially arrested mutants. Because of this arrest, a lot of extraordinary incidents occurred throughout the United States last night. Many soldiers, innocent people, and Mutants die as a result. "

"According to incomplete statistics, as of 6 am this morning, there have been 100 people who have lost their lives throughout the United States, countless injured, countless private and public property!"

British BBC:

"At the joint world conference held last night, the United States issued an opinion to the world, hoping that all countries in the world can start to control the mutants and solve the big problem that has affected the world for decades ... ... "


In the early morning of the Amazing Newspaper Building, Ron swept a few top news, put down his phone, and started to stay.

Today is destined to be an extraordinary day. Since Professor X fought hundreds of government soldiers, the war between mutants and humans broke out. The US government directly dispatched secret troops and arrested Professor X. Operations were also launched against other mutants in the country.

So when Ron opened the mobile news this morning, all he saw was news about mutants and humans, and almost all the news agencies were this, except for Amazing News.

Today's headline on Amazing Daily was: "Shocked, New Mexico has found traces of extraterrestrial meteorites, and some people have found signs of ufo. It is suspected that aliens have invaded the earth. Please know."

Yes, Ron didn't report this incident that almost affected the whole earth, but instead posted a photo of Jessica from New Mexico on the headline of Marvel Newspaper, and took a random title. Posted it out.

It's not that Ron doesn't report. If he really wants to report, what he looks like in Professor X, and the School of X can be found anywhere and published in Amazing Daily.

Ron has achieved his purpose. His previously published news changed Stryker's plan, deepened human animosity among mutants, and changed the original story of Stryker's arrest of mutants. Leading to war between mutants and humans.

In this matter, Ron seems to have done nothing, but in fact, all of this is caused by Ron, without him, the situation would not have changed as it is now.

This is what Ron came up with. He did n’t go for the destruction, did n’t take the initiative to cause war, and he did n’t go all the way to kill. He just published a few news about the mutants and said a few more. In a word, it is a simple method, but it is very effective.

When leaving the X Academy yesterday, Professor X also doubted whether the incident had something to do with him, and asked him with a very hidden mental ability.

Ron did not have to refute Professor X's meaning at all, and answered very honestly: Yes!

Therefore, Ron has done enough. He doesn't need to get involved with this matter anymore, so that the "good" he becomes a bad person, and leave a bad impression on others, then it is too failed. .

Next, let's see what this thing will evolve into in the end ...


Canada, Alberta.

Alberta is Canada's fourth largest province, with an area of ​​approximately 660,000 square kilometers. It is located in western Canada and is adjacent to Montana in the United States.

At this time, in a mountain range in northern Alberta, a black plane was staying on a clearing in the mountains. Most of the planes were children in their teens, there were forty or fifty, and several more Adults, a big man in military uniform, and an old man in a wheelchair.

Of course, these people are Professor X and his team. Due to Ron's reminder, Professor X evacuated the people of the X Academy one step in advance. Before the government army destroyed the X Academy, he fled from the United States and came to Albert, Canada. Province of Tatar.

Originally, Professor X's group wanted to go to North Alberta, which is far north of Canada. After all, there is far from the United States, and there are very few humans. The news of the sudden return from the single Phoenix Girl and Storm Girl made Professor X Changed attention.

Phoenix Girl and Storm Girl said that they were attacked by several mutants on their way back to Academy X. The original plane that had flown in the past had been scrapped, and they were temporarily trapped in Boston.

After hearing this news, Professor X stayed in Alberta, not far from the United States, and then found a way to rescue the Phoenix and Storm Girls.

They are now in a safe location. There is a child in X Academy who is inherently good at concealment, so that they can not be found by satellites, detection equipment and other things.

At this time, Professor X was surrounded by several people such as Wolverine, Laser Eye, and Iceman and Fireman, all of them looking heavy and not speaking.

After a while, Laser Eye Scott could not bear the silence, and said dissatisfied.

"Professor, Qin and Auror are still in Boston. Do we have been hiding here and not saving them? Anyway, we have already been at war with human beings, and the X Academy has been destroyed by human beings. Why not fight directly against humanity and fight for the benefits we deserve! "

"Scott! Qin and Orolo we must rescue, but to fight humans ~ ~ this is absolutely impossible!"

Hearing the laser eyes, Professor X's frown had become deeper. He rebuked Scott, but then sighed again.

Professor X remembered the question he asked Ron before leaving the X Academy yesterday.

Although he did not express his doubts clearly, Ron's answer was very bright and upright, proving that Ron did have a part in the war between the mutants and humans, and he had a large part.

Although Professor X was very angry at the time, he carefully skipped the whole thing and found out that although Ron was involved in this matter, he also published news about several mutants to destroy it. Didn't do anything else.

Does he rely on the few news about the mutants' destruction, and push it all to Ron to hate Ron and blame Ron?

Professor X couldn't do it, because the mutants were really doing damage some time ago, and there was a lot of news, and it wasn't just Ron who was publishing the mutants' damage. So Professor X had no way at all to have much to do with the cause of the war between mutant humans and Ron.

And what Ron did was seem to be helping him to solve this difficult problem between the mutants and humans for decades. Wanting to make the mutants and humans have a clear result is just like the mutants.

In other words, Ron's answer was to tell him plainly: I'm helping you solve the problem, Professor X, you can't repay the vengeance and blame it on me.

Professor X grinned a lot, yeah, but it was for your good, and he didn't do anything excessive, how could he blame this on Ron, hey ... 2k novel reading network

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