Two-dimensional Daily Story

Chapter 608: 2 subordinates of Su Yu

Misty House Restaurant.

When Su Yu walked in here, it happened to be breakfast time.

Suwon Tomi and Kanyakako are all here, as well as Kikuchi Garden Fruit.

"Lord Su Yu." Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo hurriedly bowed when he saw Su Yu coming.

She is Su Yu's subordinate. From the beginning, she has mastered a few shops, and now she has mastered most of the affairs in the food area, which is all given to her by Su Yu.

If Yukinoshita Enna is Su Yu's partner and subordinate, then Mujiujiyuanguo is one of Su Yu's most loyal subordinates.

Yukinoshita Yinna has her own power, but she is loyal to Su Yu.

Kikuchienko is at the same level as Sakamoto Maki, she is in charge of the food area, is very polite to Yukinoshita Aina, and has a friendly relationship with Totsuki Academy.

With her status as a graduate of Yuanyue Top Ten Masters, coupled with her natural and harmless appearance, she has recruited many excellent chefs for Su Yu.

It looks like this on the surface, her innocence and cuteness are not pretended.

However, behind the scenes, Kikuchi Yuanguo is not a good person.

With the protection of several parasitic beasts, she relied on her own means to buy one shop after another for Su Yu at a low price.

Coupled with the fact that Sakamoto Maki was obedient to her, just the real estate industry was about to catch up to half of Yukinoshita's family.

Sakamoto Mahui, who used to be a small person, has now become a presence that cannot be ignored. The underground forces in the Chiba area are all his, Tokyo area, Kyoto area, Osaka area, Hokkaido and other areas.

Sakamoto Mahui has the material support provided by Su Yu, and the combat power of his subordinates is comparable to those of those who are capable. Coupled with the support of funds, he seems to have a place in the dark side.

Although this is not worth mentioning to Su Yu, he is very clear that he needs the help of such a force.

After all, those shops need long-term development, and they must be sheltered. Su Yu can't send someone capable to protect them, so he will naturally leave them to Sakamoto Maki for protection.

With the protection of Sakamoto Maki, the development of the food area has already expanded to the entire island country.

As for why Sakamoto Maki obeyed Kikuchienko's orders? It's very simple, because he decided that Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo would become Su Yu's woman.

For that alone, he couldn't disobey Kikuchi Yuanguo's orders.

Su Yu looked at Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo, she never disturbed him, everything was done by her means.

She has a beautiful face that is forever beautiful, and she has good strength. She not only respects Su Yu, but also wants to become the second Aina Yukishita.

Unfortunately, Su Yu has been ignoring her.

She is also very interesting, except for the necessary reports, she did not deliberately please Su Yu.

Rather than being a vase, she wanted to be Su Yu's virtuous wife, just like Yukina Yukina.

"You, like the two of them, make a dish and let me see if you have retreated." Su Yu said lightly.

"Yes." Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo was not surprised.

Her skills as a chef have never regressed, and even improved because of her strength.

"You two, are you ready?" Su Yu sat in front of the counter, looking at Suwon Tomi and Kanyakako.

"We're ready." Qian Ri Xiangzi said quickly.

Mu Jiu Zhi Yuan Guo tied her hair and put her clothes aside. She had already prepared the chef's clothes.

Kanyakako also prepared ingredients and tableware for her.

The three of them started cooking at the same time.

Kikuchiyuan Guo is the descendant of Kanyakako and Suwon Toumi, and logically speaking, her cooking skills should be slightly worse.

But, that's all in the past.

The current Mukujiyuan fruit has the strength of a master chef, and has mastered the mind that neither of them has.

As soon as the cooking started, Suwon Fuyumi and Kanyakako noticed the changes in Kikuchiyuan fruit.

Her movements are like flowing clouds and water, without any excess.

Processing ingredients, cooking dishes, and mastering spices have reached the extreme.

"How can she improve so fast..."

This idea popped into the hearts of Suwon Fuyumei and Ganyugako at the same time.

Then, they looked at Su Yu.

The speed of Mu Jiuzhi's orchard's fruit must have something to do with Su Yu.

"Senior Suwon, Senior Hyugako, I've been jealous of you since the beginning. I think you're so powerful. Just because of the age gap, I'll surpass you sooner or later. I can't do it. However, Lord Su Yu gave me this opportunity..."

Kikuchi Yuanguo spoke and lifted the lid of the pot.

The fragrant red wine stewed beef, exuding a little light, was served.

"Now, although I am not a chef, I practice every day and strive to improve my cooking skills. Finally, I have mastered the legendary mind, and my skills have been exercised to the extreme. This is how I am a master chef. The first official dish that came out." Mu Jiu Zhi Yuan Guo put the red wine stewed beef in front of Su Yu.

Kanyakako and Suwon Fuyu couldn't believe it. It took less than an hour to complete such a high degree of cooking, right?

Su Yu gently cut a piece of beef and put it in his mouth.

In the next second, he felt the mind of Kikuchi Yuanguo.

This is a special kind of heart, and it feels like a queen has come.

Kukuchi Yuanguo's appearance is very cute, but his heart is thinking of surpassing everyone, and underneath his deceptive appearance, there is a very strong heart.

Before, she could only be regarded as a sharp-edged sword, but now, she has become a sharp weapon, worthy of a name.

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo looked at Su Yu, she was very confident in her cooking.

"It's a good idea, but unfortunately, there is a slight sense of disobedience. You should disguise the appearance of the food and shock the guests when they taste the first bite." Su Yu commented.

"Lord Su Yu means, assassination-like swiftness?" Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo wondered.

" I mean, the queen should have a gentle side, but also a decisive side, this is not contradictory. What you show me is just the appearance, not showing yours Inner thoughts." Su Yu shook his head and taught Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo seriously.

"It turns out that, I understand, thank you Su Yu for your guidance." Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo suddenly realized.

What she has always wanted to show is just the outer shell.

It's like a cartoon by a third-rate cartoonist, it doesn't show the soul of the characters, only the appearance.

As for Su Yu, what made her become a first-class cartoonist, that is, she made her mind perfect and became the pinnacle of master chefs.

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo knew very well that if he could point out this kind of thing, Su Yu was definitely above the peak of a master chef, and was still at a higher level.

She was not surprised by this.

After all, the power she has now was given to her by Su Yu.

The power Su Yu possesses is probably beyond her imagination.

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