Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 132 High-Risk Abnormal Creatures



The two races that should have hated each other to the bone and were immortal, but now because of the common goal, ended the war that lasted for hundreds of years, and temporarily shook hands and made peace and chose the alliance.

And on the periphery of the west side of the castle.

Two well-wrapped vampires in windbreakers patrolling the forest with guns in hand.

The vampire family is involved in many enterprises, there is no shortage of money, the hierarchy is strict, and the division of labor is clear.

For example, the two vampires responsible for fighting and guarding have received unified military training, and the firearms they use are still expensive SG550s, and the magazines are filled with silver bullets.

It seems that vampires are better than the hodgepodge werewolves in every way, and silver can also cause fatal damage to werewolves.

But the number of werewolves is about three times that of vampires, and they can walk freely in daylight.

Both sides have strengths and weaknesses.

Now, the two races are complementary and combined, and there seems to be a posture that is not afraid of any threats.

I've lived for two hundred years and fought against werewolves for more than one hundred and sixty years. I really didn't expect to be able to cooperate with them. It's really unpredictable.

Yeah, I didn't expect it either. If it wasn't for the smooth descending of my god, I wouldn't want to cooperate with those dogs.

The two vampires express emotion to each other.

Sigh. The one walking on the left shook its head sadly and sighed: It's such a pity for Seina.

What a pity. The one on the right immediately said, She likes human children, you're out of the game.

I know. The one on the left said again: However, why should my master be so cautious? Do you have to hold the ceremony in advance?

The werewolf team that ambushed Seina was wiped out. I don't even know whether Seina is dead or alive. My main guess is that Umbrella got in the way and let the human government intervene, so it had to be held in advance. The one on the right analyzed.

Umbrella? They have a lot of biological weapons, but those weapons shouldn't pose any threat to us, and Seina may not cooperate with humans. I always feel that my lord is too cautious. The one on the left expressed disdain.

at this time.

With their extraordinary hearing, they vaguely sensed that something seemed to be falling rapidly from above


They looked up at the sky with doubts, and then observed with super vision.

Black spots?

There are more than a hundred black dots that look like human beings, falling towards the castle at an extremely fast speed.

! ! !

There are enemies.

Boom! Boom boom boom!

The two vampires who reacted were about to use their throat microphones to remind everyone when they were interrupted by dense and violent explosions.

The two vampires were also engulfed by the flames of the explosion.

View from the sky.

With the castle as the center, within a radius of at least 200 meters, densely packed small explosions were produced at the same time.

The gunpowder smoke from the explosion quickly engulfed the castle and the woods near the castle.

The culprits of this situation were four cluster bombs that fell faster than those black spots.

Before the four cluster bombs were about to hit the ground, they immediately buffered and slowed down, and then ejected nearly a thousand small bombs in their cabins, evenly distributed in this area.

And those black spots are paratroopers and living dead equipped with exclusive TPS power armor.

On the left there are only vampires talking loudly, thinking that Umbrella has nothing to worry about except that he is one bigger and one more money.

The ghost space carrier that Umbrella belongs to has already arrived at the high altitude in Romania, and dropped cluster bombs on the area where the old castle is located, and then dropped another 120 MTF.

Due to various reasons in previous operations, the Ghost Mothership was unable to provide effective fire support. After all, we had to worry about fratricide.

However, the castle is located in the deep mountains and dense forests, and no traces of civilian activities were found nearby.

Then what are the scruples!

Now, finally, the crew of the Ghost Mothership could unscrupulously press the release button, giving the vampires and werewolves a gift of cluster bombs.

The smoke from the explosion has not yet dissipated.

The 120 paratroopers and the living dead had already opened the flamethrowing device on their backs, and they continued to buffer and landed around the castle one by one.

Boom! Boom! Near the castle, the dull sound of TPS power armor stepping on the mud was heard one after another.

Since Paratroopers and the living dead under their jurisdiction installed the exclusive TPS power armor with sustainable buffering, the original individual airborne pods have been gradually eliminated.

In the smoke.

Paratroopers and undead people can still clearly observe their surroundings by relying on the scanning function of the helmet screen.

There were potholes caused by the explosion everywhere, many trees were uprooted, and the already dilapidated castle became even more precarious.

Still twitching and even moving.

Broken limbs.

As long as the head or heart is not completely destroyed, the werewolves and vampires that were torn apart and exploded by the explosion are still alive.

See here.

Get rid of these bastards. Carlos' order came from the helmet communication.

Tack! Tack!

The issuing of the order also caused intensive pulse gunshots around the castle.

As the rain was still falling, the smoke quickly dissipated within a short time.

View from above.

You can see a group of four paratroopers and the undead, advancing in an orderly manner to the inner courtyard of the castle.

In the process of advancing, there was no effective resistance at all.

No matter how tenacious the vitality of the werewolves and vampires was, they were already half dead after being bombed, completely unable to resist the steady advance of the paratroopers and the undead.

In less than three minutes, the vampires and werewolves outside the castle were wiped out with all their guns.

The screen changed.

The inner courtyard on the north side of the castle.

Carlos, holding a pulse machine gun, was leading six groups of people through the open space in the inner courtyard, preparing to move towards the main building of the castle ahead.

In the information obtained by Carlos, it is clearly stated that the blood pool is the key to summoning the blood demon.

Attention everyone. So while Carlos walked forward, he also turned on the communication reminder:

Controlling the blood pool inside the castle is our primary goal, and there must be a lot of leftovers in it, so cheer me up! Get rid of all the bastards who have abandoned their human identities!

Huha! the paratroopers yelled back over the comms.

. The thirty living dead remained silent.


Haha! Ahahaha! Finally! We have finally obtained the favor of my God!

It's all thanks to the gift of my god! I can finally get rid of the restrictions of the mortal body!

Carlos and the others heard the maniacal laughter of several bad bits in the building of the castle.

Everyone, be vigilant! Carlos immediately stopped his progress, held the machine gun in his hand and aimed it at the loud voice in front of him: Get ready to deal with high-risk abnormal creatures!

Boom~! several times.

Several winged figures rushed out of the main building. They flapped their wings and flew over the castle, looking down at Carlos and others who were still on the ground.

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