At this time, Scathach didn't know the little Jiujiu in Spike's heart. She was just passively eating dirt like crazy.

Fortunately, she just walked around with her face crazily and her mouth was barely closed, which meant that she actually only ate a very, very small amount of dirt.

Although...after all, it's just a waste of time.

Soon, with heavy steps, Spike finally arrived at the bundle of 'wives' he had tied up.

Staring at this large bundle of red guns, Spike's mood immediately improved. At this time, he couldn't help but want to declare with head held high, 'These are the three thousand beauties of my harem! ’

After holding Scathach's right ankle with his left hand and picking up the bundle of 'wives' with one hand with his right hand, Spike was ready to find a way to leave hell.

But we can't let Bai Song wait too long. What if Bai Song doesn't go back after waiting for a long time, and Bai Song adopts another dog? After all, there is a blue dog there.

Spike shook his head just thinking about his status being taken away by a big blue dog or something.

This is not okay, absolutely not!

And just when Spike was thinking this, suddenly, a red light came from its body.

At the same time, it also heard a voice that was very familiar to it.

In the name of the Command Seal, Spike, come back to me!

The moment he heard this sound, Spike felt an extremely powerful suction force. At the same time, a gate to the underworld opened in front of it and sucked it in.


‘Island Holy Grail Clash! Battle Royale! ’ On the island where we were going, there was a small plain outside the jungle.

After waiting for a long time and still not seeing Spike's return, Bai Song began to feel a little impatient, so he immediately made the decision to use the command spell.

The first few times I used the Command Seal to call Tom, Tom was basically hit on the head and failed to be summoned successfully.

There was a precedent of summoning failure before, so it was hard for Bai Song not to doubt whether he could successfully summon Spike back to him this time.

However, there is still a big difference between whether you can be called back and whether you can be called back. Even if there is a possibility that you can't be called back, you have to try first. What's the point of not trying?

‘In the name of the Command Seal, Spike, come back to me! ’

After putting his hand in his pocket, Bai Song activated the command spell silently in his heart.

After all, no one has stipulated that the use of command spells must be upright, so Bai Songxun thought that there should be no problem if he used the command spell so cunningly.

Just as Bai Song thought, he had just activated the command spell secretly.

The next moment, a gate to the underworld opened not far away. The scale was much larger than when Cu Chulainn exiled Spike.

Before Bai Song could be surprised, Cu Chulainn shouted in horror before him.

Isn't it?!

At this time, Cu Chulainn suddenly panicked in his heart, because he knew very well that there was no one else in the Kingdom of Shadows who could open this door like this except Scathach.

First of all, it couldn't have been opened by Schrödinger or Schrödinger's dog. After all, the dog had been in there for a while. There was no way he had to wait for Spike to stay inside for a while before opening the door to the underworld, right? Obviously impossible.

If it were to be used, it would have been used directly.

Putting aside the fact that Schrödinger could not possibly know this technique, even Schrödinger knew this technique.

He can open the door to the underworld instantly, so Schrödinger can't open the door so much slower than himself, right? No way, right?

Therefore, after excluding Schrödinger and Schrödinger's dog, there is only one possibility...that is that Scathach has come to the world!

The reason why it took a while to open the door again was obviously because Scathach killed the dog first, and then opened the door to enter this world. Needless to say, the reason was that he was definitely here to beat himself up!

But after panicking for a while, Cu Chulainn suddenly stopped panicking.

I thought to myself that even if I had indeed secretly learned this technique and then lost some things to the Kingdom of Shadows, it was impossible for Scathach to rush here to kill her relatives just because he lost a few smelly socks, right?

After all, those socks and the like were not thrown on top of her head.

After thinking of this, Cu Chulainn immediately breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that at least he would not be beaten by a mixed doubles of Scathach and Schrödinger.

Obviously Scathach came here to fight Schrödinger, so that he could fish in troubled waters!

However, before he could rejoice, suddenly, a red right foot stepped out from the gate of the underworld.

After seeing this foot, Cu Chulainn immediately realized something was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, a red dog head with two green devil horns poked out from the gate of the underworld, with a face full of evil!

I crawled back from hell!

Seeing this familiar dog head, Cu Chulainn felt like his soul was about to be scared out of his mind.

However, the feeling of the soul being frightened away is obviously an illusion. After all, Cu Chulainn himself is a ghost, but it has been materialized. In essence, it still only has a soul.

After realizing the identity of the thing protruding from the gate of the underworld, Cu Chulainn's pupils suddenly shrank and he shouted in disbelief. are...?!

But before Cu Chulainn could finish shouting with a horrified look on his face, Tom, who was confronting Cu Chulainn on the side, immediately turned pale with fright.

Pain... painful memories are attacking its brain!

Staring at Spike who came out of the gate of the underworld with a horrified look on his face, Tom was so frightened that his breathing surpassed Cu Chulainn's voice.

Drink eh?!!!

Chapter 369 Tom’s fear!!!

No wonder Tom reacted the way he did.

Just because the creature that appeared in front of it was really too evil.

Once upon a time, Tom had a nightmare.

It dreamed that it had sent it, and it was tricked by Jerry into sending it. However, since it and Jerry had been entangled all their lives, the conductor at Paradise Railway Station said.

'If you can't get that rat's forgiveness, then you won't go to heaven, but to hell. ’

Then, through the TV set behind the conductor, it saw the devil in hell waving to it!

In the end, after unremitting efforts, it finally succeeded in getting Jerry to sign his name on the letter of understanding, making it eligible to go to heaven.'s all time-limited.

Tom had just stepped onto the escalator heading to Paradise Train Station. The next moment, the escalator disappeared instantly, and a door to hell opened below it.

Just like that, it fell into the soup pot of the dog devil.

At that time, it was frightened so much that it developed PTSD against the devil. Now, it saw the devil in the dream again. How could it stay calm? !

The moment he saw the devil appearing not far away from him, Tom was frightened to death.

What's more, after being frightened to death, seven souls ran out of Tom's body and sprinted 100 meters behind Bai Song.

Finally, after realizing that all his soul was gone, Tom finally reacted and quickly opened up!

Tom felt that he had never run so fast in his life, and he arrived behind Bai Song in a flash and started to tremble.

Looking back at the seven cat souls and a cat behind his butt, Bai Song's mouth twitched slightly, thinking when did Tom become so cowardly?

I crawled back from hell, hahahahaha!!!

But Spike didn't notice Tom's movements. After his head emerged from the gate of the underworld, he took a big breath of fresh air.

But it's always bad to be stuck in the middle of the portal, so Spike stepped out from the gate of the underworld.

Impossible, how could you come out, where is my master...?

Just as he was talking in disbelief, the next moment, Cu Chulainn saw a large bundle of 'Gáe Bolg' held by Spike in his hand, and he was stunned with fear.

However, this was not what surprised Cu Chulain the most. What shocked Cu Chulain even more was that Spike was holding someone in his hands!

Even if that man Cú Chulainn dug out his eyes, he would be able to recognize him at a glance. It was his master - Scathach!

Is this possible? In this river?!

Seeing the girl being dragged out by Spike's ankles, Cu Chulainn shouted in disbelief, The invincible master...lost?!!!

You know, for a long time, Scathach was synonymous with invincibility in his eyes.

Even when he just threw Spike into the gate of the underworld, Cu Chulainn kept repeating in his heart, 'Scathach is invincible! Scathach is invincible! Scathach is invincible! ’

Cu Chulainn felt that his luck had always been very good. After he had spoiled his master like this, his master would definitely be able to win.

However, the reality is that his master, Scathach, was abducted from the Kingdom of Shadows into the present world by Spike like he was carrying a motionless corpse. He simply suppressed Cú Chulainn's outlook on life. The ground rubbed mercilessly.

Granted, he wouldn't be surprised if Schrödinger could beat the shit out of Scathach.

After all...that's Schrödinger! Schrödinger who can destroy the moon with one blow!

But that dog was different. Cu Chulainn had personally experienced Spike's fist. From a physical point of view, it was far less painful than when Scathach beat him.

From this point of view, it is obvious that Scathach is much stronger, but the reality is completely opposite to what he expected.

After Spike came out of the gate of the underworld, he stopped, and the gate of the underworld was completely closed at the same time.

Scathach, who was dragged out by Spike, immediately turned around and looked behind him after hearing a very familiar voice, and then saw a blue man.

After seeing the blue man, Scathach immediately raised his right hand tremblingly, pointed at Cu Chulainn, and said angrily, You...wait!

After she got out of trouble, Cu Chulainn was the first person to die!

Hearing Scathach's threatening words, Cú Chulainn suddenly felt excited.

What's bad... Not only did he not get rid of Spike, but he actually found an enemy that he couldn't defeat. Isn't his luck really very good?

Cu Chulainn has only one idea now, and that is to escape, escape from here immediately.

But his reason told him that if he turned around and ran away now, and Scathach stood up and fired a 'Gáe Bolg' at him, there would be no way he could avoid it, and it would definitely hit GG amidst the laughter and joy. .

At this time, the camera turned, and Tom and his seven souls were reunited, and Tom's color returned to normal.

The look he looked at Spike was still full of fear.

Bai Song was pleasantly surprised when he saw a large bundle of Gáe Bolg carried by Spike and a woman in tights.

Unexpectedly, Spike was kidnapped for such a short period of time, and he just packed up a bunch of Noble Phantasms and the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows. What is Tom's surprise? This Tom's is called a surprise!

Although packing a Scathach is useless, the bundle of Noble Phantasms that was packed is really useful!

So Bai Song clapped his hands repeatedly, and then gave Spike a thumbs up.

Okay, good job Spike!

Hearing Bai Song's words, Tom was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his eyes with both hands, and looked in the direction of Spike again, thinking, 'This guy turns out to be Spike's stupid dog? ! ’

After realizing that he had just been scared to the point of being incontinent by a stupid dog, Tom's face turned red with anger.

Half of it was shame, and the other half was anger. Angry that the dog devil in his nightmare was actually this stupid dog raised by the male owner.

Tom was very angry at this time and was angry for a long time!

When Spike heard his master praising him, he immediately stood up even more proudly. At this time, he seemed to be able to see the roast chicken that his master had rewarded him with!

Chapter 370 Schrödinger was kind-hearted and could not bear to pity others.

At this time, Spike's dog nose could already smell the smell of roast chicken.

After casually holding Scathach by the ankles and throwing them to his master, he gently placed his beloved 'Gáe Bolgs' on the ground.


After being thrown aside, Scathach's head happened to hit a big rock, perfectly causing secondary damage to the big bag on his head.

At this time, Scathach's expression was as if he was wearing a mask of pain.

After removing all the burdens, Spike set his sights on Cu Chulainn.

It's your turn next, that blue dog!

Crack! Hearing Spike's words, Cu Chulainn was suddenly startled, and his heart even stopped for half a beat!

He now fully understood how seriously he had misjudged Spike's strength.

Comparing the force with which Spike beat him and the force with which Scathach beat him, it can be seen that Spike is stronger than him, but his strength is limited. Logically speaking, Scathach can beat him easily.

But... Cu Chulainn, Wan Wanmei thought, this bitch can actually transform with one hand!

This is really like stabbing your asshole with a knife - it opens your eyes!

On the side, when Spike heard the words It's your turn next, that blue dog, Scathach, who was lying on the ground with his mouth and eyes closed, enduring the pain alone, immediately suppressed the pain. .

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