Two-dimensional Daily Story

Chapter 310: High? Step? Retreat?/a>

With the strength of the members of Team Zero, coupled with the prestige of General Ma Gui, Kuklia's ghoul was driven into a cage for a long time.

The quasi-special-class investigator dispatched by the headquarters led a team to take over Kuklia. Su Yu and Arima Guishou were recalled to the headquarters to attend the special-class meeting.

In the so-called special meeting, the participants are all special investigators.

Under normal circumstances, there are basically no special meetings.

And this time, the death of Kuklia's special investigator and the attack of the green tung tree were not trivial matters, and the special meeting was a matter of course.


In the conference room of the ccg headquarters.

When Su Yu and Arima Guishou arrived, the other special investigators had already arrived.

The two bowed to Xiujishi and sat in the prepared position.

"Since everyone is here, let's start the meeting." He said to Xiuji.

"Kuklia was attacked by a ghoul group calling itself Tung Tree, and no one survived. At present, most of the high-level ghouls detained in Kuklia have been released, but the whereabouts of Tung Tung members are unknown..." He Xiujishi The secretary explained the general situation.

A group of special-class investigators fell silent after hearing this.

The annihilation of Kuklia's investigators, and the release of the high-level ghouls, the impact of the two events is very bad. Once known to the outside world, it will cause panic among ordinary people.

Moreover, the green tung tree rescued so many advanced ghouls, and their purpose is worrying.

"Qingtong trees, I just heard about them originally. I didn't expect that they have grown to this point." He Xiujishi said slowly.

"Now, the most important thing is the question of Kuklia, who will take over Kuklia." said Marutesai, one of the special investigators.

"Is Kuklia?" He Xiujishi's eyes swept over several special investigators, and finally, they stopped on Su Yu's body.

Su Yu is a strong man secretly trained by the head of the Hexiu family. He has only returned here recently and is deeply trusted by the head of the Hexiu family.

The other special investigators also looked at Su Yu.

Arima Gui will be the person in charge of the twenty-fourth district, and the rest of the special investigators are all working, only the special investigator Su Yu has not yet arranged.

When he was transferred to District 20, Su Yu voluntarily applied for the transfer.

"Su Yu, etc." He shouted at Xiuji.

Su Yu stood up.

"I'll leave the management of Kuklia to you, how about that?" He Xiuji looked at him and asked.

"No problem. Director He Xiu, about the Qingtong tree, I wonder if you can tell me a few words?" Su Yu said seriously.

"Let's hear it." He Xiuji nodded and said.

"The leader of the green tung tree is the one-eyed owl, I believe that you have already received the information from Kuklia on this matter.

One-eyed Owl is a ghoul at the rank of the savage. If you want to deal with him, you must have the corresponding strength, such as Matt, etc. and me.

Of course, I am not belittling the strength of your special class. "Su Yu said simply.

"Don't say that, let's go straight to the topic." Marutesai said impatiently.

He was very dissatisfied with Su Yu's appointment as a special investigator.

He was a quasi-special investigator, and he was still so young, definitely because of his relationship with the Xiu family.

For such young people, Marutesai looked down on him very much.

"The green tung tree has rescued so many ghouls, and they have only one purpose..."

"Su Yu-kun, what do you mean, Qingtongshu can fight back? Lead the ghouls to start a counterattack?" Kouki Shinohara, one of the special investigators, asked in surprise.

"It's not possible, it's certain." Su Yu looked at him.

"Su Yu, it seems that you have the strength of a special investigator, but you don't have the brains of a special investigator. The ghouls fought back? This kind of thing has never happened. Do you think the ghouls will attack the branch of the ccg. Is it?" Marutesai sneered.

"Marute special class, just because it never happened, so you deny it?" Su Yu looked directly at him.

"This is a matter of experience. You are inexperienced, so don't make any judgments." Marutesai snorted coldly.

"If that's the case, Marute special class, if the Qingtong tree really attacks the branch, can you be responsible for it?" Su Yu said lightly.

Marutezhai was stagnant, this kind of thing is not impossible, he just mocked Su Yu, but he didn't lose his mind.

"Whether or not the green tung tree will fight back, we must find them and expel them all!" He Xiujishi said.

When Su Yu saw He Xiuji talking, he stopped talking and sat down.

After the core problem is solved, the next step is manpower allocation.

Kuklia needs manpower, and Su Yu and his subordinates alone cannot manage Kuklia well.

Su Yu accepted the staff recommended by the special investigators, and he was going to leave Tan Ya and Yaren Sato, as well as a few investigators he needed.

The special session is over.

Su Yu was the first to leave the conference room.


in a basement.

Su Yu looked at Gao Tsukiquan in front of him.

"Kaneki Ken hid, he is now a half-hearted person, and his state is very unstable, and he may go berserk at any time." Gao Tsukiquan said.

"His only concern is him." Su Yu took out a photo and threw it to Gao Tsukiquan.

Takatsuki Izumi took the photo and looked at it.

"His name is Yongjin Yingliang, Jin Muyan's best friend. He has a very keen insight and will become a great talent in the future, so don't kill him." Su Yu reminded.

"Understood." Gao Tsukiquan put away the photo and said.

Su Yu stood up and was about to leave.

"Are you really going to change the world?" Takatsuki Izumi asked.

"Don't you believe in my power?" Su Yu looked at her.

"I believe in your power, but I don't believe in you." Taka Tsukiquan said directly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, as long as you want to live, you have to listen to me." After Su Yu finished speaking, he left the basement.

Gao Tsukiquan looked at the door and remembered what happened to Su Yu that day.

She followed and investigated Su Yu, but was followed by Su Yu and appeared at her home.

After some battle, Su Yu defeated her effortlessly, and let her swallow a parasite.

Once she betrays Su Yu, the parasite will directly occupy her brain.

Gao Tsukiquan didn't dare to gamble, Su Yu's strength made her only choose to obey him.

The attack on Kuklia was Su Yu's order, and the rescue of Jin Muyan was also Su Yu's order.

Gao Tsukiquan's next Su Yu also knew, but she did not stop it at all, and even increased her fighting power.

This made Takatsuki Izumi wary of him. Would such a person really work hard for ghouls and humans?


Antique coffee shop.

Kaneki pushed the door open and walked in.

Fangcun Gongshan was slightly taken aback when he saw his hair.

"Please bring me a cup of coffee." Kaneki said indifferently.

"Guest, do you need help?" Fangcun Gongshan whispered.

Jin Muyan looked at him suspiciously, and then his eyes widened.

"Guest, do you need help?" Fangcun Gongshan closed his eyes.

Kaneki Ken hesitated for a while, then nodded.

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