Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 1184: Fight in chaos!

"Master Haman. The expedition fleet sent back laser communications. They have already fought fierce battles with the Titans fleet."

After the adjutant handed the communication document in his hand to Harman, he added.

"Oh?" Haman raised his eyebrows, did not open the file, but asked faintly: "So, how is the battle going?"

"Yes! Calculated according to Greenwich Mean Time, a few hours ago, Captain Denton Helreg drove an improved warrior for our fleet's first victory since the start of the war."

As Haman listened to the adjutant's explanation, he smiled unexpectedly. "Sure enough, Char Aznable has the abilities. I didn't expect that under his tune, Hao Hao, Mr. Denton Helreg, could step into the battlefield again and made a contribution."

Haman let out a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Where is Colonel Char?"

"Yes! When we received the laser communication from the frontline fleet, Colonel Char had already defeated the enemy Gundam and decapitated the main monitor and limbs of the head, and finally let him be brought back to Govalan. No. After that, Colonel Xia broke through the enemy’s defenses alone and tried to attack the enemy fleet."

After the adjutant said these battle reports in one breath, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Master Haman. These are the frontline battle reports as we know it."

"Really? I know. Let me know..."

Haman nodded, and casually ordered the next order, but before she could finish speaking, a roar suddenly blew from afar.

"Master Haman!" The adjutant rushed to the back of Haman quickly, protecting Haman's figure firmly with his own body.

"Don't panic! The explosion is not near us."

Haman's expression flashed with solemnity, but he was soon occupied by confidence.

"After the notice, let the guards immediately implement plan B and evacuate Princess Minerva to the safe place. In addition, let the guards around the Gongwang Palace enter the first level of combat readiness. Without my permission, no one can step into the Gongwang. One step in the palace!"

As he said, a cold light flashed in Harman's eyes.

"Offender, kill!"

"Yes! Lord Haman."

Even if Haman didn't specify who the enemy was facing next, the adjutant who was Haman's deputy had already guessed a little bit of the situation. As a result, he did not panic, but smoothly passed the orders of Haman to all the troops gathered under Haman as he usually assisted in the office.

And Haman stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, and smiled coldly at the black smoke rising into the air in the distance and the explosion gradually spreading towards this side.

"Come on! Axis never needs a second voice."



Wearing the same uniform and having the same ideals, Zeon soldiers fired at the opponent at this moment!

"Long live Zeon!! Everything is for the glory of the Zabi family!! Beat the Harman Kahn who stole the orthodox Zabi family!!"

As the attacking side, Zeon soldiers kept sounding, conveying the same or similar slogans, in order to strike at their former comrades who acted as opponents and prevented them from advancing toward the palace of the king.

Even while the offensive was fierce, these Zeon soldiers shouting to reproduce the glory of the Zabi family and the glory of Zeon raised two flags.

On one side is the banner of Gillian Zabi, the virtuous king praised by many Zeon soldiers.

On the other side is the Zeon army's banner.

From a distance, the Zeon soldier holding these two banners to attack unexpectedly gave all those who blocked them a kind of Zeon army that was resurrected under the leadership of Kilian Zabi.

"How is it possible? Commander Kilian?" A veteran captain who had participated in the One Year War looked at the two flags blankly, and suddenly forgot to give the latest order.

"Da da da da!"

But the team led by this veteran was not a big soldier who grew up in the One Year War, but a recruit who resolutely joined the army in order to rebuild the noble ideals of the Principality of Zeon during the past few years.

And their allegiance is only Minerva Zabi and Haman Kahn, the regent queen of Axis.

Therefore, the new recruits did not know or understand the illusion of the veterans at this moment. All they knew was an order to stop all the enemies who attempted to attack the palace of the king.

The gunshots of the recruits awakened the veteran captain from his absence.

"You, you guys!!!"

"Captain!! If you don't stop them, Your Highness Minerva and Haman-sama are in danger!! No matter how wise the Commander-in-chief is, how worthy of us to follow!! Now, only Mi is standing behind us One Neva Zabi!!!"

The recruit closest to the veteran captain opened fire and shouted quickly.


Suddenly, the bunker where the recruit was hiding was hit by a portable missile. The violent explosion instantly swallowed the bunker and the recruits hiding behind.

In the eyes of the veteran captain, the recruit who was still comforting him just lost his life, leaving only the right wrist still holding the **** of the rifle.

The veteran captain gritted his teeth and looked at the severed hand on the ground with red eyes.


In the roar of the captain of the veteran, the violent wind set off by the violent explosions blew the two flags in violent gunfire!

"His Royal Highness Minerva! And ladies Pulu, we are going to evacuate!" The maid with a flustered expression rushed into the room where Minerva was, panting and watching Minerva who was surrounded by books quietly. Wa and Plumen.

"Evacuate?" Pulu narrowed her eyes and looked at Puluzi subconsciously.

Pruz also nodded in response to Pru.

At this moment, the voices of the two also reached all Pulu's hearts through the unique connection between Pulus.

"Your Royal Highness, we must evacuate."

Pulu and Puluz stood up for the first time and stretched out their right hands towards Minerva.

"Did the rebellion happen?" Minerva closed the book, looking at Plumen seriously and asked.

Plu and Plutz looked at each other and nodded together.

There was a glimmer of darkness on Minerva's face, but he soon regained his spirit.

"Then, Pulu, and everyone from the Maid's team, please follow me to the refuge. I don't want anyone left behind on the way!"

After saying this, Minerva reached out and caught the hands of Pulu and Puluzi, and stood up.

"His Royal Highness. Don't worry! Although we are not familiar enough with MS driving, when it comes to individual combat, we are enough to deal with most situations!" Pu Lu, the boss, nodded and made a guarantee.

Afterwards, Pulu Five Six Seven Eight Four women took the lead to leave the room and quickly moved towards the palace monitoring center not far away. There, in addition to being able to grasp the surrounding conditions of the current Gongwang Palace, some individual weapons can also be obtained.

As long as these weapons are obtained, then, on the way to evacuate, the Pulus will also have considerable confidence to deal with the accident.

"Pruz." Pruz glanced at Pruz.

"I understand!" Puluz nodded, and immediately left the room with Pulu's three or four girls as the pioneer.

"Sister Nine, Sister Ten, Sister Eleven, Sister Twelve, you all protect Your Highness Minerva together. Do you understand?" Pulu ordered again.

"Understand!" Pulu Nine, Ten, Eleven, and Twelve sisters responded in unison.

"Come on! Let's go!"

Under Plu's leadership, the maids and the four Pluzi kept Minerva in the middle, tensely and quickly evacuated to the refuge toward the pre-determined retreat route.


"Da da da!"

Suddenly, there was a scream from the corner ahead, and a burst of gunfire.

"Wait!" Pulu raised his hand and stopped everyone.

Just when Pulu decided to come forward to investigate in person, Puluz returned with Pulu three or four girls.

"You can't go ahead. There are a few soldiers guarding the intersection not far away." Plutz said solemnly.

"How come? The guards of the Prince's Palace should have been tested for loyalty. They have no reason to rebel against His Highness Minerva!" The maids obviously couldn't believe Pruz's statement.

"No, they are not the guards we are familiar with." Pruz denied the maids' statement.

"Pluz. Could it be that the soldiers came in temporarily?" Pulu asked.

"Although I don't know how they did it, based on the current situation, I am afraid that is the case." Pruz nodded.

Suddenly, at the time when the five, six, seven and eight Plu had not returned, the people who lacked weapons were at a loss. If they stayed like this, sooner or later the palace of the king would be occupied by these rebels who fit inside and outside.

Suddenly, another explosion sounded.

Then, amidst a burst of rants and gunfire, everyone heard the screams of human beings being hit by bullets.

"Support?" Pulu raised his hand, and the Pulus present moved quickly to find something that could be used as a weapon temporarily from the decorative table placed in the corridor.

"Da, da, da..."

Amid the gunfire and screams, two heavy and one light footsteps gradually approached the place where Plumen and Minerva were.

Pulu's right hand gradually clenched into a fist, and her body tightened, ready to subdue the unknown person who appeared in front of her at any time.

However, just as the sound of footsteps was about to appear in front of his eyes, the visitor stopped unexpectedly.

At the same time, a semi-automatic rifle was also placed on the ground by the incoming person and pushed out of the corner.

The tired but stern female voice came slowly from the corner.

"The assault mobile army of the Principality of Zin, Sima Karahao, welcomes His Highness Minerva Zabi! Please forgive your Highness for the late rescue!

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