Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 609 Stone Statue, Three Moons

? ?

After listening to the plague doctor's words, Sui Bian frowned slightly.

Why is this doctor interested in the Necronomicon?

Logically speaking, the Plague Doctor likes to study intelligent creatures and prevent intelligent creatures from being corrupted by Chaos, but all Necrons are dead things and are metal zombies, which have nothing to do with the subjects that the Plague Doctor is good at.

Don't worry, Mr. Sui, I won't trouble the children fighting in the Zero-3 Universe. I'll just go by myself...

Okay. Sui Bian raised his left hand slightly, signaling the plague doctor to stop beeping, and said: I understand, you can go if you want. I will arrange for Artemis to be responsible for your safety, and then we will go to Zero Three together. Cosmos joins forces with Corax, whose Raven Guard happens to be searching for a special undead tomb.

Thank you very much, Mr. Sui! The plague doctor quickly ran under the throne, then turned around and asked, I wonder if I can...?

... Sui Bian was too lazy to reply. He waved his hand again and directly used his spiritual power to send the Plague Doctor back to the Imperial Palace in the main universe.

Without the plague doctor, Sui Bian was finally at ease.

But Sui Bian, who was meditating secretly again, thought that letting the Plague Doctor investigate the Necron might actually find something.

After all, the plague doctor can be said to be a blessed general. The human empire's ability to come to another space to slap the demons in the mouth is inseparable from this weird doctor.


There was a slight movement in the corner of the palace hall...

It turned out to be the middle-level demon that had been trembling from beginning to end. Only it and the human emperor were left in the discovery hall. The fear instinct invaded the whole body in an instant, causing the trembling to become more and more intense.

‘Don’t forget your mission, get out. ’

! ! ! !

Yes Yes!

A whisper that seemed to be engraved deep into the soul immediately caused the mid-level demon to crawl out of the palace hall.

Without the distractions, Sui Bian could finally be fine...

Take a nap for a while.

When he was in the physical universe, he needed to sit on the Golden Throne and consume spiritual energy all the time to protect the empire's territory involving the multiverse.

And there are still a large number of empire residents in remote areas, and even other alien races, who will pray to him as a god.

Even though he has adapted to it long ago, he still gets headaches sometimes.

He separated billion portions of his own spiritual energy and stayed on the Golden Throne, temporarily replacing him to provide shelter for the empire, and then brought Magnus to a different space, but gained a period of leisure.

But sometimes, what troubles him the most is his sons...

Although he used psychic pressure to teach Leon a lesson before coming to the different space, Leon's temper could not be controlled by simply teaching him a lesson.

It is part of human nature to differentiate between closeness and distance.

If we really maintain absolute rationality, will human beings still be human beings?

What's more, even he, the emperor, cannot achieve absolute justice. If he were asked to give up hundreds of millions of humans to save his son, Sui Bian would not hesitate at all on this issue.

It is true that he is in a different space now, and the original bodies also think that he cannot pay attention to everything all the time. In fact, he participated in the war meeting held in Leon throughout the whole process.

With Leon's little thoughts, Sui Bian didn't even have to guess, he knew that his third son was indirectly establishing his power and by the way, fighting for more benefits for the older generation of Primarchs.

He can take care of it, but not in public, and Sui Bian has no intention of settling accounts with Leon later.

There is no way, family love cannot be forced. Robert, John, and Leon grew up together, and they are nearly two hundred years apart from the new Primarchs such as Horus and Fulgrim...

Two hundred years may not sound like much, but that is a gap of two centuries.

For two hundred years, in the territory on the edge of the empire, if the Battle Sisters had not constantly promoted to the people the idea that the Emperor was not a god, and the Primarch was not a demigod, and they had continued to instill and emphasize the correctness of the Human Truth to the residents, then Sui Bian would have Robert and others have become characters in myths and legends.

So it’s no wonder that Leon would be dissatisfied with the new primarchs such as Horus and Fulgrim. After all, he can enjoy his father’s full company from the moment he is born. In other words, he can enjoy blessings as soon as he is born, even the so-called Trials are all added deliberately.

You must know that Leon and others were forced to participate in the war during their childhood, adolescence and youth. If they did not resist the pressure, then mankind would suffer incalculable losses.

Even Sui Bian said that he cared for every son, but to be fair, among all the primarchs, the ten closest to him were always the ones.

Because in the darkest period of mankind, when they needed to endure their anger, it was the company of Robert, John, and Leon that made Sui Bian not feel so lonely.

Later, when we became developed and comfortable, we naturally no longer had the oppression and fear that the boat could capsize at any time like before.

Watching the overt and covert fights between his sons, Sui Bian once again realized the feeling of the palms of his hands are full of flesh. As long as he didn't hit the muzzle of his bad temper, it was hard for him to intervene in any of his sons.

When Pallas Athena tried to corrupt John, Sui Bian had no idea of ​​worry. Even without the insurance of absolute loyalty, he would not think that John would betray him.

But for a while, Sui Bian would always dream that he would suddenly disappear one day, and the leaderless Primarchs would kill each other because of their own personalities and their own ideals.

That was one of the futures that Sui Bian feared the most and least wanted to face.

Yes, the original bodies were absolutely loyal to him, but there was no such relationship between the original bodies.

You must know that the so-called time concept in the physical universe will make most people become more stubborn, and the original body is no exception.

Take the first ten Primarchs as an example.

It is true that the ten of them have a deep relationship. After all, they have grown up together and can trust each other's support.

But as they had their own legions, and then had their own recruitment home planets, space regions, star regions, and even a universe, everything was quietly changing.

Regardless of the orders from the Emperor, the Primarchs would prioritize the interests of their respective Legions, because they were no longer one person, they had residents under their command, and they had direct blood relationships with the Astartes.

Today's human empire, regardless of its highly developed technology, is essentially no different from the ancient feudal dynasty.

The emperor Bian of the Sui Dynasty was the Son of Heaven, and the original bodies as princes had their own fiefdoms.

But the feudal dynasty of the Human Empire did not establish a prince.

Because the Emperor is a being who will not die of old age or illness, the Imperial Power's rule is as solid as steel, and the Princes have no reason to rebel.

But once the Emperor disappears, the Imperial Power rule will face a situation of disintegration, because most of the Princes will covet the position of Prince.

We must know that the reason why ancient feudal dynasties changed from generation to generation was that, in addition to many factors such as aristocratic families and natural disasters, one of the reasons was that the Emperor's dominance over the territory was gradually weakened.

This feudal formula can also be applied to the human empire.

Sui Bian once had the idea of ​​​​pregnating an heir naturally, but gave up after thinking about it. It was not that he had not tried it, but that naturally conceived heirs could solve temporary problems, but they would also bury more serious hidden dangers.

Although Sui Bian was absolutely confident that he would not be threatened by death, if, if he was forced to enhance the dimension, or if he ran out of oil and turned into a stone statue in an instant, then it stands to reason that as the eldest son, Robert of England will become Prince Regent.

At the same time, Robert is also the most suitable Primarch to be the Regent, bar none.

As for the Lord Protector, John did his job, and although Rogge had a bad mouth, his temperament was quite consistent with Robert's.

As for the remaining brothers, for the sake of the stability of the empire in the early stage, they will be quite obedient to Robert's orders and transfers.

What if a thousand years or ten thousand years have passed?

No one is sure.

Or could it be that Emperor Zero Three's indifference and ruthlessness in treating all primarchs equally turned out to be because he could not fundamentally solve the problem and chose to destroy it?



This made Sui Bian once again scold his peer, that is, the Lingsan Emperor who dumped the mess on him but was free and easy.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

To be honest, if he hadn't still cared about his sons and mankind, he would have given up. It was really tiring.

At the same time, this is why Sui Bian can't wait to solve the alien space, to return the sea of ​​souls to tranquility, to completely avoid the threat of chaos, and to make humans the true overlord.

In fact, he longed for Emperor Zero Three and could go on a vacation at will.


After breathing out the depression in his heart, Sui Bian no longer dwelled on the troubles of being an emperor, but stood up, left the throne, and walked out of the hall slowly.

Looking around at D-1999 and the Gray Knights who were waiting outside, he ordered: Continue to search for mid-level and high-level demons related to Slaanesh. I want that human demon to bear the feeling of being teased.

Yes, Father (Your Majesty).


Sui Bian waved his hand and released a golden ray of spiritual energy, covering himself and all the Gray Knights, as well as D-1999 and the accompanying supervisory department personnel. They directly completed the teleportation and disappeared into this demonic realm.

It seems that the human emperor is preparing to wield his sword and claws in person to vent his anger and resentment on those androgynous bastards.


Without the extremely oppressive breath, the demon maids and banshees also loosened their tight strings. If they needed air to breathe, they also wanted to take a deep breath to relieve themselves.

But before they could rejoice that the God of Death had left, they heard...

The shemales shall die——!!

Invading the realm of our Lord and Father!

Wahahahaha~ die! Die! No~ dying is not a good thing, you should join our happy family~ hahahaha~!

I heard a lot of war cries with an echo texture or a strong nasal sound, as well as extremely annoying fart laughter.

Countless demons arrived in this realm either by breaking the barrier or teleporting through psychic energy, and started fighting against the maids and banshees who were also demons.

However, the demons who broke into this field are not white and purple-skinned, nor are they androgynous. Instead, they are all swollen and bloated, surrounded by green fog and flies. The most striking thing is...

They all stink!

The stinky impact alone has already caused heavy casualties to the weak demons in the periphery, not to mention the little guys who look and sound like farts. They rush into the enemy group with their chubby bodies. and then detonate themselves.

Boom~! Boom~! !

The suicide explosion caused a thick green mist to rise in the area where the maids and banshees gathered, and even sputtered out a large amount of green fluorescent soup.

Almost instantly, nearly 30% of this demonic realm had fallen.

Moreover, the occupied area gradually turned into a stinky swamp, and living plants with densely packed fungus-like shapes and holes of different sizes quickly grew.

The most irritating thing is that countless flies will crawl out of those holes to harass the maids and banshees who are still resisting and trying to save their lives. If they are killed, they will become spores that change the domain environment.

Just from the stinky feature alone, you know that the demons invading this realm belong to Nurgle's command, not to mention the word loving father in the battle cry.

Everything that happened in front of him showed that the middle-level demon who had been trained by Plague Doctor and Magnus had completed its mission, not only to drag Nurgle into trouble, but also to frame Slaanesh.

The flow of time in different spaces is disordered. The intermediate demon seems to have just left, but in the physical universe, years may have passed, or only half a second may have passed.

Coupled with the fact that Khorne, who never used tricks, directed his hatred towards Slaanesh for the first time, Nurgle, who was originally a spectator, successfully entered the game.

The situation is getting increasingly chaotic.

However, the more chaotic, the better. If you want to break the situation, you can only have a certain chance of winning by reshuffling the cards.

What's more, the strongest Chaos God has reached an agreement with the strongest human individual, so that the balance of victory is no longer as swinging as before.

If there are no accidents or mistakes, the plan to restore tranquility to the Sea of ​​Souls is already on track.


Imperial calendar year 2227, July 14th.

At this moment, three full Earth months have passed since the Ultramarines Legion first came into contact with Universe 109, and two and a half months have passed since the Human-Necromancer War.

Currently, the empire's huge logistics machine is operating at full capacity, and Robert is responsible for command and control. Countless ammunition, weapons, and ships are sent to the Border Fortress sector in the main universe, and then transferred through the space gate to those in charge of the expedition, and involved in the war. The main force of the ten legions of the whirlpool.

The Trapper Sector at the core of the vortex suffered the most casualties.

In order for the seduction plan to proceed smoothly, the expeditionary force evacuated nearly 90 billion people from the periphery of the Trapper Sector and transferred them to Ark 002 and 003 for resettlement.

During this period, the people's complaints were very high, but in order not to affect the expeditionary force's operations, and because this was a mandatory order issued by the empire, the people had to move to Ark 002 and 003.

However, as a super artificial celestial body that is much larger than ten earths put together, the Ark is enough to accommodate trillions of people.

The most important thing is that Ark can generate and build huge apartments with suitable living environment on its own without the need for intervention from the engineering department.

However, in just two months, more than a hundred colonies on the human side were completely destroyed, and the lost population also needs to be measured in hundreds of millions.

In Chapter 581, Russ originally wanted to go to Universe 03, but the author forgot... Let Russ also want to go, but was squeezed out by Leon.

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