Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 485 Let Leon leave immediately! The past of the Thirteenth Legion

main universe.

The inner world of the Shield of Terra, in the top office.


Sui Bian, who was sitting behind the desk, was silently facing the holographic screens on the table, seemingly processing various documents, but his eyes were dull and faintly glowing with golden light, indicating that he had no Focus on work.

The red and white queens standing on the left and right sides of the desk also put their hands in front of their lower abdomen and kept silent.

Through micro-expressions, they always felt that the boss seemed to be in a bad mood, which made the two artificial intelligences dare not ask casually.


These two obviously misunderstood Sui Bian. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for him to have any overly negative mood swings, otherwise his projection in the different space will also change accordingly, so...

May cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.

As for why he remained silent, it was because he was paying attention to the situation of Terocer through Celestine's vision.


The unknown Zerg raging in Tyrokr, although in some characteristics, it is different from the Tyranid Zerg in Warhammer 40k, but on the whole, it is the big devourer.

However, since Tyrokle was the first planet to come into contact with it, it would be most appropriate to call it the Tylokle Zerg, or Tylokor Zerg.

At first, he really didn't put his mind on the Zero Three universe, and the Zerg incident... To be honest, the red and white queens have to deal with nearly a thousand Zerg incidents every earth month.

Because of the multiverse, and the different galaxies in each universe, there are colorful and diverse Zerg and parasite-like aliens.

There are very few top Zergs like the Flood, so the red and white queens also didn't focus on Teloquel. It wasn't until the Thirteenth Legion responded to Terocera's request for help that the two artificial intelligences realized that , and passed it on to Sui Bian.

After learning that there was a change in Tyroker, he tried to use psychic gaze to spy on the hive consciousness of the Tylo Zerg, and he almost didn't annoy him to death.

In other words, once he cast his psychic gaze on the Tylo Zerg, Sui Bian would hear a noise dozens of times more uncomfortable than fingernails scratching a blackboard, or scratching a metal plate.

It is impossible to communicate at all, and it is impossible to use the tyrannical psychic coercion to directly force the Tailo Zerg back.

If it can be felt and the information feedback it gets is hungry, they seem to have an appetite for all living things.

It really is the Great Devourer.

Later, because the Tailo Zerg was too annoying (psychic shielding effect), Sui Bian wanted to wave open the portal, step on the surface of Tailokle himself, and set fire to the incoming bugs. clean.

As for his thirteenth primarch heir, and the merits of the Thirteenth Legion?

Although Sui Bian didn't want to spoil the interest of these children, the Tailo Zerg obviously couldn't be handled by a single planet.

At that time, he heard Celestine's pious prayer, and when he realized that this daughter was about to explode, he successfully rescued her.

Sui Bian is not sure whether Celestine, who was born in the main universe, is the living saint who was ridiculed by him and other players in his previous life as E Demon in Warhammer 40k.

However, he also blessed Celestine, which in a sense made his daughter the first living saint under Umbrella's command. After all, his blessing and the emperor's blessing are essentially no difference.

With Celestine instead of him to walk on Tyrokle, it can effectively slow down the casualties of local humans.

Because of Celestine's piety and the motherhood hidden deep in her heart, this living saint of Umbrella can also use psychic energy to rescue the dying and heal the wounded, even if the body is divided and eaten by insects, as long as the soul remains in the body The universe, Celestine can pull it back and reshape the flesh.

Of course, this kind of resurrection method that is too heaven-defying is also given by him Sui Bian intentionally.

At that time, the Red Queen reported to him again, saying that Chris's granddaughter, Zacks Redfield, had awakened the soldier boy classified as a biochemical weapon.

soldier boy...

Although he was transformed into a super human by Compound No. 5, on paper, the soldier boy can be regarded as one of the pinnacles of physical fitness.

Strength and defensive strength, second only to Olympian gods such as Artemis, Hera or Hephaestus, and Black Robe Pickets: Season 3 was not filmed due to limited funds for the crew out of the setting effect,

Compare with Primarch?

Even if the Primarch hadn't used his psychic powers, Soldier Boy would have been killed instantly.

With living saints and pseudo-superheroes, the situation in Telokle is finally stabilized.

Think for a while.

Sui Bian no longer observes Teroker's movements through Celestine's vision, ends his psychic gaze, restores his pupils to normal, turns his head slightly, looks at Queen Bai on the right and says:

Help me connect with Roger and Sanguinius, I have something to say to them.

Okay, Chairman.

After receiving the hint, Bai Hou made her pupils emit a blue gleam.

Immediately afterwards, Rogge, who was wearing a black uniform and had a beard, and Sanguinius, who was also dressed in a black uniform but with a pair of white wings growing out of his back, were imaged in the office through the holographic device. central location.

At first glance, it looks like these two Primarchs are actually standing in front of their father.

Rogge, who was much more mature and stable than before, and less talkative, asked first, Father, what's the matter with calling me and Sanguinius suddenly?

. Sanguinius remained silent, patiently waiting for his father's clarification.

I can't talk about the important things. Sui Bian lightly waved his left hand, But the Teloker in Universe 03 broke out a plague of insects, and was invaded by an unknown zerg from an extragalactic galaxy. I will ask Empress Bai to give you the specific information and materials. Send it over.

What you need to do now is to select 30 to 50 battalions from your respective legions to rush to Telokal, and cooperate with the 13th Legion to form an expeditionary force to launch an encirclement and suppression operation against the unknown Zerg.

Also, I will ask the Red Queen to dispatch the large installations 012, 013 and 014, and the ready-made Ark 002 to serve as the base of operations for the two of you, and to speed up the encirclement and elimination of unknown Zerg.

Understood (yes). The two Primarchs responded in unison.

Father... Afterwards, Rogge asked again: Who is the commander of this expedition?

It's up to you. Sui Bian appointed immediately.

As the older generation among the ten Primarchs, Sanguinius, who is the youngest, has no objection. What's more, Rogge Zero Three has the most years of experience in the universe.

I see. Roger didn't shirk, and readily agreed.

Then the unknown Zerg will be handled by you. Sui Bian waved his left hand again, and at the end, he did not forget to remind him: Remember to take care of your younger brother.

Please rest assured, father. The two brothers said in unison.

Very well, let's get busy and get ready.


At the end of the conversation, the two Primarchs also ended their respective imaging, and the office was restored to its original state.

Sui Bian, on the other hand, looked back at the densely packed holographic documents on the desktop, devoting his mind to his work.

With Rogge and Sanguinius, as well as large devices and arks, the Tyro Zerg must be theoretically unable to turn over any waves.


Sui Bian seemed to suddenly think of something, looked at Queen Bai and ordered: Notify Laura Crawford, order her to lead the team to complete the work at hand, go to the zero three universe, and in the zero three galaxy, all kinds of relics Investigate.

Okay. The Queen nodded lightly.

Also, tell Leon to let his wife be in charge of Arcadia temporarily. Now, immediately, rush to the Milky Way in Universe 03 to start the investigation of the ruins. Sui Bian added One sentence.

Okay. The Queen still nodded.

But if you look closely, the corners of Queen Bai's mouth are slightly raised, as if she is suppressing a smile. There is no way, her boss is obviously treating them differently.

Maybe the current white queen and the red queen on the other side still can't understand it well, but it can also be vaguely guessed that Leon has a different position in the hearts of their bosses than ordinary people.

However, Sui Bian ignored what the two secretaries were thinking. The reason why he issued this order was to use Lara Croft and Leon to find out the Necromancer in advance.

Instead of waiting for them to wake up one by one, it is better to take the initiative to solve them.


Shortly after.

In the fault space of universe zero three.

A new flagship with a length of nearly forty-five kilometers and a hull style that is quite different from the previous Titan and Olympus class, and defined as the Lord of Glory class, is sailing at a fast speed.

at the bridge.

behind the porthole.

A Primarch wearing an armor made by Hephaestus himself, making him more than 4.9 meters tall and close to 5 meters tall, is watching through the porthole silently the fault space that emits water ripples and light.

If you look closely, the overall coating of the armor is black, embellished with dark red. Its shape is more like the ancient Chinese mountain armor, and the waist is wrapped with tiger fur. The belt buckle is also a metal faucet with open fangs and fluttering dragon whiskers. .

As for the face and appearance of this Primarch, it should be the one closest to the Lord of Humanity among all the Primarchs, but his imposing manner and demeanor are not as restrained as the Lord of Humanity, but more resolute.

And the name of this Primarch also inherited the arrangement of Sui Bian, the Lord of Humanity, that is, Sui Meng.

As the name suggests, if you look at the word Meng regardless of the surname, you will know that the focus of this new Primarch is on personal combat power.

Sui Meng is the new name bestowed by the Lord of Humanity after the Primarch was reborn, and Sui Meng's past is the Primarch of the Eleventh Legion whose information and records have been erased by the former Human Empire.

However, the lord of humanity told all about Sui Meng's previous life, and resolved the doubts buried deep in the original's heart in advance.

In general, during the third decade of Emperor Zero Three's Great Crusade to the Zero Three Galaxy, the Primarch of the Eleventh Legion had been searched for.

After that, the Eleventh Legion and its Primarch fought bravely.

In order to show their absolute loyalty to Emperor Zero Three, the Eleventh Legion often rushed to the forefront and suffered more casualties than other legions.

Afterwards, the Eleventh Legion was also the first legion that was forced to come into direct contact and confrontation with the Great Demon from a different space.

Due to the calculations and traps of the Great Demon, the entire legion of the Eleventh Legion, including the Primarch, was all polluted by psionic energy, and the bodies of all members were seriously festered and distorted.

In order to force the Eleventh Legion to give up their allegiance to Emperor Zero Three and turn to Chaos, the Great Demon put the entire legion in extreme pain that was on the verge of death but could not really die.

However, all the members of the Eleventh Legion chose to grit their teeth and persevere. The Primarch even endured the pain and expelled the big demon back to the different space with his own power, temporarily breaking the curse.

It's a pity that the Eleventh Legion, which won with difficulty, was polluted by chaos in body and soul, which caused Emperor Zero Three to send the Custodian Army, as well as Leman Russ and Space Wolves to purge them.

Although Leman Russ didn't understand why his father issued this purge order, he still chose to execute it, and when Leman Russ arrived at the planet where the Eleventh Legion was located...

Apart from corpses all over the ground, there were no other living things.

It turned out that they heard the demons whispering continuously in their ears. The Primarch and Astartes of the Eleventh Legion knew that they had been deeply polluted irreparably and reversed, and then resolutely The choice of suicide.

Leman Russ, who was originally entangled in whether he wanted to act as his father's executioner and kill each other with his brothers, was completely shocked.

In the end, Emperor Zero Three erased the existence of the Eleventh Legion in order to cover up and block all news related to different spaces.

Knowing about his past life, Sui Meng is of course prepared to implement this spirit and concept of absolute loyalty and disdain to succumb to chaos.

Knowing that Tyroker was invaded by the Zerg, Sui Meng immediately led his Fender Legion, which is Umbrella's Thirteenth Legion, to help.

In fact, it was Sui Meng who Sui Bian wanted to cultivate and take over the new Primarch of Universe 03.

The total number of Astartes in the current Defender Legion is more than 12,000, and the number of auxiliary troops is about 220,000, which is temporarily the size of 24 battalions.

In order to deal with the Tailo Zerg, Sui Meng first dispatched the 24th Battalion, which is the closest to Tailoker, and then left half of the battalion in charge of guarding the star area under its jurisdiction, and personally led the Glory Guard and the remaining half of the battalion to rush to the rescue.

Not long ago, the 24th Battalion had arrived at Koteloker and began a confrontation with the main fleet of the Tyro Zerg.

However, in terms of naval warfare, a single battalion cannot compete with a million living warships. Therefore, the 24th Battalion, under artillery fire, transported the ground troops to the metropolitan area of ​​Tylokal, and then launched a guerrilla attack with the Zerg fleet.

There was a long silence.

Sui Meng was still looking out of the porthole, turned his back and asked, How long will it take to reach Teloker?

It is estimated that there are still fifteen minutes, sir. A crew member immediately reported.

En. Sui Meng responded lightly.

Immediately afterwards, the Primarch continued to wait in silence for fifteen minutes, and finally saw the end of the fault space outside the porthole.

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