Qi Fan complexion slightly changed, thinking that these indigenous sacrifices originally awakened this thing.

But why is there a Ice Bone Cursed Ape on this small planet?

Moreover, it is still a skeleton.

The system has issued a mission, that is to say, on this Ice Bone Cursed Ape skeleton, is there a Star Command?

Qi Fan flew at high altitude and then made a circle around the Ice Bone Cursed Ape.

Sure enough, there is a deep blue token on the bone of the right arm wrist of this Ice Bone Cursed Ape.

“Find a place to hide first, I’ll go back and go back.” Qi Fan immediately placed Mulan Yun in a safe place.

“Be careful,” Mulan Yun cared.

“Relax, there’s an Ice Bone Cursed Ape, I don’t take it too seriously.” Qi Fan smiled confidently.

However, here it is, someone actually started with Ice Bone Cursed Ape.

At first glance, Qi Fan thought, wasn’t it Daer?

Before he patronized the search for Star Stone veins, he didn’t find these guys following.

The Daer team immediately surrounded the Ice Bone Cursed Ape and used their powerful methods to start the siege.

Daer is the Star Casting Realm Earth Element Esper, which is now controlling the surrounding rock and soil, and a large amount of rubble falls under the feet of Ice Bone Cursed Ape.

There was already a huge pit in the flat, and Ice Bone Cursed Ape was trying to get out of it.

But Daer doesn’t give this opportunity.

With so many cultivateers shooting at the same time, Ice Bone Cursed Ape seems a bit overwhelmed.

However, it is the body of undying and indestructible. No matter how these people attack, it will not fall.

“Did they find out?” Qi Fan thought.

If these people also come to grab Star Command, then he may not be polite.

Anyway, he had already had a grudge with Daer and didn’t care about offending more.

However, when Qi Fan flew over the head of the Ice Bone Cursed Ape, he knew that these people were not at Star Command.

At this moment, there are many Fire and Ice Essences under the feet of Ice Bone Cursed Ape, that is, in the huge pit.

Qi Fan glanced at it. It is estimated that this Fire and Ice Essence has at least thousands of kilograms.

“Presumably Ice Bone Cursed Ape has been buried here for many years, but there is a Raging Fire Beast nearby. In the veins, the ice and fire are formed, and over time, Fire and Ice Essence will appear.” Qi Fan thought.

Fire and Ice Essence, but Star Stone, which is more precious than Scarlet flame essence.

“This is released.”

No wonder Daer, they didn’t even think about it, they just started.

If it were him, he would do the same.

Even if you don’t necessarily win against Ice Bone Cursed Ape, you have to give it a try.

While Daer’s pair attacked Ice Bone Cursed Ape, Qi Fan was not at all in a hurry.

No one else knew the strength of Ice Bone Cursed Ape better than him.

Moreover, this huge skeleton is basically the Star Command on the wrist bone of Ice Bone Cursed Ape’s right arm.

Without hitting Star Command, Ice Bone Cursed Ape is almost like opening an unlimited blood plug-in, giving them three days and nights to die.

So, after he landed, he took out the loader from the Beast ring.

“wu wu wu ……”

The drill is turned on and drills directly into the ground.

“You fight slowly, I’ll go and see first.” Qi Fan said with a smile.

After a few minutes, he drove the drill into the deep pit.

However, Daer’s asshole kept filling in the surrounding rock and soil, and with Ice Bone Cursed Ape’s legs kept stomping, he didn’t dare to pass.

So he simply separated ten doppelganger, ran the doppelganger into the pit, then picked up Fire and Ice Essence, and threw it to Qi Fan.

Although this method is a bit cumbersome, at least Qi Fan can ensure his own safety. In case he accidentally gets stepped on by Ice Bone Cursed Ape, he will really fart!

Of course, he can’t summon too many doppelganger at one time, so as not to be seen by Daer’s team.

Ten minutes passed…

Qi Fan received about 1 kg of Fire and Ice Essence.

Half an hour passed …

I was lucky and got another 10 kg.

An hour has passed …

Two hours passed …

Three hours passed…

At this point, Qi Fan has gained a lot of Fire and Ice Essence.

Anyway, this time I really made money.

Daer bombarded them for three hours, and star force was probably not enough.

Ice Bone Cursed Ape has begun to climb out of the pit. This time, Qi Fan can safely pick up Fire and Ice Essence.

So quickly summon out thirty doppelganger, leaving while Ice Bone Cursed Ape is a crazy harvest.


On land, Daer and the others saw Ice Bone Cursed Ape crawling out of the deep pit, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

They are a bit exhausted now, but Ice Bone Cursed Ape is undying and indestructible.

“WTF! What exactly is this monster? How can it not be killed?”

“Shouldn’t it be a monster beast of Monster King class?”

“Everyone is falling apart. This monster can actually control the snow.”

Suddenly, a hundred miles away, the wind blew, and the broken ice flew across.


After three hours of beatings, Ice Bone Cursed Ape was already furious.

In particular, his consciousness was controlled by Star Command, which was furious.

Daer manipulated the surrounding earth elements to condense a few tall Stonemans. As a result, they were crushed by Ice Bone Cursed Ape before they could play a role.

“I’m here to get his attention. You go to the deep pit to find Fire and Ice Essence.”

Ice Bone Cursed Ape seems to know that Daer is the strongest in this group of people, and at this time is completely targeting him.

No way, this time is the best time to get Fire and Ice Essence.

Although Daer doesn’t want others to pick up those Fire and Ice Essence, who knows if those people will make a fortune.

You know, a fist-sized Fire and Ice Essence can be sold on the market for a sky-high price. If they can get ten kilos, it is estimated that they will not worry about spending money in this life.

However, it is better to get a point than to get nothing.

Seeing Qi Fan didn’t return for a long time, Mulan Yun in the distance started to worry.

So I waited for about an hour or so, and finally saw a drilling machine breaking out.

“Are you OK?”

“Of course I’m fine.” Qi Fan shrugged, and then turned over a piece of Fire and Ice Essence.

“This … this is …” Mulan Yun suddenly covered his mouth with excitement, speechless for a long time.

“Don’t be surprised, there are many more.” Qi Fan didn’t even think about it and threw it directly to her.

After you go back, you can slowly divide. These resources obtained today are enough for Qi Fan to directly cultivate to Star Casting Realm Tenth grade, and they are far more than that.

“You wait for me for a while, and I’ll clean up that Ice Bone Cursed Ape.” Qi Fan said.

“Um.” Mulan Yun nodded, quickly put away the Fire and Ice Essence in his hand, looked at all around, as if afraid of being seen.

Qi Fan directly moved towards Ice Bone Cursed Ape rushed over and saw Daer being chased.

“Daer Great deacon, let me help you!”

Daer hearing this, turning his head and seeing that a dark golden Mecha was flying towards himself.

“Lan Qifan?” He couldn’t help but be shocked, wondering how this guy suddenly became so good, even come to help himself?

“Daer Great deacon, I’ll drag it, you go quickly.” Qi Fan said loudly.

For a moment, Daer felt a little awkward.

I don’t know what medicine is sold in the bottle gourd?

After a long pause, he said, “Okay brother, I’ll leave it to you.”

PS: Thanks to [Lonely Prodigal Son] for 4500 books! 【seal/? Hua Zhixi? 999 Book Coins! [She is rays of light] 499 books! [Wangwang] 200 Book Coins! [Colored Green Scale] [K_] [I wwwll] [Lone City Cool Dream] [] [Bai Yixuan: Yard ~ Popularity ~] 100 Book Coin!

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