Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 477 Hurry Up!!


The Pelican, which lost its energy shield, was completely enveloped in the flames of the explosion after sustaining two artillery bombardments, and lost control, rolling and falling towards the sea of ​​insects on the ground.

Tanya, who witnessed the whole process, did not know the condition of all the personnel in the Pelican, but the UNSC scouts with TPS power armor protection had a very high probability of surviving the air crash.

However, whether the scouts can fight against the wave of insects, survive and successfully evacuate is out of Tanya's consideration.

Because the assault boat she and her sisters boarded was also attacked by dense bioplasma cannons and bone spurs, and the power of the energy shield generated by the assault boat was far inferior to that of the Pelican, which was capable of navigating in outer space.

Fortunately, their pilots were highly skilled, and the assault boat was more flexible and faster than the Pelican in the atmosphere, so they successfully avoided a salvo from the bugs.

Die to my old lady! Die!

Tanya, Celestine, and a group of sisters sitting on both sides of the cabin continued to suppress the ground in cooperation with two crew members manipulating the rotary machine gun, regardless of ammunition consumption.

You don't need to aim, just shoot at random, and you can hit the soldier bugs below, or the warrior bugs with biological barriers.

Seeing the loss of more than half of the aviation company, and looking at the endless sea of ​​insects emerging from below, Celestine, who had remained silent since leaving the insect nest, suddenly remembered the precognitive dream that Tanya had a month ago.

Obviously, the unknown Zerg below is the endless nothingness in Tanya's dream.

If it weren't for the four victims who went to the depths of the forest to play, they accidentally hit and hit them, and they discovered the unknown Zerg ahead of time, then when the unknown Zerg was ready, the number would not be as large as it is now.

Moreover, what makes Celestine deeply desperate is that this unknown Zerg not only reproduces at an amazing speed, but also knows how to use tactics.

Judging from the dead special team and the corpses of the victims, Celestine has reason to believe that this unknown Zerg can even obtain genes or brain memories of different creatures through ingestion to improve itself.


It was no less than the Flood Demon they had known and studied.


While pulling the trigger and firing, Celestine was thinking about the current situation. Seeing that the .50 caliber pulse machine gun in her hand was empty, she prepared to replace the drum with a new one, but she just wanted to give it an action...


A huge plasma biological artillery group first smashed the energy shield of the assault boat they were on, and another artillery group hit the tail of their aircraft.

Everyone hurry up!! The pilot reminded loudly on the communication.

Beep! Beep! A piercing alarm sounded from the cabin.

The two crew members no longer operated the rotary machine gun, but clung to the armrest.

Tanya, Celestine and other sisters also stopped attacking and activated the magnetic adsorption function of the power armor to prevent them from being thrown out by the assault boat that was losing control.

Leave the cabin.

Overlook from above.

The assault boat did not turn over immediately due to the pilot's control, and barely kept flying, shaking extremely.

Take a look around.

So far, only the assault boat of the intern sisters, two other assault boats and a Pelican survived the aviation company that was suddenly hit by the sea of ​​insects.

But only temporarily.

The biological anti-aircraft barrage on the Zerg side bombed and shot down the four remaining flying vehicles one after another.

The assault boat that the trainee sisters took lacked a left-wing engine. No matter how good the pilot was, the fuselage would still start spinning like a top.

However, before the left wing was burnt down by the bioplasma running group, the pilot kept the assault boat as far away from the sea of ​​insects as possible, and he could also overlook the buildings and night lights of Olivieran Town from a distance.

After losing control, that is, now, the assault boat spun and continued to fly for nearly two kilometers without a track at all, and finally hit a tree and crashed in the rainforest.


I don't know how long...

Eh... Tan Ya, who was dizzy with tinnitus, opened her eyes.

Her vision was blurred for a while, but it quickly returned to normal. She found that the thing in front of her eyes was the top of the cabin that was dancing with electric sparks and twisted and deformed.

It seems that during the fall and crash, the Power Armor managed to save her.



After the tinnitus dissipated, Tanya heard the faint sound of gunfire and the roar of insects outside.


Hearing these movements, she was completely relieved, and quickly turned over to look around.

Of the two crew members who only wore work clothes in the atmosphere, one was twisted 180° at the waist, and the other half was crushed under the cabin on the left side.

At the same time, the holographic screen in front of the left eye was regenerated, and it was confirmed that the two crew members had been killed.

On the contrary, the sisters who were lying down and crowded in the corner survived.

So Tanya immediately crawled to Celestine, who was closest to her, and while slapping her friend's cheek with her left hand, she called out, Little old-fashioned! Wake up! Little old-fashioned!

Stop slapping me...

Awakened by Tanya's non-violent violent operation, Celestine directly went through the stage of dizziness, tinnitus and dizziness, and regained the ability to move when she opened her eyes.

Afterwards, without the two of them waking up one by one, all the sisters opened their eyes and got up one by one.

They gave a short condolence to the two crew members who had died in battle, then took their weapons and dropped equipment, and left the cabin from the right side with a relatively complete structure but an upward angle.

come outside.

Noises like gunshots, roars, and explosions are clearer.

It's just that the fire-burned tree branches and the water in the tree trunks evaporated due to the ignition of the assault boat they were on, which caused the crackling and rapid expansion to make the cracking sound seem more obvious.

At this moment, they saw a slender and extremely fast blue light trajectory in the sky, as well as sparse, scattered, and huge plasma cannon groups.

Boom! Boom!

The movement caused by the Gauss cannons and plasma cannons of the frigate was much louder than the gunshots of the scouts scattered not far away when fighting against the bug swarm.

Since all personnel, including those killed in action, have military-grade nanobots in their bodies, they can assist in mitigating injuries, remove harmful microbes and parasites, and provide friendly force identification to all Sheriff's Department, Umbrella and UNSC units .

Therefore, the frigate located hundreds of kilometers away will not accidentally injure or kill any trainee sisters and soldiers of the reconnaissance company even if it launches naval bombardment.

When everyone came outside, the sisters first defended around the wreckage of the assault boat and analyzed the situation they were facing now.

Celestine and another sister used the power boost provided by the power armor to forcibly open the door on the right side of the cockpit to check the status of the pilot.

Open the hatch.

The pilot who thought that he would end up the same as the two crew members, not only did not die, but his physiological characteristics were in a green state, indicating that he fell into a coma only due to impact and shock.

Seeing that the pilot survived finally gave Tanya, Celestine and the others some more comfort.

After being awakened and helped out of the cockpit, the pilot no longer needed special care, and even took out a Gaussian micro-shooter and corresponding ammunition from the crash wreckage, ready to cooperate with the combat sisters to act together.


Through the real-time information provided by the holographic screen, everyone determined that four kilometers to the northwest of the crash site was the nearest UNSC line of defense, which was guarded by the 2nd Armored Company of the 3rd Battalion.

And 600 meters away on the southeast side, there are many signs of friendly forces...

A surviving soldier from the 1st Reconnaissance Company.

Of course, there are a lot of red signs on the periphery 600 meters away from the southeast, which means that the surviving soldiers are about to be swallowed by the sea of ​​insects.

If you choose to withdraw to the northwest, you will get the support of friendly forces from the armored company, and you don't need to worry about your life in a short time.

If they choose to rush to the southeast to help the surviving soldiers who are about to be besieged by the sea of ​​insects, they will also face the same result.

For ordinary residents, the vast majority will instinctively choose the first option.

But Tanya and Celestine, who were destined to become battle sisters, chose the second option without hesitation due to the responsibilities they expected to shoulder, as well as the weapons in their hands and the beliefs in their hearts.

Sisters! Help the suppressed reconnaissance company brothers! Tan Ya, who is a sergeant, waved her hand and immediately issued an order.

Yes! Sir! Celestine and the others responded in unison.

However, when all the sisters took the first step, Tanya who stayed behind stopped the pilot, glanced at the northwest direction, and suggested:

Second lieutenant, there is a device four kilometers to the northwest...

Don't talk about that. The second lieutenant of the pilot interrupted the words, and continued on without hesitation, and said: In this case, how can I leave all the beauties and escape alone? Hahaha~!

Hehe. Tanya also smiled helplessly, and stopped trying to persuade her.

She held the injector in her hand, speeded up her pace and shuttled through the dense forest, and quickly left the pilot behind, catching up with the sisters who were going ahead.

Before they rushed out of the dense forest and came to a more open area, they heard...

Sanders! Point your gun at nine o'clock! Suppress! Suppress those bastards!

Brother down! Brother down! Medic!!

Crap! Do you think our army is easy to bully?! Ah?! Come on! Eat my magnetic nail bomb!

I could hear the roars that spread in this area, but more of them were gunshots, various explosions and the roar of bugs.

Out of the jungle.

They also saw dozens of scouts, using the crashed Pelican and the assault boat as a cover, fighting against countless soldiers and insects.

The pulse bombs and spike bombs caused the sea of ​​insects to form a pale yellow blood mist, but the advance of the sea of ​​insects was not slowed down by these scouts at all.

However, the naval artillery bombardment provided by the frigate effectively blocked the advance of the sea of ​​insects and eased the pressure on the scouts.

Sisters! Cover the evacuation of friendly brothers!


Accompanied by a loud roar, Tanya, Celestine and the others dispersed behind the beleaguered scouts' positions and began to cover fire.

Seeing the trainee sisters coming, Iron Blood Company Commander and a group of surviving scouts did not procrastinate, taking this opportunity to retreat.


However, just as the two sides converged, a samurai worm suddenly protruded from the sea of ​​worms, rushed towards a scout at the end at an extremely fast speed, and waved a sharp bone blade.


The energy shield successfully blocked the bone blade, but with a strong force, it sent the scout flying, and then fell into the sea of ​​insects and disappeared.


Seeing the huge samurai bug approaching, everyone had to suspend their retreat and launch a concentrated fire attack on it.

But this big guy has a biological attitude, and they lack heavy firepower, so they can't kill him in a short time.

at this time…

Shh~! Shhh~!

Boom! Boom!

Several small plasma cannonballs hit the creature's stand head-on, and the blue light plasma that exploded also obstructed the warrior bug's sight to a certain extent.

It turned out to be the iron-blooded company commander who used their family's plasma shoulder cannon.

And when firing several rounds of artillery, the iron-blooded company commander also took off the retractable spear attached to the back waist, and used the gunfire salvo of everyone to attract attention, coupled with the visual interference caused by the plasma, quickly bypassed the warrior bug sideways.

Judging from his posture, he knew that this company commander from a hunting and fighting race wanted to start a close combat.

Because in the previous combat process, the reconnaissance company discovered that the bug's biological position can effectively resist high-velocity warheads, or energy attacks such as plasma artillery regiments, but it is not very sensitive to conventional moving things.

Aware of this, the surviving soldiers of the reconnaissance company used plasma grenades to eliminate many of the most threatening warrior bugs.

Now that the grenade was exhausted and time was running out, Captain Jagged chose to fight alone.

I saw that the spear held in his left hand swung down, and while unfolding the cold light blade, he leaped vigorously and successfully jumped to the carapace on the back of the warrior bug.


Sensing the existence of a foreign object behind him, he immediately stopped the samurai bug from charging, and wielded two pairs of bone blades, twisting his body, trying to throw the foreign object off his back.


And the iron-blooded company commander accurately used the tip of his spear to penetrate the gap between the carapace and the carapace, and successfully penetrated into the body of the warrior worm.

Immediately afterwards, the violent twisting of the samurai bug almost threw him off, but at the moment when he lost his center of gravity and balance, his left hand tightly grasped the spear shaft.

This made his body sway following the twisting of the samurai bugs, and at the same time, the dirty braids of their iron-blooded clan swayed accordingly.

But Iron Blood Company Commander took the initiative to throw himself into the sky with the strength of the swing, and then when he was bound by gravity and fell downward...

Shua! Shua!

The iron-blooded company commander unfolded the vibrating wrist knives on his arms.

Puff! Chi!

The two wrist knives were accurate again, piercing straight through the yellow eyes of the samurai bug.

Chi! Chi la!

At the same time, the iron-blooded company commander also pushed down hard, successfully cutting the warrior bug's head into several pieces.



When the iron-blooded company commander's feet landed on the ground, the samurai also fell limply, and the company commander turned around very chicly, causing the dirty braid to swing again and return to the position of his subordinates and intern sisters.

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