Upon hearing this, the melon-eating group started chattering again.

Are you kidding? Shouldn't the first person whose car body touches the finish line be the winner?! Mr. Jin looked at the big screen and shouted angrily.

No! The rules state that whether it is a body, a vehicle, or any object, as long as it comes into contact with the player and is based on the player, it can be counted as the player's body that crosses the line!

Which Sabi made the rule...ah, it's me, then it's okay.

Mr. Jin was about to ask angrily when he suddenly thought of something and decisively stopped his questioning.

Wait... there's something on the tail of Schrödinger's cat that's further forward! Just as Nero was hesitating, she suddenly noticed something on Tom's tail, so she decisively zoomed in. Some pictures.

What appeared on Tom's tail... was a flea! An anthropomorphic flea steps out with one leg in a lunge motion and holds a flag forward!

In other words, the champion... is Schrödinger!

As soon as Nero finished speaking, a voice came into Bai Song's ears.

Beep~~~ Mission accomplished, lottery numbers are being distributed.

Chapter 293 Bai Song is the champion!

The first time he heard this prompt, Bai Song, who was being supported by Tom, was stunned.

Then what appeared in his heart was a burst of ecstasy!

After casually throwing the crutch in his left hand aside, Bai Song raised the French military salute and celebrated loudly.

Okay, take off!!!

But after making this move, Bai Song immediately regretted it.

However, the surroundings seemed dead silent at this time.

Everyone's eyes were on the flea holding the flag high on the big screen, and they were all wondering, what kind of curious thing is this? !

The people around him were so uncooperative, and Bai Song, who raised the French military salute, felt embarrassed.

I thought to myself, what's the point of playing this trick? After getting the number of summons that can only be obtained after winning the game, I quickly moistened it. Why do I just imitate others' celebrations?

But the matter has come to this, and he must not let go at this time, he must hold on, otherwise it will definitely be even more embarrassing.

What is he waiting for? Naturally, he was waiting for someone to react!

But...if after he raised his hand for a long time, there was still no one there to celebrate with him, it would be the most awkward of all, and he would have to bury himself in the southeast corner to recover.

It's even possible that even if you do this, you won't be able to get over it!

At this time, Bai Song was shouting crazily in his heart, 'What are you doing standing around here, where is the applause? ? ! ’

If he was not a social terrorist, but a social terrorist, then Bai Song at this time might be able to dig out three rooms and one living room on the ground with his toes.

However, Bai Song's waiting was not meaningless. At this time, someone finally responded.

I saw Nero on the small screen in the lower right corner of the big screen raising his hands, making exactly the same gesture as Bai Song, and celebrating loudly at the same time.

After winning this difficult racing competition, Schrödinger is today's fear...the chosen one of Mars!

Sa~, let us congratulate this b...B Block B winner who signed up for the competition!

Cheers! For today's winner - Schrödinger!

Until this moment, the people on the ground were staring intently at the fleas on the screen, thinking to themselves, ‘What the hell is this?’

He finally reacted and shouted loudly.

Oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!!


Hearing the shouts coming like a tide, Bai Song finally lowered his hands with satisfaction.

His waiting was not in vain. If he couldn't wait for someone to celebrate, even if Bai Song was wearing this black hood, he would definitely be embarrassed to the point of hitting the wall.

Well now, since everyone has given themselves a thin noodle so that they will not be embarrassed.

It's almost time for me to moisturize myself. It's time to go home and summon my new followers.

Just thinking about having a brand new servant soon made Bai Song so excited that his whole body trembled, and some liquid surged out of his body.

saliva! What came out of the corner of the mouth was saliva!

Although the audience was celebrating like a tide at this time, there were still some people who did not feel happy at all.

Among them were some Dugou who lost all their points, and even Mr. Jin and Souji, two crouching dragons and phoenixes!

Mr. Jin looked at the picture on the big screen in the sky, the flea standing on the tip of Tom's tail holding a flag high, and he suddenly became angry.

Obviously he should be the champion of this racing competition, but he was spoiled by a mere flea!

If it weren't for the fact that he was still in the public eye, the face-conscious Mr. Jin had to hold back. Otherwise, Mr. Jin's eyes would have turned blood red at this time... Oh no, his eyes seemed to be red to begin with. But that's not important!

Looking at Nero who was celebrating Bai Song crazily, it was difficult for Mr. Jin to hold back.

Is it appropriate that a guy who treats himself like Oni-chan actually cheers for his opponent at this moment? This is inappropriate!

Mr. Jin is angry now, very angry.

And now is not the time to be the most angry. What is even more annoying is that he is the designated award presenter for this game.

In other words...he has to give this piece of shit an award for beating him!

Just thinking about this scene, Mr. Jin felt like his back molars were about to be bitten into pieces.

The Souji next to him, his eyes dull, plopped down on the ground like a duck, and the highlight in his eyes completely disappeared at this moment.

At this time, not only could she not win the prize in this game, but she also had to face a debt that she could not repay at all.

Even...he failed to achieve his original goal of participating in the competition, Gossamer Artoria, and instead ended up getting deeply in debt.

He stared blankly at the cheering crowds around him. Their joys and sorrows were not the same, and the chief executive only felt that they were noisy.

No matter what they thought, the normal onlookers were happy anyway.

They don’t have du, wouldn’t it be nice to watch the fun for free?

Just like that, Bai Song, Mr. Jin, and Director General were welcomed to the championship and Asia season award podium made of 24k pure gold that had been prepared amidst the cheers of the crowd.

Looking at the three capital Latin letters of 'AUO' engraved in the middle of the medal podium, Mr. Jin felt even more embarrassed.

Mr. Sheniu Rujin also felt a sense of social death at this time.

But the director didn't care about so much. After silently arriving at the third place award stage, he hugged his knees with his hands, buried his face in his knees and silently shut himself up.

Obviously, she has a very good self-management mechanism.

As for Bai Song, he stood on the top position of the highest champion quite consciously, with a confident smile on his lips.

But if you take off his hood, everyone will find that Bai Song's eyelids are already beating wildly at this time, and he just wants to escape from here as soon as possible.

Mr. Jin did not stand in the runner-up position because he was the presenter and had to give awards to the two opponents.

First of all, it is the DG as the third runner-up.

Arriving at the third place, Mr. Jin reached to his side with an expressionless look on his face, and his hand entered a golden light.

After taking his hand out, a bronze medal appeared in Mr. Jin's hand.

After waiting for a full 0.5 seconds, the director still did not stand up to receive the award, so Mr. Jin, who had exhausted his patience, looked at the girl who was squatting on the ground with her face buried in her knees.

Finally, Mr. Jin set his sights on the gleaming Mediterranean Sea of ​​the DG, and conveniently placed the medal on the DG’s head.

Chapter 294 Go home and summon your followers!


Souji, who was losing his clothes, felt a pain on the top of his head. He immediately raised his head and put his right hand on the top of his head.

However, as soon as his hand climbed up, he touched a cold, hard object. This was a medal made of pure copper. After holding it in front of him with a puzzled look on his face, the Director-General saw that there was a piece of ice on it. A small sticker.

After seeing the content on the small sticker clearly, Souji's pupils suddenly shrank.


I saw what was written on this small piece of paper, which was the reward for winning the third place, which was a full 10,000 points!

At this moment, Souji immediately entered a state of ecstasy, and the depressed feelings just now were swept away, Okay! I have money to pay off my debt!

I originally thought that I would be burdened with debts and survive in this world, but now it seems that I have no choice but to die!

Speaking of which, how much do I owe? While excited, the director also began to think about how much he owed Mr. Jin.

As a result, the chief executive decisively presented his free prostitution scroll.

After taking out the free prostitution slip, the director skillfully opened the points details page.

One zero...two zeros...three...gooo?! I owe 100,000?!

Initially, the Souji was happy when he saw that the reward was 10,000 points, but when he saw that his debt was one zero more than the bonus, the Souji immediately became paralyzed.

I owe 100,000 yuan. Even if I got a bonus of 10,000 yuan, I still owe 90,000 yuan if I use it all to repay it.

For a poor guy like Souji, is there really any difference between 100,000 and 90,000? !

In an instant, the highlight that had just returned to Souji's pupils disappeared from his eyes again, and the speed of disappearance was quite fast.

Mr. Jin, who was presenting the award with a look on his face that said, There is no longer that Xingyu, completely ignored the director's rapid change of mood.

People's joys and sorrows are not connected, he only thinks she is noisy.

After arriving at his own runner-up stage, Mr. Jin silently took out a pure silver medal from his treasure house.

Similar to the sticker hanging on the previous bronze medal, this sterling silver medal also has a small sticker hanging on it with the words 'bonus 100,000 points' written on it.

After casually placing the silver medal on the runner-up stand, Mr. Jin set his sights on Bai Song.

The look in someone's eyes that wants a knife cannot be hidden.

If looks could kill, Bai Song might have died several times by now.

Just as Mr. Jin didn't care about the expression on the chief executive's face, Bai Song also didn't notice Mr. Jin's murderous eyes at this time. His eyes were completely focused on the medal in Mr. Jin's hand.

At this moment, Bai Song just wanted to get the damn medal and go back to summon the new servants.

At this time, Bai Song was already fantasizing crazily about who his next follower would be.

No matter who it was, he just hoped it was an explosively powerful servant!

When Mr. Jin saw that Bai Song did not look at him at all, but focused his attention on the 24k pure gold medal in his hand, his desire to kill the man suddenly became even more serious.

After handing the gold medal to Bai Song's hand with a look of humiliation, Mr. Jin was about to turn around and leave.

He also made a reluctant sound of Gu.... Obviously, today was a day of humiliation for Mr. Jin.

After receiving the gold medal, Bai Song looked at his gold medal with a happy expression.

At the same time, he did the same thing as in the TV series. He casually bit the gold medal in his hand. As soon as he bit it down, teeth marks appeared.

Seeing this, Bai Song's eyes suddenly lit up on a physical level, Oh, it's pure gold!

Seeing Bai Song's actions, Mr. Jin's eyelids suddenly jumped as he was about to turn around, and he took a deep breath to calm his mind, which had become thinner today.

Huh? Wait a minute? Where's my bonus?!

While he was enjoying himself, Bai Song suddenly noticed something was wrong. The third and second runner-up obviously had points rewards, but as the champion, he didn't get any? !

On the small sticker on his gold medal, it just said One point for the Holy Grail and then it disappeared.

Bai Song even tore off the sticker and looked at the back. After finding that it was still there, he decisively asked Mr. Jin who was about to take the silver medal to Kairun, Wait a minute, why do silver and gold medals have points? I have a gold medal. No?!

No, the championship points are the Holy Grail points. Mr. Jin heard this and replied casually, ready to make money.

In fact, there were originally 1 million points, but Mr. Jin saw that he was not the winner, so he decisively chose to write a new note, and then kept the old note with 1 million points for himself.

Upon hearing this, Bai Song's whole body went numb, I want it~, what's the use of this Holy Grail~? ’

When the despairing Souji heard this, he immediately raised his head and looked to his right at the silver medal beside him.

Because the distribution of this podium is not that the champions are on both sides, but that one is shorter than the other from left to right.

After moving his eyes over, the director immediately saw clearly the 'bonus of 100,000 points' written on the small sticker.

The moment he saw this line of words, Souji's eyes suddenly lit up. Of course, it wasn't in the physical sense, but it was a feeling of light up.

A full 100,000 points! Consistent with the amount owed!

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