Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 119 Another sect

late at night.

Looking down from above, a brightly lit classical city is located here.

Even in the late autumn night, the center of the city is still bustling with traffic and tourists.

What makes this city special the most is the circular opera house in the center of the city.

The theater is a bit dilapidated, with a history of at least a thousand years. The outside looks like a multi-arch structure, the inside is a stepped open-air platform, and the center has a sandy place for alternative performances.


This is the capital of Italy, Rome.

October 24, 2001, 23:37 Rome time.

Although there have been many deplorable deeds in Italy throughout the ages, it does not prevent this country from having many famous historical sites.

On the east side, the outskirts of Villalba, about ten kilometers away from the center of Rome, seemed a bit deserted.

There are not many vehicles passing by on the road, and there are not many pedestrians and tourists on the street.

On the edge of the city, a bar transformed from an abandoned factory building is in operation.


Even standing outside the bar, you can hear the blasting music coming from inside.

Fortunately, the nearby communities or apartment buildings are far away from the bars, so it has not yet reached the point of disturbing the residents.

A community street not far west of the bar.

The streets are full of vehicles with their lights turned off. After all, it is late at night, and most people have returned home to rest after work.

And a four-seater car with one-way film on the window and painted black was parked at an angle that was right at the main entrance of the bar.

Inside the car, there were two people in casual clothes sitting on the front and the co-pilot.

In the driver's seat was a man wearing a black sweatshirt and sweatpants.

In the co-pilot seat is Ajabrea, who is wearing a black leather jacket and slim-fit jeans, and has short blonde female hair.

After Umbrella handled the strange mannequin case, Brea joined Umbrella under Leon's recommendation and underwent extremely strict training in the European branch.

Since the end of her training last summer, she is no longer the original Venice police officer, but a qualified intelligence officer.

The man sitting in the driver's seat is also an intelligence officer in charge of investigating abnormal phenomena.

In general, intelligence agents act alone, especially top intelligence personnel like Leon.

But this time, four people gathered.

Brea stared at the front entrance of the bar, and the back door was watched by two others.

A month ago, she and three intelligence agents jointly investigated the territory of Italy, and established a new special sect, which seemed to believe in creatures related to abnormal phenomena.

With the lessons learned by Sheheba, Brea and others acted together.

In the end, they locked on the base of this group of believers, which was the bar in their sight.

At the same time, they also reported to the European branch, saying that they need the nearest armed security support, if possible, even the support of MTF or Hell paratroopers, and strive to wipe out this sect.

They waited patiently for another ten minutes.

At around midnight, Brea finally noticed something unusual.

I saw a black van parked in front of the main entrance of the bar.

Due to the angle, she couldn't see the situation on the other side of the van, but soon, the van drove away from the street in front of the main entrance and headed towards the parking lot at the back.

Now, she and the male intelligence agent clearly saw three muscular men dressed in leather jackets and pants, who looked like motorcycle gangs, walking towards the main entrance.

And the strong man walking in the middle is holding a metal box that seems to be able to hold a basketball in both hands.

The abnormal creatures enshrined by the believers should be in that metal box.

Seeing the three strong men walk into the bar, Breya, who was wearing a throat mic, immediately reported in a low voice: The target has entered the arena and is ready to act.

After speaking, Brea took out the safety of the pulse pistol from the underarm holster, and then put the pistol back into the holster, and the intelligence agent beside her did the same.

Let's go.


After the brief exchange, the intelligence agent started the engine and left the street, driving the vehicle towards the main entrance.

With a sound of Chi-!, the vehicles of the two of them had already stopped in front of the main entrance.

Get out of the car and walk to the main entrance.

Seeing the two of Brea approaching, a security guard with the same size stepped forward and warned: Non-members are not allowed to enter.

The police are handling the case. Brea responded coldly.

Then you don't have the right to search! the security guard said, and wanted to take out the intercom and the internal report of the bar.

Hands up! Don't move!

But the male intelligence officer drew his gun faster, pointing the gun directly at the security guard and yelling the above sentence.

! !

The security obviously didn't expect the police officers in Rome to be so stubborn, so they immediately raised their hands and kept still, and hurriedly said:

Don't shoot! I am willing to cooperate!

? ? ?

Both Brea and the male intelligence officer were a little surprised.

In their impression, cult members who believe in abnormal creatures should all be loyal. How could they give up resistance so simply?

After a brief moment of surprise, the two did not relax their vigilance.

Breya took out the restraint belt from the small tactical bag on the left side of his waist and tied the security guard with his backhand.

Moreover, the security guard rushed down very cooperatively, lying on the ground very obediently.

Immediately afterwards, Breya took out a piece of something similar to a Band-Aid from his bag, tore off the protective film and stuck it on the back of the security guard's neck.

Hey! There was an electric current, and the security guard rolled his eyes instantly and passed out.

After taking care of the security guards, the two of Brea continued to rush into the bar.

walk in.


Then I heard the piercing music, saw the dizzying lights, and the motorcycle party who was carnival with wine glasses.

The faces of Brea and the others sank.

In this environment, even if shots are fired continuously, the bikers may not necessarily be able to hear the gunshots.

Suddenly, the DJ stopped playing the music, and the dazzling lights switched to bright incandescent lights.

The sudden change in the environment caused the four of Brea and the bikers to close their eyes slightly in order to adapt to the brightly lit environment as soon as possible.

Dear fellow members!

At this time, a biker with hedgehog hair who looked like the leader was standing on the bar stage, holding a microphone in his right hand, pointing at the two of Brea with his left hand, and pointing at the other two intelligence agents at the back door, shouting:

There are scouts breaking into our holy land! For the sake of the Holy Lord, we can move safely! We will expel the scouts at all costs!

? !

Hearing this, the motorcycle gang all turned their attention to Brea and the others, and they all clenched their fists and twisted their necks, looking like they didn't mind beating the police officer and wanted to protect the so-called Holy Lord.

But the gunshot of Tap! revealed the true colors of the bikers.

I saw Breya decisively firing a shot, pointing the guns at the motorcycle gangs closest to her, and said loudly:

If you don't want to die, raise your hands and lie on the ground! Otherwise, we don't mind using coercive methods!

? ? ?

The momentum of the motorcycle gangs suddenly weakened, and they were no longer as fierce as before.

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