Uchiha Pretender King, Pretending To Be Force Will Open Your Eyes!

Chapter 333 The Man Who Conquered the God of War Yu Gao

Chapter 333 The Man Who Conquered the God of War Yu Gao

But I didn't know where and how the God of War was summoned, so I gave up.

Now that it is in Yu Gao's hands, this can only mean one thing, that is, Yu Gao's strength defeated the God of War and became a new generation of God of War.

Yu Gao asked, "Can you recognize this sword?"

The well-informed Uchiha Qiye certainly knew it, so he nodded and said, "I know, this is the Sword of the God of War, now that you have obtained it, it seems that your strength has been fully recognized.

Yu Gao's eyes and aura were still indifferent, and his whole body exuded a murderous murderous aura. This murderous aura gave people an illusion, as if a pair of invisible hands were strangling someone's throat, a suffocating feeling.

Yu Gao glanced at Cosmic Wave Qiye indifferently, his eyes emitting a looming scarlet, as if there were some terrifying giant beast hidden in his body, which made Cosmic Wave Qiye feel a burst of fear.

Such a strong murderous aura.

Yugao said, "Since you know, I advise you to leave here quickly. Once I make a move, you will never be able to survive."

He had said this to Uchiha Qiye since he was in the lounge just now, and now he said it again.

But Uchiha Qiye was unmoved at all, so he wouldn't back down. He hadn't experienced this feeling of meeting an opponent, this kind of hearty fighting feeling, for a long, long time!

Shen Zhan said, "It is absolutely impossible, let the horse come over.

At this time, the battle of the gods has also raised his combat power to the Ultimate, and a Blade of the Thunder Spirit naturally appeared in his hand, lingering with blue light, cold light, and full of murderous aura.

One is the black breath that symbolizes death conquering Yugao, the god of war, and the other is Uchiha Qiye, the god of thunder. The two seem to be evenly matched, and a war is about to break out.

At this moment, the referee raised his eyes and looked at the audience. As expected (becj), the two of them hadn't started fighting yet. This nervous and exciting feeling has made this group of noisy onlookers completely quiet. Like a chicken, even the eyes are reluctant to blink.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Gao launched an attack directly, and the distance of 100 meters was almost approaching. This time, Uchiha Qiye felt a sudden cardiac arrest.

As expected of a man who has conquered the God of War! Even Uchiha Qiye has the Eye of Eternity and almost failed to capture his figure. The speed was completely unexpected.

At the last moment, the cosmic wave Qiye immediately waved his sword to block Yu Gao's extremely fast blow.

Muramasa and the Blade of the Thunder Spirit collided with each other, causing an extremely violent collision.

With a bang, the metal mixed sound immediately rippled, and the burst of Chakra energy spread out in a visible manner to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, the two swordsmanships competed. Cosmic wave Qiye's swordsmanship belonged to Shura swordsmanship.

The swordsmanship used by Yugao belongs to the most exquisite Bushido swordsmanship of the ancient God of War generation. Although many people in the Land of Water can understand this swordsmanship, the mystery and the unique use of it have long since completely surpassed ordinary bushido swordsmanship.

A black aura swirled around the sword that Yugao used Muramasa, intertwined with the blue electric light.

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