Truth of Magic

Chapter 383

Zhao Xu this remark, immediately made everyone fall into deep thought.

Although Zhao Xu has seen instant death spells before, he can even use his staff to cast instant death spells.

But these are still far from ordinary low-level adventurer after all.

Those who really get there will never have a chance to stand here.

Because as long as the toughness exemption does not survive the spell, and there is no such immunization method as “formation prevention”, ordinary civilians will basically die properly without the spell resistance.

It’s just that the death spell itself has too high a ring number, and it didn’t make a name among the civilians.

So everyone at first did not react to this possibility.

Spell is dead, too far away from them.

The same goes for mages. When the mages reach the stage where they can use the finger of death, this spell can no longer enable them to deal with enemies at that stage.

After a few words, Zhao Xu has already taken his steps and moved towards the tent where the corpse is parked.

Vivian is guarding behind him, facing this girl with extraordinary battle strength, many people have no intention of fighting.

Until I saw Zhao Xu entering the tent, among the remaining adventurers, some of the identities could not help but follow.

After most of the silent exchanges, everyone vaguely confirmed one thing.

That is Zhao Xu and the bodyguard beside him, neither of whom are natives of Lucca City.

According to the apprentice pastor’s speculation, the charming woman who successfully killed the protection-paid Rogue with a very subtle sword was probably a Paladin.

Because of the sword that smashes evil, most likely it is Slash!

Paladin seldom succumb to five buckets of rice. Unless they fit their beliefs and beliefs in their hearts, they rarely accept outside tasks.

Naturally, everyone immediately guessed that the man who could be protected by a Paladin was probably the senior priest of the temple.

Combined with the recent migration and escape storm, several keen players even made bold judgments.

The man in front of him is probably a middle-to-high-level clergyman who went to serve in the Northern Alliance.

Now follow their entire group to move forward in this mist, and it is natural to protect everyone.

Thinking about it this way also means that the place next to this pastor is the safest place.

When Zhao Xu entered a tent that was not spacious, about the size of a single dormitory, he noticed that another group of players followed, like a tag-a-long.

But Zhao Xu not at all cared, he walked straight to the dead bard, even if he migrated to the Northern Alliance, he still wore a luxurious dress instead of the inlays common to poet adventurer leather armor.

At this time, the poet’s eyes opened wide, and his pupils were enlarged, cold and stiff, and he obviously couldn’t believe that he would suddenly die like this.

“Vivienne, have you ever met a bard.” Zhao Xu asked.

Vivian is shook the head.

The people behind him knew that this beautiful Paladin Young Lady was named Vivian.

It’s just that they tried hard to recall, and they couldn’t remember that there was such a female Paladin named Vivian in the nearby city.

The opponent’s appearance and posture are so good, it stands to reason that they have never heard of it.

“The bards roam around, collect local legends, and then narrate them. They use music as a magic medium to make the audience happy or sad.”

Here, Zhao Xu’s voice was paused, faintly discernable observing the traces of the corpse.

He glanced at the other player poet in the room.

Because the poet sings himself, it is easier to cast magic at the same time, and it is far easier to complete vocational training than mages and priests, so they have become popular candidates for players recently.

Only Bard Level 1 is easy, but Level 2 is difficult.

Players already know that fighting monsters is not the only way to level up. Many bards have played countless goblins, and are about to get the title of goblin killer, and still can’t feel the coming of Level 2.

Finally, compelled by circumstances, choose a roundabout route for part-time promotion of other professions.

“Sir, can you say a little more about the poet’s content?”

At this moment, standing in the corner, another group of poet players who came with the deceased, the whole person seems muddleheaded Generally, it seems to have been hit hard.

But his eyes were very bright at this time, as if he had caught the road ahead.

For a while, everyone around was surprised to see the inexplicable dialogue between the two.

When Zhao Xu heard this sentence, he also knew that he was not showing it to blind.

Before, he was concerned about the problem of poets’ difficulty in breaking through in the forum.

It’s just that he hasn’t performed too much in other professions recently, and it happens to use this time to spread the’secret’.

The Arthur adventurers that Lucca City heard were not poets and were not touched by themselves. At the same time, they were not poets and did not have proper communication channels.

The poet player is different, not to mention that he has tools such as forums and networks.

At this time, the other players, looking at the poet who is the same player, the whole expression is like worshipping the mysterious man, and they all realize that something very unusual is happening in front of them. .

“Poets need to face all kinds of people.” Zhao Xu continued to say that in the legendary library, he saw the content recorded in the biography written by the god of poets.

“So they often work as diplomats, coordinators, coordinators, scouts, or spies.”

In a few words, Zhao Xu has already put poets in A brief description of how to upgrade and usually do.

He also noticed that other players who were not poets also listened silently.

“What does this mean?” A Barbarian who didn’t understand the situation was puzzled.

The other person immediately yanked at the hides under him, “Don’t talk too much, this is teaching preaching.”

“If the poet decides to participate in the storm in Lucca City , Then what should I do?” The poet player immediately asked.

When Zhao Xu heard it, he replied directly, “The magic of a poet comes from the heart, so you need to follow your inner choice. A good poet can bring hope and courage to the unfortunate, and use magic to fight the villain’s tricks. In the face of tyrants, they will also resist tyranny and encourage the persecuted in the process of fleeing.”

As for the evil pastor who manipulates people’s hearts and confuses the audience to collect offerings, Zhao Xu does not intend to say more.

“Dare to ask Mr.’s name?” At this moment, the poet player standing in the corner, standing bowed, moved towards Zhao Xu and bowed.

He already knows that many poet players must find the direction of the breakthrough barrier because of what the other party said.

“This is not what I said, it was Didalan.” Zhao Xu said indifferently.

This name also made everyone feel dizzy, and fell silent for a while.

Didalaner, the god of poets and music.

They don’t feel as if Zhao Xu call him by name.

Don’t wait for everyone’s sigh, Zhao Xu has already raised his hand to cast a spell——

A “Dead Talk” spell that originally required 10 points of casting time was instantly acclaimed by Zhao Xu’s expertise. The caster, compressed to a round of time.

The corpse, which had already died and started to be cold, slowly recovered its life force.

In this way, the dead bard suddenly sat up.

“A corpse?”

This change scared several timid girls in an instant.

Several people present have participated in this private autopsy just now, and they are quite sure that the body is dead.

“No, but it won’t be necromantic magic, transform into undying creatures, right?” other spellcasters said with emotion.

“Don’t talk nonsense, this is a’dead conversation’, a three-ring divine technique.”

The middle-aged soldier who performed an autopsy at first corrected immediately.

He who worked for the temple has also seen this kind of spell.

At this time, everyone did not dare to bother Zhao Xu, and all looked at the soldier, waiting for his answer.

“This spell can temporarily restore a little life and intelligence to a corpse, so that it can answer questions.”

“This spell is powerful, it just makes the body of the corpse It’s just to restore the fragments of consciousness, so even if the soul dissipates, this spell can work.”

At this time, Zhao Xu also asked the poet who “woke up”.

The dead poet also answered dryly at this moment: “I don’t know…”

“After I started to fall asleep, suddenly the whole person became confused like this, and then lost Life.”

The poet’s words, so slurred, contrasted sharply with the sharp teeth in his lifetime.

Zhao Xu also managed to distinguish for a while before he knew what he said.

Everyone originally saw Zhao Xu cast such a magical spell, and thought they could capture the truth, they were looking forward to it.

Who ever thought that everything is still so unclear.

The corpse continued to say at this time, “I just remember, the last moment I lost consciousness, I seemed to see a mysterious pattern.”

“The thunderbolt hit the ground, and the water rolled flames. “

The pattern of the mysterious cemetery!

It is also the clue of the notebook!

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