Truth of Magic

Chapter 115

Looking at the heavily guarded front, Zhao Xu’s breath tightened a little bit, but not at all it was too much action.

If he is a high-defense warrior with full riding skills and riding a Heaven Realm horse, he can still sneak around these guards.

But for him now, it’s better to be honest.

Although Zhao Xu is also confident that after collocation of the mage armor and shield, his defensive ability is not inferior to the guards who cover his head tightly.

Since he became a mage and could no longer apply his previous warrior experience, Zhao Xu will unconsciously start to simulate battle scenes in various situations, and secretly analyze how he should attack and defend the spell.

Only facing the immediate situation, Zhao Xu discovered that there is really only a colorful jet that can bet down a group of people. Group control like hypnotism will not give him a round at all. Time-casting.

Zhao Xu, who has been called up, knows that he defeats the person in front of him, not at all. This kind of level is only the first.

Don’t talk about this batch in front of you, just the lurking sentry scouts all around don’t know how many there are, even once the iron pot in the corner is ignited, it won’t take long for the thick smoke to be hundreds of people. moved towards assembled here.

Thousands of years of drills, basically everyone has experience in search and anti-search for this layout.

“The adventurer on the opposite side, dismount, come over, and be checked.” A Captain-like guard shouted loudly. Only his armor was the most dazzling, with additional metal pieces inlaid.

At the same time, there are three adventurers with similar outfits, all sitting in the corner with their hands tied, obviously waiting for the next wave of people to change defense before sending them away.

But Zhao Xu can’t care about too many passers-by, so he dismounts and stands by.

On the opposite side, three people moved towards him. They were holding light crossbows, and the crossbow arrows were sending out a blue cold glow.

After Zhao Xu rose to Level 2, he got the Hit Dice of a Level 2 mage. The result of 1D4(1-4) is 3 points. After adding his 2 points of physique, his HP From 8hp to 13hp, it can be considered a small top.

The current mainstream Level 1 mages, if 12physique, is only 5hp.

Even Level 1 fighters may not have Zhao Xu high health at this time.

He already has the capital to hit them twice with a light crossbow, and not pass in a coma. This is the ability that HP gives them.

“Who are you? Where do you come from? Where do you go?”

The guards headed by them have grim faces. For them, they dare to appear here without official procedures. Yes, it would be wrong to kill all of them, but half of them would definitely slip through the net.

When Zhao Xu heard this tone, he suddenly thought about it a lot.

He who has done border defense at the checkpoint knows that the other party will not easily treat them as travelers as prisoners.

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn’t help falling into the distance. Roja probably underestimated the difficulties at the border.

Tianbei Chamber of Commerce and Caso and Butan directly, absolutely something unknown has changed.

Zhao Xu knew that he took out the mage badge at this time. The other party would definitely not recognize the name of Oss behind, but he would send him away after confirming that he is a registered mage of the association.

But North Carolina ahead, he must not even think about passing it.

And even if you go to other towns through the forest of Vietnam Island, it will take three days.

Compared with the current player community, Zhao Xu has been to go through arduous training or hard work for ten years after Arthur, and he still knows a lot about some on the surface or private rules.

He immediately took out the certificate issued by the Crescent Town Mage Association.

Although Zhao Xu doesn’t want to admit it, this letter proves that he is indeed confident that he can wander in the wild of Nanyu Forest.

The Tianbei Chamber of Commerce, which originally encircled his caravan, suddenly became his logistics teammate.

The leader of this guard team may not recognize the signature of the North Carolina Wizard Association, but he will never fail to recognize the signature of the nearby key resource supply town of Crescent Town.

Although Zhao Xu does not understand, why the executive officer of the association also has the signature of the Crescent Town Government Office.

The county magistrate is not as good as being in charge, even in Arthur.

And the three guards who came to watch saw Zhao Xu digging out things, and they had already raised their weapons to knock Zhao Xu down.

As a result, after seeing a document, the three of them were relaxed, and the expression was somewhat looser.

A certificate stained with a blue cover, and then inlaid with a gold border, even if it is forged, the cost is not low.

The guard headed raised an eyebrow, and wondered is it possible that which great character’s nephew came to have fun.

Thinking of this, he took off his helmet, slightly bent down the originally straight waist, and took the initiative to move towards Zhao Xu extend the hand, ready to receive the proof.


Suddenly an arrow struck like a gust of wind and plunged straight into the brow of the guard standing in front.

Along with him, there was the other’s incredible gaze.

In this way, a cold corpse fell directly, like a storm directly swept the hearts of everyone present.

At the moment when the arrow only penetrated the opponent’s eyebrows, accompanied by the sound of enemy attacks and screaming, Zhao Xu hurriedly started defensive spellcasting, besides cursing where the bandit had pitted him.

At this time, he is already pooping yellow mud out of his crotch, not poo, but also poo.

The time to cast spells is extremely precious in this face-to-face mortal realm.

Just when Zhao Xu gritted his teeth and was about to utter the last word of “Mage Armor”, the two remaining guards standing in front of him, one had turned around and fled, the other He reacted decisively, hatefully releasing the trigger of the light crossbow.

At this moment of turmoil, the guards didn’t see where the attack came from, but Zhao Xu, who stood at the front, definitely made a mistake and never let it go.

This is also the reason why Zhao Xu cast the spell immediately, and those who still want to explain, I am afraid that they have to go back to the Creation Temple and explain to the Divine Idol.

“Boom.” The second arrow rang through.

[adventurer Midsummer, your defense check failed and you suffered 1D8=3 damage. 】

The guard’s crossbow bolt directly hit Zhao Xu’s thigh, and the pain came directly.

At this time, Zhao Xu could only gritted his teeth and rejoiced that he just hit his thigh and only then cut 3hp damage.

If it hits him in the head, it won’t stop at all.

Even bad luck some direct crit, then he can really sing the song of returning to the city with sadness.

It’s just that Zhao Xu was just chanting at the last moment of incantion. This is not fatal, but it made the pain shock his consciousness, and suddenly even the rhythm of his original singing was messed up.

[Adventurer Midsummer, make a concentration check 4 (skill level) + 2 (physique) + 4 (combat reflex) + D20 = 10 + 10 = 20, greater than the difficulty of 14 = 10 (basic) + 3 (Damage) +1 (spell level), pass the check and focus successfully. 】

Suddenly from his character panel, the concentration skills directly transmitted a force, which drove Zhao Xu to continue to maintain the spell throughout his body.

This unconscious driving force enabled Zhao Xu to successfully perform spell.

An invisible armor appeared directly on Zhao Xu’s body, as solid as a rock.

Zhao Xu saw the success of the spell, and immediately grabbed the mount from his summon. Relying on the memory of his previous riding skills, he turned over and jumped up, then leaned down and pulled the horse to sprint away desperately.

At this time, the martial artist, who was seven or eight meters away and covered in light armor, rushed towards the martial artist. They waved their scimitars and rushed towards the checkpoint. The three of them were captured at the checkpoint. Suddenly, taking advantage of the distraction of everyone, he ran desperately.

[adventurer Midsummer, your defense level is Level 14, you are attacked, the check is level 13, and the defense is successful. 】

With a “ding”, a crossbow arrow moved towards Zhao Xu’s back was removed by the power of the wizard’s armor.

Zhao Xu, who was running away on horseback, couldn’t help but look back at who was desperately chasing him.

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