Ultimate Zombies

Chapter 64 Victory and Defeat

ultimate zombie

Chapter 65 Victory and Defeat

The jade-faced scholar reacted quickly and immediately dodged to the left. His only advantage at present was speed. He was about to avoid it, but the long gray chain unexpectedly turned and hit him on the back of the head.

The blood-red one with 200hp × 2 appeared. Good guy, a critical attack came at once, double the damage, and wiped out 400 drops of blood from the jade-faced scholar. At this time, the players below started to cheer loudly.

It wasn't over yet, the jade-faced scholar's face had changed color, as if it was coated with a layer of black energy, and his health was continuing to be consumed at a rate of twenty per second. At this moment, Wuming didn't stop for a moment, and rushed forward, It is obvious that he will take advantage of your illness and kill you.

In just a short moment, it was obvious that Wuming had the upper hand. Ghost Caigua glanced at the faces of the other players in the Baishou Stream. He didn't react much and was obviously not worried. It seemed that the jade-faced scholar had a trick up his sleeve.

"What a poisonous corpse." The jade-faced scholar laughed, looking at Wuming, and then his body immediately swelled.

Wuming was unmoved, without any hesitation, he pounced directly on the deformed jade-faced scholar without any care. He opened his mouth, exposed his sharp teeth, and bit down on the deformed jade-faced scholar.

He is very satisfied with the special effects of the ultimate blood-sucking. As long as it is not poisoned, dizziness, weakness, and stiffness are all good. If it hits all of them, he will be even more satisfied. He can definitely take this opportunity to kill his opponent.

However, after taking this bite, Wuming was surprised. The skin was so thick and the fangs were very sharp. They had penetrated deeply into it, but they did not penetrate it.

At this time, the jade-faced scholar had transformed into a white giant statue more than four feet tall. Wuming was biting on it like a larger insect, hanging on it with his teeth as the fulcrum.

At this time, the players watching all screamed with disbelief on their faces. Due to the revealed attributes, they saw the jade-faced scholar transforming into a huge white elephant, while his blood volume and strength were also changing rapidly, especially The blood volume has increased from less than one thousand to more than eight thousand, which is amazing.

At this time, the bite was ineffective. Wuming was shocked and kicked the elephant hard with both feet, trying to quit.

But it was still too late. The jade-faced scholar's huge body flicked gently, and Wuming was easily thrown up into the sky like a rubber ball, with 112 HP coming out of his head.

Before it could turn around, the huge elephant trunk whipped out like a whip. At this time, Wuming was more like a rubber ball. When 500hp came out of his head, he was whipped to the ground hard. What was even more terrifying was that At this time, little stars appeared on his head, and he fell into a dizzy state, unable to make any evasive movements or fight back.

The huge white elephant was so cruel that it paused and jumped into the air. Its thick pillar-like forelimbs stood up. When it landed, it stepped directly on Wuming. There was a burst of dust and the earth shook, and Wuming was actually stepped into the ground. , and an astonishing number of 1,300 HP appeared on Wuming's head. These continuous attacks made Wuming lose two-thirds of his health before he could react.

Without stopping, the long nose rolled up and forcefully pulled Wuming out from the ground. Then the long nose completely wrapped around Wuming, getting tighter and tighter.

At this time, Wuming was no longer dizzy, but he couldn't even move his little finger, and his head began to bleed. From 5hp, it continued to increase, and now it is 20hp.

Relatively speaking, the poisoning effect of this white elephant has ended. What's more, even if it doesn't end, the more than 8,000 blood will be enough to fight Wuming to the ground.

At this moment, Iron Fist and the others' expressions became extremely ugly, but there was nothing they could do about it. However, the players from Baishou Stream didn't react much, as if it was natural.

The players were excited and making various noises, but they also saw the power of this white elephant, and they sympathized more with Wuming. If they encountered such a pervert, they would have known better not to restrict the use of magic weapons.

In full view of everyone, the last drop of blood was finally consumed by Wuming, who was tightly pressed by the elephant's trunk, making the atmosphere on the scene look extremely decadent.

The trunk of the elephant was loosened, and the huge white elephant quickly returned to its human form. The jade-faced scholar still looked very calm. The jade tree stood there in the wind and nodded to the players around him. He was about to say a few words when suddenly there was screamed.

Stunned, he quickly turned his head, just in time to see the +1250hp that was about to disappear.

"How is this possible?" His face was full of disbelief. If it were a cherished treasure, it might still have this ability, but in this competition, you can't even use weapons, let alone magic weapons, medicines and the like.

Just when he was shocked, a very dissatisfied voice sounded coldly: "You are dead." Another poisonous mist of corpses sprayed out.

"Really?!" Although he was very surprised, the jade-faced scholar immediately transformed into a white elephant again without hesitation. However, when he completed the transformation, the scene was filled with poisonous mist, making it impossible to see far.

The jade-faced scholar was poisoned and consumed his blood, but when he transformed into a white elephant, his blood volume was extremely high. At this time, he sneered: "Do you think you can escape like this?" Suddenly his nose stretched out to the old man, and he swept out directly. The territory is very limited. As long as he scans it a few times, the jade-faced scholar will be confident that he will be able to defeat the enemy.

As for Wuming, he was heartbroken that his precious blood servant had died like this. He hadn't even had time to warm himself up, and he didn't even care about the white elephant's long nose that was sweeping around, because he was not on the ground, but underground. After all, I didn't learn ultimate escape in vain, and I was a little dissatisfied. If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have cared about my image as the best corpse. I would have played dirty tricks from the beginning, hiding underground and spreading poison.

The white elephant quickly swept through the entire arena, and then swept to every corner without stopping. He believed that his nose would definitely prevent the opponent from hiding. However, the fact was cruel, he had swept in all directions. , unexpectedly did not find the other party. This time, he became a little anxious, and suddenly his nose kept waving, and at the same time he guessed how the other party avoided falling to the ground.

Wuming sprayed poison from time to time underground, and planned to come up with a combo of moves in the future. If the opponent had no chance to counterattack, he would not have time to use his skills, and he would be completely destroyed.

So as time went by, the white elephant outside had less and less health, and the poisonous mist was everywhere, making it impossible for him to avoid it.

Finally, the jade-faced scholar fell to the ground unwillingly and transformed into his original form. Even until his death, he did not show any intention of surrender.

"Wu Ming Sheng!" The referee spoke, which signified the end of this competition. The corpse poison quickly condensed together and submerged into Wu Ming's body. The people below were astonished and shrouded in poisonous mist. They didn't know this at all. How to determine the winner? The white elephant's attack and blood volume are obvious to all.

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