‘Where is the converted Griffin, and what are the technologies contained in the Griffin? '

Sui Bian looked at the moon, deep space and earth scene presented by the virtual window, and asked the above question to the system.

[The Griffin is currently moored in the No. 2 dock of the Luna Base.

Related technologies include more efficient nuclear fusion engines, warp engines, stealth coatings, optical camouflage, and more.

At the same time, it also includes the equipment and related weapon technology of the elite marines, marauder commandos, Hellbat rangers and ghost agents in StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops.

The hangar of the Griffon also houses heavy siege tanks, Strike Goliaths, Marauder Liberators aerial batteries, Banshee fighters, and Raven II support boats. 】

'Oh? Not bad, as expected of the Griffin I exchanged for 58,000, it actually contained so much. ’ Sui Bian raised his left eyebrow.

Although this exchange almost emptied all his savings, Sui Bian felt that it was worth the money.

Back then, because I didn’t have enough points, I could only watch Hubrian and the Pillar of the Autumn Wind passing by.

Hey. Sui Bian couldn't help but sighed softly.


The red and white couples standing on the left and right sides of the desk could not help but tilt their heads, as if they were thinking about why their boss suddenly fell into a sad mood.

Sui Bian didn't care what they thought.

Umbrella's acquisition of the Griffin was not just as simple as obtaining the cross-over engine, but also instantly raised the technology Umbrella had mastered to the level of the Tyrannian Empire.

Moreover, Umbrella's existing biotechnology is not comparable to that of the Tyrannian Empire.

Thinking of this, Sui Bian no longer sat in a reclining posture, but turned on the computer on the desk.

The holographic device is convenient and convenient, but sometimes, Sui Bian still prefers to use a computer to operate it.

Soon, on the computer screen like a sheet of glass, a dynamic picture of the combination and dispersion of red and white umbrellas flashed, revealing the system desktop that only exists within the company.

Immediately afterwards, Sui Bian called up the relevant files of the company's armed forces department.

Umbrella, which radiates all walks of life, has more employees than some small European countries, but the composition is very mixed. Seventy percent of them are employees who have not signed a confidentiality agreement, such as photographers in the film and television department, or a general hospital staff. a nurse.

However, the company's armed forces department does not belong to the ranks of miscellaneous.

Immediately after Sui Bian came to power, he asked the red and white queens to conduct a comprehensive screening, and the security, UBCS, and USS that remained were all guaranteed in terms of loyalty.

Of course, Sui Bian never let the two artificial intelligences relax their surveillance.

From 1999 to 2000, with the assistance of intelligence agents, the Red Queen successively completed military network intrusions on the United States, Britain, France and other countries.

So far, Sui Bian can directly let the Red Queen pretend to be an order from a superior, and directly pull the most elite soldiers into Umbrella's command, such as Jack Krause.

Cooperating with Minos Island, which is already on the right track and can send fresh blood to the company every year, the armed forces do not need to worry about the source of troops at all.

However, this also caused some little troubles.

Although the outside public is not aware of the existence of the MTF, USS, and Astartes, the public knows that Umbrella has a large private armed force.

Especially in recent years, Umbrella has completely secured the number one position, and has received a lot of attacks from... a lot of professionals.

Posted such remarks as Umbrella's attempt is not small, Umbrella's ten deadly sins, All countries should be wary of being emptied by Umbrella.

How should I put it, some remarks are indeed quite accurate, such as the attempt is not small and overhead.

But the so-called professionals and speeches suddenly disappeared before they attracted the attention of the public, as if they never existed.

At this time.

Sui Bian also briefly checked the files of the company's armed forces department.

At present, the number of combatants in Umbrella's armed forces, excluding intelligence agents, USS and Astartes, is about seventy thousand.

The proportion of armed security is the largest. After all, it is necessary to be responsible for the security of various research institutes and bases, and there are also Umbrella branches in major cities in various countries.

The staff of the city branch consists of technicians, aftermath teams, and a certain number of security guards, so as to control and eliminate abnormal phenomena in the first place.

The rest is the top priority of the armed services, Mobile Task Force, MTF.

In order to maximize support and combat efficiency, MTF has been stationed and living on three Goshawk-class heavy frigates for a long time.

Among them, each Goshawk class has a regiment-level MTF.

They are the Spear of Olympus on the Dawn Guardian, the Hope Express on the Hope, and the Hammer Down on the Ouster.

The total number of the three regiment-level MTFs is about 9,500.

Eleven-man Charon, with two companies of Helltroopers stationed at the Dawnguard.

Eighty-man 141 is stationed on the Hope, and a company of the living dead is stationed on the Destroyer.

Aside from the MTF, there are still three Astartes teams led by the Trinity on each Goshawk.

Close the file.

Sui Bian checked the latest again, that is, the information on the CMC-400 (elite Marine Corps) power armor exchanged from the system, and asked after the dialogue:

Bai Hou, help me analyze the company's latest CMC-400 power armor.

Okay. Queen Bai nodded in agreement, then she turned to face the center of the office, and turned on the holographic projection to assist analysis.

Sui Bian looked away from the computer screen and looked forward.

I saw TPS, CMC-400 and Thor's Hammer III Power Armor appearing in the center of the office in sequence from left to right.

The TPS on the far left is the thinnest and shortest, with a height of only 1.9 meters. The CMC-400 in the center is 2.1 meters in height, and the Thor Hammer III on the far right is 2.7 meters.

This is the most average value.

TPS can provide the wearer with an increase of about 10 centimeters, CMC-400 is 20 centimeters, and Quake III is also 20 centimeters.

However, the wearers of TPS and CMC-400 are ordinary humans, while Thor's Hammer III is an Astarte who already reaches 2.5 meters.

After displaying three sets of power armor, Bai Hou compiled a large amount of data for Sui Bian, which was presented on several small holographic screens.

And said: Sir, the CMC-type cold fusion reactor is worse than the third-generation hydrogen battery of TPS, but far inferior to the semi-permanent nuclear fusion reactor of Thor's Hammer III. Its power cannot support the generation of energy shields, and it also needs Regular maintenance and replacement.

Speaking of which, Bai Hou took the initiative to dissipate the holographic imaging of Thor's Hammer III, leaving only the TPS and CMC types.

He continued: Aside from energy supply factors, CMC-type protection and life support systems are better than TPS, but TPS has the characteristics of lightness, flexibility and agility.

For example, the exclusive TPS of Hell Paratroopers can perform individual airborne operations after using a disposable heat shield to break into the black barrier area of ​​the atmosphere, but the CMC type cannot.

Both types of power armor have their own advantages and disadvantages, which can be understood as the difference between light and heavy.

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