Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 619 Times have changed Witch


John was speechless.

Since the holographic image generated in the conference room had a tangible sense of touch, the action and force of Rogge's slap on the shoulder was instantly transmitted to John who was tens of thousands of light years away.

However, the strength of the holographic image was far from the actual strength of the original body, so John was too lazy to pay attention to his brother's rude behavior.

In that case... After listening to John's suggestion, Corax turned his head slightly and looked at Leon and said: Warmaster, the new Primarch Anakin and Volcan are still accompanying the Man-Eating Shark Battalion.

Those two little brothers have no real military power, and only a battalion of the Traitors is willing to cooperate. Why not let Horus pick up the two little brothers and the man-eating shark battalion before joining us, and then accompany us to launch the raid? .

With me, John, Horus and the two of them, even if we encounter the siege of the Court of the Dead, even if we fail to win, we will be able to escape unscathed and avoid excessive losses to the main force of the legion.

Well, what you said makes sense.

Corax's words of Warmaster immediately satisfied Leon's vanity. In addition, there was nothing wrong with the two brothers' proposals, and he immediately said formally:

Just do what you said, and then I will write a detailed and formal order to give enough attention to the new group of original... brothers.

Okay, let’s get busy first.

After saying that, Leon was still the first to dissipate the holographic image.

Hey, I envy you two. Rogge sighed with pretense of displeasure, and then terminated the imaging communication.

See you later. John said goodbye briefly.

Finally, the holographic blue light particles dispersed in the conference room, and everything returned to calm.

Looking around the empty conference room, Corax did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he sat in the main seat and fell into silence and contemplation.

His fair and handsome face was as indifferent as usual, but there seemed to be a trace of... deep in his eyes...

Blame yourself?

Yes, the four primarchs who participated in this meeting, including him, were all blood brothers who followed their father in his conquests when mankind had not yet entered the interstellar era, and the human empire was far away.

During the period of stabilizing the situation in Morning Star, Corax learned a lot of information about the Zero Three Necrons through Trazin and after deciphering Xerath's memory storage device.

However, he also had selfish motives. He first shared the information with Leon alone, instead of sharing it with several brothers participating in the expedition after receiving the information.

The reason for sending it to Leon separately is very simple. First, it is more in line with the rules.

Although the wartime rules will be flexibly changed according to the actual situation, there is no rule that after obtaining the information, the war commander must be notified first and separately, but the war commander is required to be notified first.

This word need has a lot of room for manipulation.

Second, at first, he didn't want the new Primarch to know more details.

However, as the meeting progressed and John taught him a lesson, Corax realized that what he was doing was actually deepening the gap between the elders and the new Primarch.


Thinking of this, Corax sighed calmly.

Then, he moved his gaze to the right.

There is a floor-to-ceiling window on the left side of the conference room, which is the direction where Corax is looking, and outside the window is the sunny inner earth world.

Looking at the artificial stars and the blue ocean opposite, Corax suddenly felt that everything was very unrealistic.

More than two hundred years have passed...

At that time, in order to gain the admiration and reward from his father like Robert, he made a bold decision, that is, to rush directly into the body of the blood demon Griffin from the mouth, and disembowel the demon. Out of the heart.

It was his bold decision that earned him his father's praise and the bloody claws given by his father.

The magic weapon was won by them.

But those new primarchs have had gorgeous armor and exquisite weapons since they were born, and they have everything they need.

Corax was definitely the one with the better temper among the originals, but that could not avoid feeling jealous and unhappy, but he, or most of his brothers, could not express it directly like Leon.

And in front of their father, all the original bodies unanimously showed joyfulness.

It was precisely this time that his father left the physical universe and his supervision of the physical universe was insufficient that led to him and the older generation of Primarchs being too lazy to deal with the new Primarchs.

Thanks to the reminder from his second brother John, Corax woke up in an instant.

No need.

Different eras, different backgrounds, different lives. It's just that Umbrella's biotechnology has extended the life span of all people infinitely. Disease and death seem to have become a thing of the past, and the life span of their original body is far beyond imagination.

And the time in the physical universe made them gradually forget their original belief. They were fighting for their father, and they were fighting for their father's hope that everyone would be free from cholera.

So they went through that difficult period, wasn't it just so that those who come after them don't have to suffer anymore?

While thinking.

Corax stood up and left his seat, and came behind the floor-to-ceiling window. Unknowingly, he imitated his father's habit of putting his hands behind his back, and looked at the scenery of the inner world.

Shining light, forest, grassland, ocean...

Wait, everything can be reverse, and the white clouds can be under the grass, otherwise it will not feel unreal.

If the scenes here were photographed and sent back to the society of more than two hundred years ago, there would be people on the Internet saying, This is simply the Garden of Eden!, Is this paradise?!, Heaven! Heaven! Words like that.

To the humans of that period, wasn’t the Shield World the place where “gods” lived?

However, since the advent of Human Truth written by his father, humans no longer have much respect for the so-called gods, let alone fear...

Just like the new primarchs at this stage, although they still attracted the attention of the public the moment they appeared in the public eye, it was not like they came from behind the scenes to the stage and caused a sensation in the entire society.

When his father was still the speaker and chairman of the board of directors, even if Empress Bai was monitoring and controlling, there were still many people fabricating and writing stories about his father and them.

In fact, the chairman is God, The chairman and his descendants correspond to the Greek gods!, or The chairman has been accompanying mankind since the birth of mankind and so on.

To be honest, it’s a lie that Corax doesn’t feel satisfied and vain when he sees those comments on the Internet, or when he travels and is worshiped by people.

Otherwise, those popes and presiding officers would be extremely greedy for their own power. After all, this feeling is indeed wonderful.

However, due to their father's teachings, Corax and his brothers didn't pay much attention to this.

Time has passed, with the establishment of the Human Empire, and people gradually becoming familiar with the Primarch and the Astartes, Corax prefers that when children see him, they will say Mom! It's the Primarch! So majestic, I will definitely do it in the future Become an Astartes!.

The awe is still there, but it is not awe of gods and ghosts, but a yearning and self-improvement from the heart.


The corners of Corax's mouth rose involuntarily, but the joyful expression was fleeting and soon returned to a cold look.

The war between humans and undead is not over yet. Even though it is time for him to repair the Raven Guard, he cannot relax too much.

Shaking his head, Corax stopped admiring the scenery of the inner earth world, turned around and walked outside.


As the automatic door opened and closed, the conference room fell into silence again, but the warm sunlight emitted by the artificial star spilled into the conference room through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The scene changes.

It is also the exclusive conference room for the original body, and outside the floor-to-ceiling window is also the inner earth world of the shield world.

It's just that the scenery outside the window is not sunny. Instead, it is cloudy, with a slanting wind and drizzle. There are dense water droplets sliding down the window.

The position that stabilizes and binds the artificial star blocks the light to less than ten percent of daylight according to the automatic program. At the same time, the automatic simulation program of the inner earth world is also one of the reasons for the rainy scene.

After all, the inner earth world is not a planet in the true sense. If you want vegetation to grow more robustly, you must naturally simulate the weather and seasonal changes on the planet's surface.

Moreover, changes in the environment will also allow people living in the inner earth world to maintain a healthy mentality. If the environment remains unchanged, it will make people feel boring and depressed.

However, the drizzle outside the window at this moment can actually bring out the mood of the original body standing in the conference room.

After wearing the scales of the python, Horus, who was already five meters tall and had neat short hair, was holding his left elbow with his right hand, while his left hand was gently squeezing his chin while looking out the window in deep thought.

As a newborn Primarch, Horus was stronger, bigger, and stronger than his counterparts in Universe Zero-3. Of course, his hair was also retained, not the baldness he had when he was corrupted by Chaos.

Although his face is not as handsome as Sanguinius and Fulgrim, he is still considered to be above average among the originals, at least much better than Russ.

No wonder the older generation of Primarchs are jealous. Horus and other new Primarchs have only grown up, and they already have shield worlds to serve as flagships. It would be a blessing for the older generation of Primarchs to have a Goshawk-class frigate after they reach adulthood. After all, humans are the first. During the sub-space naval battle, there were only three frigates in total.

But at this moment, Horus looked slightly sad.

Because not long ago, Warmaster Leon had a separate conversation with him in the conference room, saying that he would lead his elite troops to the Morning Star Universe to join the main force of Sparta and the Raven Guard, and on the way, he would first fight against the Devourers. Join the Shark Camp.

As for the target of the operation, it was to jointly raid the Palace of the Dead, which was suspected of having a brilliant star map. Since this operation was considered semi-public internally, he was not allowed to reveal any details to Fulgrim and others.

After ending the holographic communication, Horus, like Corax, stayed alone in the conference room and meditated.

As a Primarch, he understood that this was a friendly signal from the older Primarch.

In fact, Horus had an encounter with Leon as early as his teenage years, and Leon also rode a gryphon and rushed into the dark space with his father's sword in hand, driving back Slaanesh and Tzeentch, saving him from danger.

But he was still little at that time, so as Leon, as the elder brother, he would naturally give in a little more.

Now, when it comes to the interests between legions and legions, as well as the star regions, space regions and universes under their respective jurisdictions, Horus has experienced the dangers of society again.

Being of the same type, he was worried that mortals would stand on top of their Primarchs and Astartes. He was even afraid that after the expedition was over, Emperor Zero Three would kill their Primarchs and Astartes just like he did with the Thunder Warriors. To purge.

After regaining his life, although he no longer had those memories and no longer had to worry about being stepped on by mortals, politics would always be disgusting.

Feel a little emotional for a moment.

Horus collected himself and turned around to leave the conference room.


However, when he came to the corridor outside, he saw someone waiting outside for a long time.

Wanda. Horus called the person and continued walking outside.

But it seemed that because the man was far different in height from him, Horus deliberately slowed down his pace so that the man could keep up.

The person whom Horus called Wanda was none other than the human from Universe 05, Wanda Maximoff.

When the main universe conquered the zero-five universe, Horus, the Devouring Shark, and the Archon Battalion of the Ultramarines served as vanguards. When he single-handedly destroyed Hydra, he accidentally saved Wanda. , and Wanda's twin brother Pietro Maximoff.

Later, when the Luna Wolves completely broke away from Sparta and officially formed an army, with Horus as the commander-in-chief, Wanda also forced her brother Pietro to join the Luna Wolves.

However, even after undergoing a certain degree of transformation surgery, the Scarlet Witch is only a little over two meters tall.

For civilians, they are high-altitude people, but they are still short in front of the original body, not to mention that Wanda does not wear any power armor with amplifying effects.

I saw Wanda following Horus on the left side, just like the name of the Scarlet Witch, wearing a slim-fitting dark red robe and having long golden brown hair shawl.

What, are you worried? she asked with a slight smile.

What can it be?

Horus shook his head slightly again, then walked around the corner of the corridor with Wanda, then took the elevator to the first floor of the office building, and then continued to respond:

It's not enough to disturb my mood. I just hope I can take this opportunity to get closer to the brothers.

Getting involved? Wanda was puzzled.


Horus nodded lightly, walked out of the elevator with Wanda, and came to the empty lobby on the first floor. He turned around and looked down at Wanda, who was much shorter than him, and gave a brief explanation and question:

Next, I will only lead Gastalin and the 1st Battalion to participate in a mission. Will you also go with me?

Of course. Although Wanda had no way of knowing the content of the task, she still happily accepted it and smiled: The Necrons can suppress and disperse psychic energy, but they can't suppress my magic. With me here, at least I can help. Fuck you.

As for Pietro, just stay on the Vengeful Spirit. He doesn't like traveling anyway, and he can also assist the Legion in quickly transferring people.

haha, yes.

Seeing this, Horus also smiled, and then directly opened the teleportation device of the Python Scale and took him and Wanda out of the first floor hall.

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