Two-dimensional Daily Story

Chapter 776: Hailao famous dishes

Body Chapter 776

Eina Naina watched the movie seriously.

It was also her first time watching a movie with anyone outside her family.

Although Hai Lao Ming Ji Cai is her cousin, but because of the family, there is very little contact between the two families.

She came to Chiba to go to school for two purposes.

The first purpose was naturally to exercise her courage. She came to Chiba alone. It was the first time she was so far away from home. What she had to do was to live a life alone.

The second purpose is to find her brother who ran away from home.

Her brother left the house at a very young age and only recently sent a letter home.

The content of the letter was that he had a good life in Chiba and had become the head chef of a restaurant. Every month after that, he would send a sum of money to allow Eilean Ming Cai Cai to go to university.

It was also because of this letter that Eina Naina came to Chiba, and her family helped contact Eina Hime to take care of her.

Hailao Ming Ji Cai knew when she saw Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai that she was not good at talking to strangers, especially boys.

If you arrange it in your own home, it is very likely that you will bump into the intimate scene of Su Yu and her.

So, Eina Heimei helped find an apartment that only accepts girls.

From the manager to the owner of the apartment, they are all girls, so Eina Naina will not be afraid.

Of course, it's also a problem at school.

In this regard, Hai Laoming Ji Cai didn't have any good solution, she was hesitating whether to ask Su Yu for help.

What is certain is that when Su Yu sees Hailao's famous dishes, he will definitely be interested.

Things did not exceed her expectations. After seeing Hailao's famous dishes, Su Yu really became interested.

Moreover, from the look in his eyes, Hai Lao Ming Ji Cai knew that Su Yu had already seen the end.

That is the look with a strategy plan.

In fact, even if Su Yu didn't make any plans, Hailao's famous dishes would definitely be successfully attacked by Su Yu.

The charm of Su Yu, Hai Lao Ming Ji Cai felt that no girl could resist.

Once you become curious about him, it will become Su Yu's goal. Su Yu's gentleness and handsomeness, as well as money and power, are all things that attract girls.

Halfway through the movie.

Eina Naina looked at the kissing hero and heroine and turned her head in shame.

Then, she was stunned.

Because the sea old name Ji Cai beside her was kissing Su Yu.

For a while, she couldn't react.

Didn't Su Yu bring a girlfriend? Why did Eina Himina kiss him?

Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai stared blankly.

Then, she felt Su Yu's gaze.

Looking at each other, Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai quickly lowered her head.

a long time.

She suddenly felt someone walking by in front of her.

Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai took a peek and found that the person who left was Shiyu of Kasumigaoka.

Immediately afterwards, Eina Heimei also walked past her.

Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai opened his mouth and looked at Su Yu subconsciously.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Su Yu sitting in the position of Hai Lao Ming Ji Cai, looking at her.

"Don't be nervous, they just happened to go to the bathroom together." Su Yu chuckled.


Hailaoming Caicai really wanted to ask about the relationship between Su Yu and Hailaoming Ji Cai, but couldn't tell.

"I have known Ji Cai for a long time. When she needed help, I took the initiative to lend her a helping hand to help her through the difficulties. It was also because of this matter that she had a very strong affection for me, and we Naturally, it developed into that kind of relationship." Su Yu explained.

Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai suddenly realized.

However, after thinking about it carefully, she felt that this relationship was not a good thing.

After all, Su Yu has a girlfriend.

The relationship between Hai Laoming Ji Cai and Su Yu, even if Su Yu's girlfriend doesn't mind, she still doesn't have any status.

It goes on like this with no results.

Just like what you saw in the TV series, if you don't break up with the boy who is on two boats, you must be hurt.

Eina Naina thought of this, as if she had already seen the ending of Ebina Hime.

She mustered up her courage and raised her head.

"I... I don't think this kind of thing is good. If you have a girlfriend, you should treat your girlfriend well, and you shouldn't bother Sister Ji Cai."

"Oh?" Su Yu didn't look angry when he heard this, instead, he looked at Hailao's famous dish with interest.

Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai was looked at by him, a blush appeared on his face, and he lowered his head.

"Your sister Ji Cai is in need of my help now. You told me not to disturb her, do you mean that you won't let me help her?" Su Yu looked at Hai Lao's famous Cai Cai.

", I mean..."

"The house she lives in now, the money I spend, is provided to her by me. You told me not to disturb her, so why should I give her money?" Su Yu continued to speak.


Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai didn't know what to say.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that Hai Lao's name Ji Cai is for money and a better life, so he chose Su Yu?

What's the difference between this and that kind of girl?

She remembered the warm smile on her face when Eina Heimei greeted her, and she couldn't accept this reality.

"I heard from Hime that you came to Chiba to go to school because you were looking for your brother. If you need I can use my connections to help you find your brother." Su Yu's voice suddenly sounded in Eina's famous ear.

"Really? You really..." Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai raised her head, and before she finished speaking, she realized that the distance between the two was somewhat close.

She hurriedly lowered her head with a shy look on her face.

"I can help you, but it's not free. If you want me not to disturb Hime, then you can replace Hime and become my girlfriend. In this way, you can not only find your brother, but also help Hime, And get money..."

Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai listened to Su Yu's words and hesitated in her heart.

"There is a more important point. You might be able to change a bad person like me, make me a good person, and help more people from now on." Su Yu said, holding the small hand of Hailao's famous Caicai.

Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai's face turned red at a visible speed. This was the first time she was held by a boy, which made her a little overwhelmed.

Suddenly, a light kiss fell on Eina's face.

Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai was completely stunned.

When she came back to her senses, Su Yu had already sat away, and she had a business card in her hand.

"If you want, we can continue talking. If you don't want to, you can just throw away that business card." Su Yu whispered.

Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai looked at the business card and didn't know what to do. She had never encountered such a thing before.

"Cai Cai, what's wrong?" A voice sounded.

Eileen Naicai looked at Eileen Naicai who appeared in front of her at an unknown time, and quickly put away Su Yu's business card.

"No... nothing."

She was so frightened that the dialects came out.

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