Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 102 Arrest Operation

Reminded by the Red Queen, Charon, the Outlaws, and the Astartes immediately withdrew from the rainforest.

The French side gave Umbrella a decent mercenary payment to assist in the extrajudicial settlement of the rebels and rescue 14 captured foreign tourists.

And the Red Queen modified the order of the French superiors, so that while Umbrella earned commissions, she also let the extrajudicial elite free assist in controlling this abnormal phenomenon.

The elite of the 13th semi-mixed brigade outside the law, their individual equipment is definitely the most sophisticated ranks, but they still cannot resist the erosion of unknown viruses.

Until the cause of the infection of the zombie dinosaur is determined, the outlaw elite must avoid close contact with it.


The peregrine falcon flying in the night sky precisely locked 27 dinosaurs, 5 of which were zombie dinosaurs infected with the virus.

Moreover, Peregrine has also identified what appears to be the source of the anomalous event.

In the center of this rainforest, there is a circular gate with a diameter of about six meters and a light green light on the edge.

After locking all the anomalies, Charon and Astarte returned to the rainforest again to assist the technicians wearing chemical protective suits, and took the lead in capturing the five zombie dinosaurs.



In the rainforest about seven kilometers north of the rebel camp.

The moonlight shines through the gaps between the leaves and sprinkles in the dark and damp forest, providing a glimmer of light here.

But the rainforest, which was supposed to stage the Insect Symphony, looked very quiet at this time.

I saw John and another brother in nanosuits holding a special hunting gun with a rough muzzle.

Following behind the two Astartes are four technicians wearing black chemical protective suits, masks emitting a faint red light, and equipped with mechanical skeletons.


Since the Raccoon City Armory was built, the mechanical skeleton that made STARS full of praise at the beginning has now become one of Umbrella's many mass-produced products.

What's more, the rapid development of the brood's technology has reduced the cost of hydrogen batteries by at least three times.

So don't imagine technicians anymore, they are a group of civilians who only know how to clean, recycle and operate. Their actual combat effectiveness is beyond imagination.

In charge of the rear of the team are Jill and Brad wearing TPS power armor.

Their eight-person team is one of them responsible for catching zombie dinosaurs as quickly as possible.

With peregrine falcons on guard in the sky, coupled with the distant guidance of the Red Queen, the five capture teams quickly approached their respective targets.


John, who was walking in the front, suddenly raised his left hand and clenched his fist as a signal.

Seeing this, the team stopped advancing temporarily and quickly responded.

Jill and Brad walked quickly to the left and right flanks of the team, while the technicians stepped back wisely to avoid interfering with the performance of the combatants.

John and his brother walked forward slowly, keeping a little distance from the whole team.


The two Astartes kept a gap of five meters from each other, raised their hunting guns and pointed them forward, as if waiting patiently for something.

Boom-...Boom-...! Boom! Heavy footsteps sounded from far to near.

Roar...! There was also a feeble growl.

Accompanied by the above-mentioned movement, a Karamay dragon about six meters long and three meters high, with its whole body rotten and bones exposed, appeared in everyone's field of vision.


The zombified Karamay dragon, after seeing John and the others with its cloudy eyes, raised its head and let out a roar similar to excitement.

Boom! Boom! It also accelerated its pace and rushed towards John and others.


Pong~Pong~! Two crisp sounds interrupted the charge of the Karamay dragon.

Just look at John and his Astartes brothers, after judging the optimal hunting distance, they pulled the trigger without hesitation, and two giant nets made of composite materials were ejected.


The two huge nets directly wrapped Karamaylong, causing it to stumble down on its feet, slide its head against the ground for nearly one meter and fell down.


Karamaylong struggled to get up.

However, John and his brother each held one side of the hunting net, lifted it up a little harder, and then swung it down harder.


Karamayron was thrown into the air by John and the others, and then fell heavily to the ground.

And so repeated several times.


In the end, the nearly five-ton zombie dragon, even with the blessing of the virus, was destroyed by John and the others so that he lost the ability to struggle.

Seeing this situation, Jill and Brad immediately stepped forward and aimed the muzzle of M41A at the head of the zombie dragon.

The technicians also jogged forward, stood on both sides of the zombie dragon, and assisted each other to remove the silver equipment box behind their backs.

Open it, take out the internal tool, and quickly take the tissue and blood samples of the zombie dragon.

After extracting the samples, he quickly took out the special large sealing bag, and with the assistance of two Astartes, quickly completed the sealing.

The moment the binding bag wraps the entire zombie dragon, the excess air is automatically released, and it cooperates with the hunting net to completely restrain the zombie dragon.

Finally, a complete disinfection of the site and all personnel was carried out.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, and took no more than five minutes.

See Completing the Bundle.

Jill used the communication to say softly: Valentian reports that we have completed the arrest mission and need a transport unit.

Egg No. 3 is expected to arrive in three minutes, please get ready. The Red Queen responded immediately.

Got it, thank you.

Three minutes after the conversation ended, a Fishing Gull arrived in their area.

Yugull ignored the dense branches and directly landed in an open area not far from them.

The cabin door was opened, and everyone carried the immobile zombie dragon to the cabin.

After all the crew boarded the plane, Yugull immediately took off and headed towards Kenya.

The remaining four teams also completed the capture of the Zombie Dragon, and returned to the Kenyan base one after another.

Losing the threat of zombie dragons, armed security guards also equipped with chemical protective suits began to assist technicians in capturing those seemingly normal dinosaurs.

Moreover, the rebuilt living dead task force took three Yugulls with engineering and technical personnel, and went straight to the gate with a diameter of about six meters.

The order given to the living dead is very simple, that is to protect the engineering and technical personnel, and build a complete disinfection and isolation facility at the gate.

During this time, zombified or not, the living dead will shoot any dinosaurs that try to pass through the gate.



All 22 seemingly normal dinosaurs were transported to the Kenyan base.

The five zombie dragons that were captured early will be used as experimental materials for Umbrella's virus research.

Alexia will personally be responsible for dissecting the Karamay dragon captured by John.

Before exploring that door, Umbrella first had to confirm the transmission route and characteristics of this type of virus.

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