Twenty Years in Business

Chapter 617: recruitment plan

Twenty Years from Business Chapter 617 Recruitment Plan Audio Novel Listen Online

Tang Jing did spend a lot of thought. At first, it was because a Tianyi Trade Fair appeared in Tangcheng for no reason. She followed the vine and caught Zhang Xiaobai. Then she learned something about him.

It's really not that complicated. It's too easy to understand what Zhang Xiaobai has done over the years. Simply speaking, it only has to do with two places.

University of Los Angeles, Broad Group.

In these two places, I can't wait for anyone to tell Zhang Xiaobai's two or three things, and they are all slightly legendary events.

It depends on character, besides getting along with it, you have to see on things.

When Zhang Xiaobai's pile of materials was placed in front of Tang Jing, even though he had never been with him, in Tang Jing's heart, that man had become a legend.

That's why Tang Jing helped Zhang Xiaobai twice before agreeing to open a steel plant with him, so that she would not complain about the "betrayal" before.

Because I understand, because I believe.

Tang Jing suddenly smiled and said, "Xiao Bai, I really want to ask you a question!"

Zhang Xiaobai solemnly said: "Sister Jing, please say!"

Tang Jing said, "Did Zhou Zhou kick you for your future, or did you break up before?"

Zhang Xiaobai couldn't think that she had dug so deep, and at this time, she had a special meaning of gloating. He stroked her forehead, and Zhang Xiaobai said, "Sister Jing, why are you so gossip?"

Tang Jing smiled and said: "It's just a woman's nature! Hey, I can't think of it, you actually had a period with a big star! She is in a mess now, do you regret it?"

Zhang Xiaobai didn't know Zhou Zhou's situation, only that she had won a best actress award the year before.

Last year, Zhou Zhou took only one drama, a commercial film, became the annual box office champion, and once again won the best actress.

So in the past two years, Zhou Zhou is the hottest star in the entertainment industry.

Zhang Xiaobai shook his head and said, "Sister Jing, I haven't talked about this with anyone. Now that it's up, I'm just chatting to my heart."

"Why break up, I won't say, in short, everyone has their own choices and last resort! She is doing well now, I really don't feel that there are three relationships between two straight lines; overlap, parallel, and intersect."

"The two of us are intersecting lines. There used to be a point of intersection, but it was only for a while, but it will go further and further in the future. She is more popular and successful. She has nothing to do with me! And, I have a girlfriend now."

Zhang Xiaobai showed a happy smile.

Tang Jing frowned and asked, "There was a piece of information that showed that you seem to be related to the Jiangcheng Su family. Is it true?"

Zhang Xiaobai proudly said: "It's related, Su Tong is my girlfriend!"

Tang Jing was shocked at first, then smiled bitterly, and finally cursed, "Your uncle, Zhang Xiaobai, your luck is really good!"

Zhang Xiaobai smiled and said, "There is no way for a handsome man!"

Tang Jing calmed down and said seriously, "Going back to the subject, Yang Shiju wants to borrow again and again. What does he mean?"

Zhang Xiaobai thought for a while and said: "According to his thinking, he wants to use industry to play capital. This method does have elements of speculation, but I have to say that it is a good way to develop Yuansheng Steel!"

"In the past, I rejected loans related to my own experience. Later, I chatted with my teacher for a while and dispelled this grudge. As long as we can control it properly and prevent Yang Shiju from messing up, the loan may not be a bad thing!"

Tang Jing nodded and said, "I really have no time to take care of Yuansheng, so you must keep an eye on it, especially the finances. You can't let Yang Shiju play with us! But you can rest assured that I will always follow you. Stand aside!"



After the conversation, Zhang Xiaobai returned to Yuansheng Steel again.

Deng Feng put the recruitment process and plan on the table. Zhang Xiaobai took a closer look and made some improvements according to his own ideas.

The workers did not intervene. Deng Feng once asked, if his relatives, friends or villagers wanted to enter Yuansheng, he would be prepared.

There are indeed people in Wolong Village who want to come to work here, and even find the old lady there, but Zhang Xiaobai doesn't want to fake his own business for personal gain. If he does this, how can he convince the public in the future?

If you want to manage people well, you have to walk righteously.

Zhang Xiaobai only changed two points: one person from the technical department was recruited to five persons; the deputy director of the finance department was upgraded from a college degree to a bachelor degree.

The first point is to increase the strength of the technical department. Recently, Zhang Xiaobai has been paying attention to those people in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. They have done a good job. If some manpower is added, this part will really play a role, which will directly increase the profit of the entire steel plant.

As for the latter point, Zhang Xiaobai just wants to hire a more reliable deputy director, because this person will play a very important role to supervise Yuansheng Steel's financial situation.

After finishing, Zhang Xiaobai called Deng Feng and gave instructions.

Deng Feng said nothing, and quickly nodded in agreement.

Only when he returned to his office, Deng Feng's face turned dark, and he had already found a deputy Very experienced but only a college degree, Zhang Xiaobai seems to have to find someone again after such a change. Up.

This Zhang Xiaobai is really such a bad thing!

But there is no way, he cannot be offended right now, he will be recruited immediately, and he must be found in the shortest time.



When I returned to Tianyi Material Trade after get off work, Hu Liang and Niu Er were there, smoking cigarettes and discussing something.

Hu Liang is the chief of the supply and marketing department.

The so-called own business is a task assigned by Zhang Xiaobai.

Deal with the heavenly material trade, deal with that person.

Zhang Xiaobai asked, "Is there something happening on the other side?"

Hu Liang said: "The iron powder market has improved, Qian Tu can't sit still, and runs outside for ore dressing all day."

Zhang Xiaobai asked: "Whether to run the general beneficiation or the small beneficiation? What did you say?"

Hu Liang said: "Both large and small beneficiaries are running, and they didn't talk about the matter specifically, but they are close. Qiantu was a trafficker before, and he was very familiar with many beneficiaries, and seemed to be drawing affection!"

Zhang Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "Don't be careless, I feel they are about to make a move!"

Niu Er said seriously: "Xiao Bai, I always feel that this is not easy! Although the beard is good, I am afraid I can't handle it!"

Hu Guangdian nodded and said, "Brother Bai, I understand that you want to train me, but it's like what the second brother said, I'm afraid I can't handle it!"

Ever since he knew who his opponent was, Zhang Xiaobai had underestimated the enemy, it would be better to let Hu Liang deal with it and train him by the way.

Hue is now the chief of supply and marketing, but Zhang Xiaobai's positioning for him is not so simple, and he has to take care of everything in the future.

Zhang Xiaobai said: "I will pay attention, but I don't have time recently. I have to watch the recruitment!"

Twenty years in business

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