"It seems that you are aware of the seriousness of the problem... Judging from your expression, you should not be the mastermind behind this. If you are willing to cooperate, I may be able to help you get rid of your suspicion."

Caitlin hummed.

Li Lin was a little surprised, he didn't expect that she would make such a guarantee.

With her temperament that doesn't like lying, this promise is most likely true.

Jess, on the other hand, stared and remained silent.

He doesn't know anything about negotiating with others, so he won't cause any trouble for Caitlin.

Hilko quickly restrained his gaffe, took a deep breath and calmly stared into Caitlin's blue eyes.

"Why can you make such a guarantee?"

"Just because my last name is Gila Mann."

Hilko's breath hitched, "So, the kidnapped congressman is Gila Mann? Your mother?"

Caitlin's face darkened slightly, "Yes... and my father."

As the person in charge of an area of ​​Zaun, he naturally knows the names of many big families in the upper city.

The Gila Mann family is a well-known family in Piltover. Although its economic strength is not too advanced, it makes up for it in politics.

In terms of overall strength, the Gila Mann family is enough to rank among the top five in the former Piltover family rankings.

Hilko slammed his clenched right fist into the palm of his left hand and paced back and forth in front of everyone, looking very anxious.

The sound of "tap-tat" footsteps echoed in the silent factory. Coupled with the dim and messy environment and the faint smell of blood in the air, the atmosphere at the scene was very depressing.

Hilko glanced at Li Lin's power armor.

No, I'm not ready yet. Now is not the time to quarrel with the city.

Fandel was rescued by them, and I have to guard against their future revenge...

What a damn bastard! Why did I believe your nonsense?

You actually dared to kidnap a congressman. This is different from what we said at the beginning!

I have to think of a way, think of a way...

The eyes of more than twenty people followed Hilko's figure.

After a while, he roughly prepared what he was going to say next in his mind and stopped.

"Miss Gila Mann, I can assure you that we have nothing to do with what happened uptown."

Hilko clasped his hands together in front of his chest, but his frown could tell that he was not in a relaxed mood now.

Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust.

There was a hint of viciousness in his eyes, "However, not long ago, a mysterious guy from the upper city came to me and provided me with a piece of information.

"That guy said that there will be riots in the upper city on Evolution Day, and the law enforcement officials will not be interested in controlling the lower city. We can take this opportunity to seize control of the black alley... It's a gang fight, I will definitely not give up this opportunity .”

Caitlin stared at Hilko coldly, not believing a word of his obviously flawed explanation.

However, she paid no attention to these inconsequential lies. Finding her parents was the most important thing.

"Is that guy a boy or a girl? What does he look like? What's his body shape? What did he say at that time? What clothes was he wearing when he came to find you?

"If you can, please tell me all the answers to the questions I just asked, so that I can summarize the clues to determine this guy's intentions, and then find my parents."

Caitlin spoke so fast that not only Li Lin and Jace were stunned, but also Hilko's expression was slightly confused.

After a pause, Hilcon shook his head and said, "Well, I may not be able to answer you for most of these questions."

"Why?" Caitlin frowned.

"Because I didn't even see the guy's appearance at the time, and I couldn't tell whether the guy's voice was male or female."

Hilko stretched out his hand and scratched his chin. Thinking of what happened at that time, his heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate a bit.

"It was nighttime, and I was lying on the bed when I suddenly smelled a weird fragrance that was incompatible with the smog in the city.

"Then, my door was pushed open, and I could tell from the light footsteps of that guy that this was definitely not one of my men.

"Just when I wanted to get up and get the pistol in the drawer, I found that my body was limp and I couldn't use any strength at all. I just collapsed on the bed until the guy came to my bed..."

Only a few of these words actually happened.

When Hilko said this, Li Lin and Caitlin basically guessed who the person he was talking about was.

Is the mastermind behind the scenes really C...

It seems that Hilko, like the Odilenk family, was also used as a shield by C.

Caitlin thought silently, and then her brain turned rapidly, analyzing the information that could be extracted from the current intelligence:

The Hypnotic Flower pollen used by C this time has a different purpose. This guy may mix the pollen to have different effects.

Since her steps are relatively light, it can be initially determined that C is a woman...

Caitlin glanced at the men around Hilko.

Except for a few large and sturdy men, most of the people were short and thin, looking like they were malnourished.

Well, it doesn’t have to be a female, it could also be a male...

After thinking about it, her eyes signaled Hilko to continue:

“At the time, I thought it was someone sent by a mortal enemy to assassinate me, but that guy actually moved a chair and sat next to the bed, in the blind spot of my field of vision.

"The guy called himself 'C', and as I just said, C provided me with information about the riots that would occur in the upper city, so that I could prepare..."

Hilko's words stopped suddenly, and everyone heard the commotion coming from outside the factory.

Just like in the movie, law enforcement officers will always arrive at the last moment to clean up the scene...

"Hilko, it's time for us to leave." The bald tattooed man next to Hilko reminded him.

"Wait..." Caitlin knew that Hilko hadn't finished what he said and wanted to stop him.

But there was no time now, and Hilko would not risk his own safety on a little girl.

Especially when facing a large number of law enforcement officers and there are so many low-light pharmaceuticals on site.

"I know you still have many questions, but unfortunately, I don't know much about the inside story."

Surrounded by a group of his men, Hilko ran to the side entrance of the factory.

Before leaving, Hilko looked back at Li Lin and the others one last time and said loudly: "However, I think you can take a look at the abandoned Wells Winery northwest of the middle square."

Wells Distillery...

Caitlin silently wrote down the name, then turned to look at Li Lin and Jess, "Go out through the side door. Let's go to the place Hilko said."

"Huh? Just the three of us?" Jace asked in confusion.

"Otherwise? Didn't the three of us kill almost everyone just now?"

Caitlin rolled her eyes at Jace.

"But the law enforcement officers are here, shouldn't we inform them?"

"Do you think Grayson would let me continue the investigation if he saw me?"

Jess scratched his hair, "Uh, that's the same..."

"Okay, it won't be a problem for the three of us. The energy of my power armor and Jace's hammer is completely sufficient."

As he spoke, Li Lin turned sideways and looked down at Caitlin, "How many bullets do you have left?"

Caitlin checked her fanny pack, "I brought a lot with me when I went out this time, and I still have 34 rounds."


If nothing else happens, C will probably not show up in this incident, and there should be nothing to worry about.

Of course, with previous lessons, he would not be blindly confident just because he knew the background.

Being completely prepared is key.

While thinking about it, Li Lin noticed the messy Hextech flashlight light coming from the end of the corridor beyond the entrance, and quickly reminded:

"The law enforcement officer is here, let's go."

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