Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 446 Ark God's Domain Old Man

ark? !

Hearing Leon's words, the three of them, including Horus, were taken aback for a moment, and even Tiberos, who had been wearing a helmet all the time, exuded deeply shocked emotions.

Because it's an ark...

It is the most powerful battleship of human civilization in the main universe at this stage, bar none.

As a whole, it forms a super giant and symmetrical lotus flower, with four large and four small, a total of eight symmetrical arc-shaped petals.

If you measure the distance between the outermost and the top of a pair of large petals, the result is 70,000 kilometers, and the more accurate data is 74336km.

The diameter of the earth is 12756km, which means that the length of the ark is equivalent to six earths, and the actual volume and mass are larger.

After all, the Ark has an artificial star with a diameter compressed to 6,000 kilometers. While providing energy, it also brings light to the natural environment on the surface of the Ark.

In terms of weapon configuration, there are the most favorite beam matrix of the administrator's civilization, and there are also countless stand devices.

It can perform jumps and warp speed navigation, and can also open large portal gates similar to star gates by itself.

However, the main function of the ark is not to be used as a pure weapon, or a super-giant home world.

In fact, the main purpose of the Ark is to swallow terrestrial planets whose mass and volume are similar to those of the Earth, disassemble them into raw materials, and use them to manufacture a large device ring in an instant.

Of course, this moment is not a moment or a blink of an eye in the popular sense, but rather the construction of a large device belt by the engineering department using a more traditional process, which often requires months as the calculation unit for the total time-consuming, but by Ark It can be constructed by devouring terrestrial planets in only three to four hours.

Comparing hours with months, it is indeed an instant.

The news that the construction of Ark 001 was completed was no longer a secret ten years ago, but what surprised Horus, Tiberos, and Saimar was that Ark 001 had been parked in the foundry sector since its completion. No trial activity has ever been conducted.

But now, the first voyage of Ark 001 chose Universe 05, which really surprised the young Primarch and the two battalion commanders.

Take it easy.

Horus responded immediately: Yes, brother, I will guard the ark with the 1st and 2nd battalions.

En. Leon also responded lightly, and did not forget to remind: After Magnus assists us in completing the psionic detection, Ark 001 will automatically head towards intelligent life with the assistance of the dark angel's artificial intelligence. galaxy.

One warning is enough. If the aliens choose to surrender, they will be spared their lives, but if they refuse, they will directly swallow their home planet as a deterrent.


Seeing him, the ruthless and seldom-talking elder brother of the Primarch, say a long section of instructions, which is quite rare, Horus also accepted the order with a serious face: Understood.

Very good. Leon looked at the other two battalion commanders, and said briefly: The man-eating shark and the white consul stay in the zero-five solar system and continue to carry out activities such as people's livelihood construction.

Yes, sir. The two battalion commanders responded in unison.

Leon's order is equivalent to letting the white shark and the white consul temporarily sit on the bench, but Tiberos and Saimar have no complaints. As pioneers, they have already grabbed and obtained enough spoils and military exploits up.

Moreover, Leon did not directly take away the jurisdiction of the 05 solar system. The side intention is that the 05 solar system is privately allocated by the two camps.

This point alone is enough to offset any grievances from the White Consul and the White Consul.

After ordering, Leon left a sentence of Prepare as soon as possible, the expedition is coming soon. He held the hilt of the ruling sword with his right hand and prepared to leave the meeting room.

Boom, boom.

Immediately afterwards, a group of Deathwing Guards dressed as white-robed knights also followed the Primarch and left here.

After a while, only Horus, Tiberus, and Semal remained in the large cathedral-like hall.

There was a little silence.

Horus, who was the youngest, glanced left and right at the elder brothers on both sides, and said with a light smile: This period of time has made you worry, and I have learned a lot from the two elder brothers, I hope that the two will not clash again over some trivial matters. , After all, we are all brothers.

Don't worry, I'm not that stingy. Tiberos Fengyun said lightly.

... Seymar glanced at Tiberos speechlessly, shook his head helplessly, then smiled at Horus and said:

We have also worked with the white shark for nearly a month, and it can be regarded as the completion of running-in. With our two battalion headquarters, there will be no problems in the rear of the expeditionary force.

Then I will leave it to the two brothers. Horus raised his hands and patted them on the shoulders of the two battalion commanders.

Next, the three giants also walked out of the meeting room, and took advantage of the opportunity to leave the Absolute Reason on the transport boat.

Tiberos and Saimar are the flagships returning to their respective battalion headquarters, while the transport ship on which Horus is located is headed to low earth orbit, sailing into the Titan-class flagship of the Dark Angels 1st Battalion headquarters.

Afterwards, the fleet of the 1st Battalion, which had already been preparing for the continuation, immediately entered the state of jumping and sailing, and within a short time, it arrived at the Kuiper belt outside the 05 solar system.

Here, there is a space gate with a diameter of 200,000 kilometers, and the six UNSC fleets that arrived in Universe 05 with the expeditionary force are currently in charge of staying behind and patrolling. And the white consuls are in charge.

In addition, the most eye-catching is the ark that is more than 30 times larger than Pluto.

In the dark background, but with dozens, hundreds, or even hundreds of thousands of light-years away, the Lotus Ark is particularly special. obvious.

It has to be said that if Horus didn't know what this behemoth was capable of at first, that it was a battleship, then he would only think that the Ark was simply a celestial masterpiece carved by human beings, beautiful and economical.

On the surface of the Ark, there is the best self-sufficient ecology, circulation system, and machines that can perfectly execute commands to carry out operations such as farming, livestock, and construction.

It can be said that once you understand the various functions of the Ark, you don't need to understand the high-level Umbrella or the decision of the Lord of Humanity, you know that the future flagship and home world of each legion must be replaced by the Ark.

An ark is a fleet.

Moreover, the Ark's devouring device can not only build large devices, but also build Umbrella's existing models and levels of warships and shield worlds.

In this way, an ark is actually sent to a universe, cooperates with Umbrella's research and production, and accepts the supervision of the Red Queen and the White Queen. With mature and advanced artificial intelligence technology, even if it is unattended, it can complete the conquest alone. Purpose.

However, with the human beings in the main universe, or Sui Bian's cautious style, it is impossible to send an unattended ark to conquer a universe alone.

After that, the fleet of the 1st Battalion of the Dark Angels sailed into the surface atmosphere of Ark 001 to stop broadcasting.

And then…


A psionic light group of light red to pink suddenly appeared out of thin air in the visual field of view of the Ark and the UNSC fleet.

But if you don't look carefully, or if you don't have any sense of psionic energy, it's hard to find that light cluster with a radius of only a hundred meters.

Boom~! ! !

However, the instantaneous burst of light clusters violated the physical rules of the physical universe and radiated far beyond the speed of light to the entire solar system, the Milky Way, and the entire 05 universe, but Ark and UNSC saw the fleeting red light suddenly appearing.

But it was only a blink of an eye. To be honest, the human beings on Earth Zero-Five had no idea what happened, and had already been scanned by the reddish-pink psychic energy.

In fact, this is what Magnus, who was temporarily sitting on the psionic amplification device, helped his brother Leon release psionic energy to lift and clear the fog of the zero-five universe, in order to assist the expedition The army can more smoothly complete the operation goal.

Not long after the eruption of spiritual energy, the ark, which had been in a moored state, unexpectedly unfolded the diamond-shaped metal pillars under the eight petals, and released eight blue-blue beams of light with a width of about one hundred kilometers.

I saw these eight beams of light forming a matrix, gathering in one place under the ark...

Phew~! ! ! click.

Generate a spherical celestial body with a diameter similar to that of the ark, but it seems that due to the abnormal gravity, it does not emit any luster, but distorts the nearby light.

Afterwards, the Ark seemed to be moving slowly, but in fact it was driving down quickly, and was swallowed by the spherical celestial body in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.

As for the celestial body that completed the swallowing action, it also dissipated with the disappearance of the ark.

This so-called spherical celestial body is actually a kind of pseudo-wormhole developed by humans in the main universe using the technology left over from the administrator civilization. Its efficiency and transmission distance are far beyond the existence of star gates.

However, the disadvantages are also very obvious, that is, a star with a mass no less than the sun, or a massive artificial star, can open a stable pseudo-wormhole.

Therefore, among the ships that can open the pseudo-wormhole at present, there is only Ark 001, which took the humans in the main universe more than ten years to build.

When the ark disappeared, the side of the vortex space gate instantly became empty, and so did Zero Five Earth's low-earth orbit and the edge of the gravitational range.

The main force of the expeditionary force composed of more than 20,000 ships, and three large device rings entered the fault space one after another, and embarked on a leap towards the target galaxy that they were responsible for cooking.

At this moment, the outer space of Earth 05 has become much quiet again, but the humans of 05 have become very lively instead.

Because the main universe that takes over the ruling class actually has an unrivaled steel wave and man-made celestial bodies, as advertised by the Internet and the media!

The man-eating sharks and the white consul's fleet alone are enough to make zero-five humans, especially men who like guns, military affairs, and discussing political affairs, have more topics, public opinion, and even quarrels.

Now there are tens of thousands of warships on the scene, and the treatment, environment, public security and other aspects are also developing and stabilizing as fast as the propaganda of the main universe, which makes the zero-five human beings have a more and more sense of security.

The main reason is that the main universe can take practical actions, and the public opinion propaganda of the white consul, whether overt or covert, has stabilized the hearts of the people in a very short period of time.

At the moment on the Internet, people are even guessing whether the expedition can fight against the aliens in the entire galaxy, and how long it will take to complete the expedition. After all, the fact that aliens really exist is no longer a strange story for zero-five humans.

Such remarks not only mean that people are naturally fond of gossip and chatting, but also mean that 05 human beings are becoming more and more full of martial arts without knowing it.


at the same time.

In the dark and deep space, there is actually an island with lakes, mountains, forests and towns.

If you look closely, the rivers and lakes flow to the edge of the island, and then fall like a waterfall towards the bottom of the island, which is the boundless dark universe.

The strange thing is that no matter how the rivers and lakes flow and fall, they will never flow cleanly.

With the clear sky and the beautiful and economical natural scenery, the island is like a paradise hidden in the depths of the universe.

This island, which is about the same size as a dwarf planet, is classified as alien by humans in the main universe, and it is also the hometown of Loki Odinson and Saul Odinson who were killed by Horus- ——

The realm of Asgard.

In Universe 05, the Asgardians claim to be the administrators of the Nine Realms. They are a race that thinks they are at the pinnacle of civilization, and they even call themselves gods.

The word God can be said to be the most disdainful and disgusting thing in the main universe.

But what I have to say is that the Asgardians do have the capital to call themselves gods. You must know that even the most ordinary residents of them have a lifespan of about a thousand years, and they are not afraid of low-intensity physical attacks. disease.

In terms of physical fitness alone, the Asgardians can definitely be regarded as genuine protoss in some low-level civilizations, such as Earth Zero Five, which has no contact with the main universe.

At this moment, if the line of sight is drawn closer to the magnificent palace located in the center of Sgard's domain...

My king! Even if Prince Loki is guilty, we have to judge in Asgard! Humans have no right to interfere! Besides, humans killed Prince Sol!

Yes, my king! Please launch a trial to destroy the earth! Destroy human beings!


In the parliament hall inside the palace, a group of Asgardian generals dressed in golden helmets, armor and golden cloaks couldn't bear to roar angrily.

On the other hand, the old man sitting on the throne, also wearing gorgeous armor and a bright red cape, with an eye patch on his right eye, was extremely calm.

However, looking at the only remaining left eye, the white of the eye is covered with bloodshot eyes and the eye socket is blackened, it can be seen that the mental state of this old man does not seem to be as calm as it appears on the surface.

And this old man is Odin Paulson, the father of the gods and the king of all life.

Seeing Odin lightly raise his left hand, he ordered all the generals to shut up, making the parliament hall return to tranquility, and then said:

The death of Loki and Thor is the contempt humans have for me and Asgard. Only death and destruction can appease our anger...

Then destroy everything that human beings have, and declare to the universe the absolute kingship of our Asgard.

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