Twenty Years in Business

Chapter 280: upstart

The driver is only very old, not tall, with a mustache, hunched back, and wrinkles on his face. He looks like an old man in his 50s, but he is actually less than 50 years old.

As a driver, Lao Yu is very dedicated.

The Accord is just like my own car. The first thing I do when I come to the company is to wipe the car, whether it is dirty or not, in and out, until it is bright. It seems that I am not at ease without doing this.

Car maintenance is great, and driving is even better.

In his own words, he is a "handle-handled". He has been dealing with cars for more than 20 years. He used to drive a big car, but now he is not in good health, so he found a job driving a small car.

Zhang Xiaobai once noticed that he drove very steadily, even on rural roads, he could not feel the bumps, he could always choose the most appropriate route, and the choice of this route was obviously an ability developed through years of experience.

Know how to maintain the car, have good driving skills, and have high quality.

No smoking, no drinking, no mouthfuls, always keeping a smiling face, regardless of ordinary colleagues or leaders, laugh when they meet.

Therefore, in the company, the old Yu's staff are extremely good, and they are liked by the leaders and colleagues. No wonder Chen Yu regards him as his own, and it is no problem to say anything to this person.

In the morning, Lao Yu finished wiping the car and caught fire, waiting for the two bosses.

Chen Yu still consciously sits in the co-pilot. This is a matter of etiquette. Under normal circumstances, leaders sit behind.

Zhang Xiaobai didn't think much about it. When he saw that he was sitting in front of him, he was sitting in the back. The space was spacious and comfortable.

Along the way, Chen Yu introduced to Zhang Xiaobai the situation of the customer he was about to visit.

Speaking of which, he still has a close relationship with Chen Yu.

This person is called Hu Ming, in his forties, he is a northerner.

This person is not simple. When he was young, he was an unstable master. He went to the north and south to do business. It is strange to say. I don’t know if it is bad luck or insufficient ability. He can't do anything. He is still a bachelor in his thirties. .

In the end, I returned to my hometown in anger and wanted to be a farmer in my duty.

After running outside for more than ten years, Hu Ming can be regarded as a person who has seen the world, his thoughts and opinions are different from ordinary farmers.

At that time, it coincided with the migrant labor boom. The young and strong men in the village all went outside to make money, leaving only women, the elderly, the weak, and the disabled. Although they were still on the ground, the income from farming was really limited, and the land was not considered the same thing.

At that time, Hu Ming thought, if you go outside to make big money, I will make small money in the village.

In the first year, I packed dozens of acres of land, and I wandered around the land day and night. I can't wait to lose the layer of skin this year.

Hu Ming had his own ideas. Since big things can't be done and big money can't be made, then it's a fate to make a little money with hard work.

Without expectation, small things have become big business.

How about this man's opportunity is hard to say?

When he made money in the first year, Liu Zhi saw hope and invested all his savings in his hands to continue to contract land. This time he covered hundreds of acres.

At that time, he thought about it. Anyway, he was a bachelor.

After breaking the boat, the light came. Although the profit of farming is limited, but the more you grow, the more you make, and the next year you make more.

Repeatedly tossing and expanding the scale, Hu Zhi now has tens of thousands of acres of land in the north, and he is really a large farmer.

It is easy to find a daughter-in-law when he is rich, and it didn't take a few years to become a family and have children.

Chen Yu met Hu Ming when he was a salesman. At that time, he had just contracted a few hundred acres of land, and the two had a relationship for nearly ten years.

After listening, Zhang Xiaobai said with emotion: "Awesome, the farming is so famous, if you don't say three hundred and sixty trips, don't look down on farmers!"

Chen Yu smiled and said, "No one looks down on farmers anymore, do you know Tangcheng?"

Zhang Xiaobai looked at Chen Yu's back, squinted and said, "I've heard of it!"

Have you heard of it? Zhang Xiaobai is a native of Tangcheng, so I don't know what he meant when he asked this. Did he find something?

Chen Yu did not notice Zhang Xiaobai's eyes, and continued: "Tangcheng is now very strong. There are iron ore in many places over there, and there are many nouveau riche! Most of them are farmers!"

Zhang Xiaobai said in surprise: "This is the case?"

After more than three years, the situation in my hometown is really not well understood. The only time I heard Brother Hao and Brother Hui said that the iron ore market was already very good when the fourth child had an accident.

According to Chen Yu, the current market should be better, so Brother Hao and Brother Hui must have made a lot of money.

This is a great thing!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaobai was very pleased. At that time, Brother Hao paid a million for the fourth child, and this love is always to be paid back.

It’s a pity that I don’t have the phone numbers of Brother Hui and Brother Hao. I really miss these two eldest brothers. I also want to ask about the situation there.

Is the mine going well? Does it make more money? Is brother Shi Lei okay? What happened to Li Pingyuan?

I will go back Go back to see grandma, grandpa and mother, and have to seek justice with Li Pingyuan.

Chen Yu told a joke that it was a real person, but no one knew the truth.

According to legend, a farmer in rustic clothes went to the city to buy a Range Rover. The saleswoman looked at him with disgust, and told him that he couldn't afford it, so don't ask so much.

In a fit of anger, the nouveau riche directly approached the manager and said that he wanted to mention three cars. The only condition was to resign the sales lady.

In full view, the upstart's pickup truck drove into the yard, with cash in its compartment.

In the end, the waiter was resigned and the pickup truck was no longer needed. He drove the Land Rover straight home.

It is said that that person is from Tangcheng.

Zhang Xiaobai was just listening to it as a joke, wondering how could there be such a thing, is it too funny?

Zhang Xiaobai asked, "Brother Chen, how is your relationship with that Hu Ming?"

Chen Yu smiled and said, "Let's tell you this. I suggested that he came to the South. I also helped a lot when he landed the land!"

Zhang Xiaobai asked: "How much land did he pack?"

Chen Yu said: "Five thousand mu, this guy is very bold in doing things, he has a strong energy. At that time, I told him to try the water with less, but people didn't even blink and said he wanted to do it!"

Five thousand acres is not a small amount. If he uses Yuanda fertilizers, not to mention the increase in sales, it will play a big role in publicity.

Zhang Xiaobai said in a deep voice, "Brother Chen, this person must be taken!"

Chen Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, we've already talked about it. He uses all our fertilizers!"

While talking, the Accord car drove into a village and stopped at a household.

Chen Yu said: "Get off the bus, here we are! Let you meet Chen's good friends!"

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