Uchiha Pretender King, Pretending To Be Force Will Open Your Eyes!

Chapter 423 Still unfinished after getting the response

Chapter 423 Still unfinished after getting the response

It was just a case of too much pretense. Seeing curiosity, I bought a copy at random, but I didn't expect it to be really useful.

Uchiha Qiye said, "However, I came to Immortal Realm because of some small tricks to relax and calm myself down. Because I didn't have a contract, but I really wanted to come to Immortal Realm to do business, so I took the liberty."

Uchiha Qiye is very respectful in this kind of world, because not only is he facing Toad Ji, there are some other creatures around this big toad, each of them exudes strong power, and each of them is It can crush Uchiha Qiye like a bug.

So Uchiha Qiye, who always likes to pretend, can't do it in such a place.

Hearing that he came here in a hurry, 920 made Toad Ji a little curious, and he said, "Excuse me, Cosmic Wave Qiye, what do you have to do when you come to our fairyland?"

Uchiha Qiye said, "My old friend is Naruto. He has a contract with Xianjie. After a series of coups in Konoha, Naruto came here injured. I have something urgent to discuss with him."

Naruto, a child with a pure and good-natured personality, is the eldest disciple of Pervy Sage Jiraiya, so of course Toadyoshi knows him.

Moreover, Toadji has a deep friendship with Pervy Sage, and naturally he also has a contractual link with him. There are only two people in the entire ninja world.

So Toadyoshi said, "Naruto? Yes, he is indeed with us, and if you're going to find him, I need to ask his opinion first."99

Uchiha Qiye nodded, he didn't dare to open the eyes of God to search in such a place, for fear of being disrespectful.

Toadyoshi closed his eyes and seemed to be communicating with something, but after a while, Toadyoshi said, "Naruto answered my words, he is now recovering from his wounds, and he doesn't want to see anyone, and he said, don't take him into account. He just wanted to be unwilling to go out in the fairy world, and he didn't care about who was Hokage at all.

This last sentence directly hit Uchiha Qiye's heart. Could it be that Naruto doesn't care at all? That little (becj) guy who inherited Hokage's will has become so disheartened that it makes Uchiha Qiye a little disheartened. stand up.

Toadyoshi's meaning is also obvious, just don't bother Naruto anymore.

And Uchiha Qiye still didn't give up, so he asked, "I only have one last question, I have only one last question, is Hatake Sakumo suitable for Hokage?"

Toadyoshi nodded and seemed to be doing some communication with Naruto, so after a while he said, "Hatake Sakumo is very suitable, much more suitable than Yuan Fei Hiruzen. 35

After getting Naruto's reply and approval, then Uchiha Qiye can be considered completed. Even if it is a pity not to see Naruto in person, it is a worthwhile trip to come here.

So Uchiha Qiye nodded and said, "Okay, excuse me, I'll leave now.

After saying goodbye, Uchiha Qiye also walked out and looked at the kingdom of immortals from a distance. At first glance, there was no sun and moon, there was no concept of day and night, it was always day, but it seemed that the sky could be changed according to personal will , of course, it is only a legend, he is not a resident of the fairyland at all,

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