At the same time, at the back of Illya, Tom threw himself out only to find that he had missed the target.

So he quickly wanted to make an ice bridge after landing to catch up with Illya who had already run away.

However, when Tom chose to land, he suddenly noticed that there was a giant tree with a height of 50 meters growing at the point where he landed. If he landed here, his crotch would definitely be hit!

After realizing that he was about to be critically attacked, Tom's face was filled with horror.

Then he hurriedly fluttered his hands, trying to imitate the birds and fly away from the big tree. However, this would undoubtedly fail. Tom thought about how he, an ice cat, could fly?

Although Tom had tried very hard to flap his arms and try to fly, it turned out that it was in vain.

Not only did it fail to fly, it didn't even slow down its fall.

Finally, with Tom's fearful expression on his face, Tom's crotch hit the top of the 50-meter tree perfectly.


Accompanied by a sizzling sound like a chain saw sword, the big tree was sawed into two pieces by Tom's crotch at an ultra-fast speed of 10 meters/s!

It can be seen from Tom's ferocious expression that his crotch is not very comfortable at this time.

Just five seconds later, Tom's feet once again touched the ground they had not seen for a long time, but...they were stuck in the middle of a big tree, with one foot on the left and one on the right.

The big tree that was originally in the prime of its youth was almost gone, and the whole tree was split in two from the middle.

Tom actually accomplished the feat of splitting a tree with his crotch!

After lifting his right foot and leaving the tree, Tom was already covered with legs from the neck down.

Looking down at his body, Tom's expression showed sadness.

And just when Tom was standing on the ground feeling secretly sad, suddenly, a shout came from the distance.


After hearing this familiar voice, my ears twitched slightly. There was no mistaking it, this was my master's voice!

Only then did Tom remember that he was going to have a solo with the young girl. If he got out of the fight now, that meant...the young girl went to find her master? !

After realizing the seriousness of the problem, Tom quickly looked towards the place where the sound came from. Following Tom's gaze, all he saw was an airtight jungle.

Tom thought to himself, ‘Oh no, that guy stole the house! ’

Just look at this dense forest and you will know that there is no way that he can get back to his master before the young girl gets close to him.

However, there are ways to stop it... there are still ways!

The narrative perspective of the novel returns to Tom. After a camera switch, Tom's crotch, which was chopped below the neck, has returned to its original state again.

At the same time, the expression that had just become sad because his crotch was splitting a tree became firm again.

Tom stretched his right hand behind his back and pulled out a noose.

After taking out the noose, Tom held the end of the rope in his left hand and waved the noose above with his right hand. After reaching a certain speed, Tom suddenly threw the noose dancing in his right hand towards the front of him. In the dense forest!

After the front end of the rope was thrown away, it quickly flew towards the place where Bai Song shouted.

The moment before it was about to hit a big tree blocking the road, the noose seemed to have spiritual power, automatically bypassing the big tree and continuing to fly rapidly in the direction of Illya.

Not just the big tree, whenever there was a buried object in front of him, the noose would consciously avoid it.

The rope rope maintained this ultra-high speed and evasion skills, and it was extremely easy to pass through the dense forest and reach the open plain.

Not far from the noose, Illya had already arrived one meter in front of Bai Song, who was bewildered. At the same time, she held the red ruby ​​with both hands and raised it high, as if He was preparing to give Bai Song a brain-destroying blow!

Suffer death, Schrödinger!

As soon as Ruby shouted these words, Illya held Ruby's hands and was tied up by something.

Chapter 394 Illya defeated CG

Goooo?! What the hell!

Just when she was about to strike down, Illya suddenly realized that she couldn't complete the strike.

It's like... it's like his hands and the ruby ​​are locked above his head by time and space, unable to move at all!

Bai Song, who was in front of Illya at this time, was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he usually doesn't get scared, so he can keep his image intact, but he was still panicking just now.

Bai Song shook his legs and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when he faced Illya's bull charge, Spike froze, Jerry was a little far away from him, and he couldn't get there in a short time even with his short legs swung round. Teffy was also caught on the water column while rowing. It's freezing, don't ask him why Taffy rows on the water column, just say he doesn't know.

Even Tom, the last one with fighting power, didn't know where he went.

And in such a situation, I, an ordinary person, faced the threat of the terrifying Mahou Shaju. Let alone Bai Song, a servant would be panicked!

Just when Bai Song thought he had either sent it or was about to send it, a rope controlled Illya like a mechanical deity.

As expected, this noose must have been thrown by Tom who didn't know where Run was.

Caressing his chest with his hand, Bai Song looked at Ilia in front of him with his fan-shaped statistical chart-like eyes that were filled with joy, fear, and pride, and said.

I have General Tom, why should I fear this officer?

Guwu... I can't mess with you... Looking at Bai Song, who had a fan-shaped statistical chart in his eyes, Illya was stunned for a moment, but she was still more panicked in her heart.

However, no matter how hard she tried to break free, it was ineffective.

Illya could only blush and stared at Bai Song with a look of sorrow and anger, as if she already understood her ending.

But...she doesn't want to die yet, she's still young, only eight years old!

Seeing the extremely ashamed and angry Ilia in front of him, Bai Song's heart tugged hard, and he quickly broke away from the panic just now.

This... this, this, this, Masaka... defeated CG?!

Bai Song's eyes lit up, and he decisively took out an ancient version of the camera from his back, and started taking photos of Illya from various angles.

As a senior CG collector, I am committed to collecting all CGs when playing Little Butter.

So, naturally I have to collect all the CGs in the Tata Kai that I have personally experienced. This... is the reserve that belongs to the collection addiction!

Feeling Bai Song's hot eyes and his crazy taking pictures, Illya panicked for a moment.

She didn't know why, but she always felt that Schrödinger was a little different from what she imagined he would do to her. This was even more weird and made Illya feel creepy all over.

What are you doing? No!

Bai Song didn't pay attention to what Ilia said at all, because when Ilia was nervous, all that came out of her mouth was gibberish German, not the Japanese used in normal communication, and he... couldn't understand it.

Huh~, thirty-six consecutive shots are done.

After making sure that every angle was taken, including photos from the bottom up, Bai Song put the camera behind his back with a happy face.

At this moment, Tom, who was in the dense forest, tentatively pulled the rope.

After confirming that the noose was secure, he immediately opened his mouth and smiled... well, it was a wild laugh. Then he pulled his hands fiercely, trying to bring the guy who dared to attack his master to justice!

At this time, on Bai Song's side, Ilia, who was trembling to meet Bai Song's gaze, was thinking about how she could beg for mercy in order to be more dignified.

After Ruby confirmed that the time had come, she decisively shouted to Bai Song, Wait a minute...Wait a minute!

Huh? After hearing the sound of the staff, Bai Song temporarily moved his eyes away from the perfect photos he had taken, and looked at the big stick held by Illya's hands.

After seeing Bai Song turn his attention, Ruby decisively started her surrender speech.

The ruby ​​has been wandering for half my life, and I only regret that I have never met its master.

If you don't give up, I would like to worship you as righteous...

Wow?!!! Before Ruby's show of loyalty ended, suddenly, a huge force acted on Illya's hands and Ruby's body.

In just an instant, Ruby and Illya were pulled back together, and they were dragged on the ground and rubbed wildly.

The speed of being pulled backward was extremely fast, and the force was also so great that Illya was dragged away, leaving a deep ravine on the ground.

Feeling her back rub against the ground crazily, Illya cried out in pain, It hurts, it hurts!

Auntie, Mrs.!!! Feeling her body being crazily tightened by the rope, Ruby suddenly screamed in discomfort, The intestines...the intestines are going to be strangled out!!!

However, the two's cries of pain were of no use. They should be dragged away, but they were dragged away after all.

It's just...looking at Schrödinger getting further and further away, Ruby's non-existent eyes shed two non-existent tears of sadness.

Just a little bit away from completing his allegiance to Schrödinger, but at such a critical moment, he was forcibly dragged away from Bai Song.

At this time, Ruby regretted it very much. She had known that she would have surrendered to the enemy when she was just captured.

But even if you regret now, there is no regret medicine to take. Although there are regret medicines in the Servant Universe, they all belong to the evil Golden Universe Emperor.

There is no chance to own a staff like this.

Just when Ruby regretted not selling Illya earlier and defecting to the Ming Lord, it and Illya finally crossed the open plains and were pulled into the dense forest.



As soon as they entered the dense forest, Illya's head hit a big tree. In terms of pain, Illya felt that her brain was about to be knocked apart.

Fortunately, this was bearable. After being pulled around the big tree that hit her head, Illya continued to be dragged by Tom.

And's not over yet, Illya still needs to face a lot of twists and turns.

After a long journey of being dragged, Illya was finally pulled in front of... Ice Tom who had a smirk on his face.

Chapter 395 Magic Cat Girl Tom!!!


Seeing Illya being pulled over by him, Tom's already arrogant smile became even more arrogant.

At the same time that Tom saw Illya and Ruby, Illya and Ruby also saw Tom who was grinning ferociously. Suddenly, both of them showed expressions of fear.

At this time, Ruby and Illya seemed to have lost their initial unruliness.

Now let alone Illya, who was not very confident in the first place, even Ruby, who had always been alone, now fully understood that her fighting power was not as good as Schrödinger's cat.

Ruby even began to doubt whether Schrödinger was a native heroic spirit in this world.

It was very suspicious. In fact, Schrödinger was a Servant from the Servant Universe. If he came from the Servant Universe where he was born, it would be very normal to have such a waste.

Now facing Tom, Ruby cannot be said to be very yellow, but can only be said to be very panicked!

Looking at Ruby and Illya who were pulled in front of him, Tom rubbed his hands and was already thinking about how to punish these two little guys who came to sneak attack without moral ethics.

Ruby and Illya also became hairy when faced with Tom's eyes that seemed to eat them up.

Wait... wait a minute!

When he was thinking about how to deal with the two, he heard Ruby suddenly speak. Tom tilted his head, thinking that a stick could talk? !

But although he was a little surprised, Tom was not very surprised, because as a winner of Cat Life, he also had a similar staff, and... it was even bigger than this small Galami staff. So much bigger!

A discerning person would be able to understand at a glance that the staff he had used before was definitely much stronger than this little staff.

Presumably, the broomstick version of the staff that he rode on before was also able to talk.

When Ruby saw that Tom stopped preparing to take action after hearing her words, she immediately saw a glimmer of light!

It thought to itself that since it couldn't show loyalty to Schrödinger, it was perfectly fine to show loyalty to Schrödinger's cat, even though it would change Tom's colleague into Tom's dog. long as you can hold on to your life for hundreds of millions of years, it will definitely be worth it!

After seeing that Tom had no reaction, Ruby looked up at Tom with tearful eyes and said affectionately.

I have been in love for half my life, and I only regret that I have not met the Lord of the Ming Dynasty.

Hearing Ruby's words, a question mark suddenly appeared on Illya's head, who was still in a state of fear.

If she remembered correctly, Ruby said something similar when she faced Schrödinger just now, right?

Illya, who heard Ruby's words before, already wanted to teach Ruby a lesson.

Listen, listen, what does it mean to only regret not meeting the Lord? Are you dissing me? This must be dissing me, right? !

At this time, Illya secretly made up her mind. After escaping, she must feed Ruby delicious food, and then watch herself eat stinky socks!

Just thinking about letting Ruby eat the smelly socks while looking at the picture of herself eating it, Illya had a hint of evil smile, thinking that she was really too bad, this kind of horrible punishment would not be enough. You can figure it out!

While Illya was thinking this, Ruby had already said the second half of her words.

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