Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 479 Unable to Perceive Request Legion Support Massive Evacuation



Get out of Tyroker! Get out of Olivieran!

After all the personnel equipped with power armor charged, the siege tank also ended its cannon mode, and formed a small-scale steel torrent with armored vehicles, off-road vehicles, and hundred-armed giants, and began to crush the remaining bugs.

Coupled with the elite captain wielding two double-edged energy swords, and the brave individuals such as the iron-blooded company commander, they completely contributed to the defeat of the bugs.


I saw Tanya, who was following the elite captain and iron-blooded company commander rushing to the forefront, smiled wantonly, holding a pair of guns and shooting at long-range precision. The pulpworm pulls the trigger.


Flames spewed out.


The Plasma Worm, which has no biological stance and lacks the guard of the Warrior Bug, emits a terrifying roar after being burned by high temperature.


In the end, the plasma worm was exploded by Tanya, and it sprayed viscous, rotten green-yellow liquid around.

Fortunately, Tanya expected such a scene, so before the plasma worm exploded, she took the initiative to activate the energy shield of the power armor, so that the viscous liquid only formed an arc in front of her, and then along the The energy shield with a solid texture slipped down.

Burning one is far from enough!

Don't run! Let me die! Tanya yelled and rushed to another group of soldiers.

Kill! For father! For mankind!

Die Alien! Die!

Tanya's behavior also ignited the flames of war among many sisters, who yelled and dealt with all the bugs they could see.

This makes them unconsciously labeled as crazy and crazy in the eyes of friendly troops, but it also shows that they are getting closer and closer to becoming real combat sisters.


Only Celestine has a dignified and stern face, not high like her good friend Tanya, or her other sisters.

She first used a .50 caliber pulse rifle to shoot and kill the soldiers who wanted to sneak up on Tanya from behind, and then continued to shoot at targets that had the ability to move and attack.

Meanwhile, Celestine was thinking.

In the initial stage of this battle, it was extremely unfavorable to their human side. The 3rd Battalion lost an entire aviation company and more than half of the reconnaissance company, and even the defensive deployment was carried out in a hurry.


When the frigate launched naval bombardment and dispatched carrier-based aircraft to drop anti-matter missiles, the situation was indeed under control, and no accidents occurred during the period.


Celestine, who has a higher level of psychic perception and is more cautious by nature, always feels that things are not that simple.

The number of casualties was within an acceptable range, and one should be happy that the battle went well, but Celestine was unable to gain insight into the emotions of the bugs through psionic perception.

Just like the nightmare Tanya had before, when she used psionic perception, the Zerg gave her the feedback of nothingness.

In other words, it is impossible to use psychic power to detect this unknown zerg race. If you close your eyes to feel and watch the worm swarm, Celestine can only see darkness.

Through what she has learned, she thinks that the Zerg that is most similar to it is the biological weapon created by the administrator civilization to reshape the galaxy and even a universe—


Thinking of the Flood, and looking at the wisdom and tactics of the unknown Zerg in front of him during the confrontation, Celestine's mood plummeted to the extreme.

The Telokal authorities must be alerted.

Soon, Celestine was dictating a report in Power Armor and uploading it to Telokol's Umbrella Division and the UNSC Army.

After a series of operations, the battle is coming to an end.

Except for a few insects that used their digging ability to sneak under the surface, there were no living insects on the surface east of Olivieran Town.

The UNSC Army, Marine Corps, and Sheriffs began to carry out brief cleaning work. After the frigate dispatched two groups of technicians, these soldiers could carry out more detailed operations.

However, the Zerg-like aliens are extremely difficult to eradicate. The Umbrella branch of Telokle needs a long period of time to carry out the de-worming and elimination links to ensure that the pest disaster will not flood again.

However, before Teloker starts to deal with the aftermath, the top authorities need to analyze the situation and make corresponding choices.


Three hours later.

Oliverand Town, where the 3rd Battalion Headquarters of the UNSC 12th Regiment is stationed.

Inside the command center.

The elite captain and Celestine stood beside the center console, while facing and beside them, holographic images of several senior generals and officials appeared in sequence.

Among them was a familiar figure of Celestine, who was Zach Redfield who had worked with their intern sisters and was dubbed Miss Daughter by Tanya.

In addition, there is also an Astarte who is equipped with a V-shaped ceramic steel armor and is more than three meters tall, looking down on everyone from a high position.

At the scene at the moment, only Celestine, who was a private first class, was out of place.

Sister Celestine. And the Astartes wearing the helmet with the face of 囧 also used a metallic voice, seeking affirmation: You mean, you just rely on personal inferences and feelings, let us Apply for the aid of an entire legion, or evacuate the entire population of Telokor at once?

Yes, Sergeant Ran Ze. Celestine faced an Astartes without any timidity, and responded: The application for support and evacuation of the residents is based on my spiritual perception and the unknown enemy we are facing. the best possible response.”


Hearing this reply, the major general of the UNSC Army, who was old but strong and belonged to the commander-in-chief of the ground army, couldn't help laughing out loud, saying:

Little girl, do you know what it means to apply for the support of an entire legion? Also, we can discuss this matter with you only at the strong request of Captain Sarascher (elite captain), so what I want It's physical evidence, understand?

Well, that's right. The commander-in-chief of the UNSC fleet, a rear admiral, also nodded in agreement.

Child. At this time, another man wearing a black Umbrella-style formal uniform, as the chief district chief of the metropolitan area, asked sullenly: Have you considered the consequences of rashly evacuating the people?

Moreover, starting planetary-scale evacuation and evacuation operations means that we have lost the ownership of Telokel, which is equivalent to losing without a fight, do you understand? !

Of course I understand. Celestine was not afraid of how high the other party's position was, Sir, in the eyes of me, or our combat sisters, the honor of winning battles, as well as individual and collective reputation are important...

but! According to Human Truth written by Chairman Sui, nothing can compare with the lives of fellow human beings and the safety of the entire human race.

What Sister Celestine said is absolutely true. Sergeant Astarte named Ran Ze strongly agreed.

Moreover, after Ran Ze indirectly expressed his position with words, whether it was the major general or the district chief, they immediately shut up and shut up, even their expressions and demeanor were restrained, and they were no longer too tit-for-tat as before.

Obviously, Ran Ze, with the military rank of Sergeant, actually has the most say among all the people.

After all, at the scene at this time, only Ran Ze is the real heir of the Lord of Humanity, and it is really more than political games and strategic deployments. Any Astartes is the existence that crushes ordinary politicians and generals.

And Ran Ze was too lazy to care what other people thought, he turned his head to look at Zacks, and continued to ask: Director Redfield, what is the analysis result of your intelligence department?

. Zacks kept silent with his brows tightly furrowed, then put his hands crossed in front of his chest, looked around the crowd, and narrated:

Our technicians and low-intelligence artificial intelligence have analyzed the biological tissues of unknown Zerg, and the preliminary results are that they have extremely strong adaptation, reproduction and assimilation capabilities.

Although we haven't had time to conduct experiments to calculate how fast their reproduction speed is, we speculate that the time for the unknown Zerg to arrive at Telokal should not exceed one hundred and sixty hours.

In such a short period of time, they can grow to the scale of billions today, which is indeed an extremely terrifying existence.

Not only that, we also found that this unknown Zerg is extremely addicted to food, anything...anything can be their food for nutrition and energy.

What's more, we also found the biological information of Teloker bears in a dead body, which is enough to show that they have devouring creatures, and we can identify the good and bad from them, so as to achieve the purpose of continuous assimilation and evolution.

In view of the above characteristics, the preliminary conclusion given by our intelligence department is that the unknown Zerg is extremely threatening, at least a Hera-level (third-level) abnormal creature.

As he said that, Zack looked at Celestine again, and his tone became a little more serious, Based on their characteristics of ignoring psionic powers and possessing unified thinking, I infer...

The bug swarm that was raging before was just their advance reconnaissance force, and their real main force may be on their way to Teloker.

Therefore, I also agree with Sister Celestine's proposal to apply for support from the legion, and at the same time transfer all the residents of Teloker to the metropolitan area with energy shield generators first.


very good.

Hearing Zacks' words, the district chief, who attaches the most importance to economy and development, will immediately oppose it.

But following Ran Ze's very good, the district chief had no choice but to swallow all his words.

In normal times, the reserve combat platoon doesn't take part in political affairs very much, but at a time when 320 million lives and deaths are at stake, how much courage is lent to the head of the district, and he doesn't dare to speak against the combat platoon leader who has the decision-making power.

Immediately afterwards, the Astartes sergeant turned slightly sideways, looked at the elite captain and Celestine, and ordered:

Captain Sarasche, the task of evacuating Oliverand Town has been entrusted to your army battalion. The trainee sisters are still following the command of the captain and assisting in the evacuation.

Yes, sir. Captain Elite and Celestine replied in unison.

With the holographic screens of Sergeant Ran Ze, Zacks and others dissipating, the control center is quite spacious.

Standing not far away, Tan Ya, Company Commander Jagged, and two other Company Commanders of the 3rd Battalion, who were watching the whole process, as well as the Airborne Division and Captains of the Marine Corps who came to support them, saw that the officers at all levels had ended the holographic communication, and they regrouped in the Next to the center console.

The elite captain didn't exchange any pleasantries, and directly used the center console to call up the three-dimensional holographic images of Oliveland Town, as well as the farms and villages attached to the town.

He moved his four-petal mouth and said to everyone: Everyone, you have also heard the conversation just now. If Sergeant Ran Ze applies for support from the legion, then the closest to us and a fully formed legion in Universe 03 will be the No. Thirteen Legions.

If the other party makes dispatches and preparations now, and organizes a fleet to rush to our Teloker, it is optimistically estimated that the main fleet of the Thirteenth Legion will arrive in seven hours.

We are not sure when the unknown Zerg will start a full-scale purge of Tyroker, but we want to transfer civilians to the metropolitan area as much as possible. Please cooperate with Olivieran's Public Security Department and requisition all transportation vehicles that can be transported.

Still have any questions?

After the voice fell, everyone shook their heads in silence.

Seeing this, the elite captain didn't say anything more, and immediately said: Very well, then the tens of millions of people in Olivelan Town, please.



When Umbrella, UEG, and UNSC of Teloker announced the relevant details of the previous battle on the official website and news media, and informed that the Thirteenth Legion would come to support, but everyone needed to move to the metropolitan area immediately...

Some turmoil or even full-scale riots expected by high-level officials did not emerge. Even if there were, it was detected by low-intelligence artificial intelligence when the flame first started, and then controlled by military or public security personnel.

And the vast majority of civilians obeyed the curfew order and returned to their homes when the military and the Public Security Bureau launched defensive operations against the first batch of bug swarms, and some of them had already packed their necessary bags.

Therefore, when they learned that they needed to move to the metropolitan area, they all left their residences or temporary shelters in an orderly manner, and followed the guidelines of the military and the Public Security Bureau to transfer to the metropolitan area by various means of transportation.

As for the civilians who already live in the metropolitan area, what needs to be done is to transfer as much as possible to the 01 to 12 districts of the metropolis.

And the earliest colonists of Telokir all came from the main universe of abundant martial arts and discipline. Therefore, the descendants of these colonists, that is, the current residents, are very willing to cooperate with official actions.

And the transfer of nearly 200 million residents to the metropolitan area...

Such a large-scale workload would have been impossible two hundred years ago, but now that every household owns at least one ground vehicle of different prices, or even an airship, it is not a big problem. .

This side of Oliverland Town.

The military and security bureau where Tanya and Celestine belonged only needed to requisition large flying boats to evacuate families and people who did not buy flying boats, and the rest of the work was to maintain the airway.

After just over four hours, Terokur's metropolitan areas 01 to 12 accommodated the inhabitants of the entire planet, and at the same time, all military forces were no longer scattered.

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