The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 155. The death of Captain Hayes! Floating astronomy

The spring of France finally came to us.

When Wang Weizhen said this sentence, he always looked at all these stunned French officials with a smile, and then slowly introduced himself:

“I am Ernst Alexson von Breem !”

Ernst Alexson von Breem – Baron Skulls.

Every French official squatted there, they stared at “Mr. Wittgenstein” and stared at the Baron Skulls. They couldn’t dream of dreaming. The baron appeared here, and the baron appeared in front of them.

“Hey, a pleasant day has begun.” Wang Weizhen said slowly: “The ** are pursuing the French they want, and you are trying to maintain the French you want, and the battle is always unavoidable. From the current situation, those who have won the victory.”

On August 2, 1966, the French ** broke out! On August 4th, French President Katri, French Prime Minister Sinnag, French Defense Minister Lucien and a series of French government officials were arrested.

At 3 pm on August 4, the “French National Interim Parliament” headed by Litham announced the takeover of the French regime, which means that the French Grand Prix has won!

There was no sign of the outbreak of the French **, and the rapid fall of the French government of Cathar was shocking. In less than three days, these insurgents have achieved such a brilliant victory.

At the same time, the Speaker of the National Assembly Litim announced the arrest of former French President Kathr, former French Prime Minister Sinnag, former Defense Minister Lucian and a series of senior French officials, and will organize a special court to try it.

The streets of Paris are full of fanatical cheers, and everyone is celebrating their hard-won victory. Even they themselves did not think that ** would actually win in such an unexpected form.

In fact, for Litham, the trial can be put aside for a while, and the battle for power must begin immediately.

He quickly appointed a large number of officials loyal to himself in the name of the interim parliament. He knew that he could not compare himself with General Robito and Berkeley in terms of strength. It seems that it is a good idea.

He thought that this would be protested by Robito and others, because the “military faction” headed by Robito did not receive any seats in the appointment of the National Assembly. But the strange thing is that the “military faction” has no movement, and they seem to be willing to accept the leadership of the National Assembly.

This made Litham feel relieved. He also believed that the “military faction” was sincerely supporting the government. . . . . . However, the childishness of these so-called “**” people is also here. . . . . . He had never thought about how these soldiers could hand over the fruits of victory to those who were formerly civilians? How can these soldiers be willing to play only a small supporting role in this victory?

They are not in a hurry, and strength is the most important. The “military faction” has tanks, planes, cannons, and so many soldiers armed to the teeth, but the National Assembly? They have nothing but the poor arms and enthusiasm.

More importantly, the “military faction” received support from Baron Alexson. . . . . . The baron told them that they could do everything they were willing to do. . . . . .

With the support of the Baron, they can completely let go of these arrogant guys. . . . . .

On the 5th, the National Assembly Speaker Litham secretly met with the US Ambassador to Paris, Mr. Robin. During the talks, Litham told the Ambassador that the National Assembly will continue to drive France and the United States to maintain allies and respect the past and the United States. The series of cooperation agreements, and hope that the National Assembly led by them can also be recognized by the United States.

Litham wants to use two ways to ensure his status. He is not willing to offend either Germany or the United States.

Ambassador Robin solemnly promised in the face of Litham that the United States will not interfere in the internal affairs of France. The US government also fully supports the new “French National Interim Parliament”. . . . . .

Mr. Ambassador’s promise made Litham feel at ease. But after returning to the embassy, ​​Robin quickly summoned Colonel Wenger: “Command all American soldiers to stay in their military camps, and the second mutiny will soon happen!”

“The mutiny?” Colonel Wenger stayed there: “The National Assembly has mastered the situation in Paris, and the French soldiers have no objection to this.”

“My colonel, do you think that the French soldiers really allowed a civilian organization to seize what belongs to them?” Ambassador Robin poured himself a cup of coffee: “The military sent support to the National Assembly, nothing more than to use their influence.” Overthrowing the Cathar government. Now their purpose has been reached, what is necessary for the National Assembly? Litham and his people jumped up and down, but they never thought of a very serious problem. They don’t have any armed forces. Soldiers can pick them up at any time, they just wait for an opportunity. And I can be sure that this opportunity must have been created by themselves…”

Colonel Wenger did not particularly understand the meaning. . . . . . But there is nothing here, anyway, this is just something inside France. . . . . .

. . . . . .

August 6, 1966, night.

Captain Hayes and his two men also inspected Paris at night in accordance with the orders of the National Assembly to ensure that the local law and order would not be affected by the transition period.

Captain himself personally participated in the mutiny. He was awarded the medal by the National Assembly, just two hours ago, but it was surprising that the captain actually refused the “Secondary Medal of Freedom from Parliament.”

In an interview with the reporter, Captain Hayes said: “General Robito did not receive the respect he deserved. He should be awarded the rank of Marshal. The Government of Catri did not honor the promise that had already been executed, and the National Assembly The same should also be awarded to the general of the generals. Before the generals receive the glory he deserves, my companions and I will not accept any form of medals, never!”

This made the National Assembly very embarrassed, and their authority and majesty were also greatly affected. . . . . .

In fact, the promotion of Marshal Robinto’s general marshal has already been on the motion of the National Assembly. It is said that there are still some disputes within the National Assembly. Some people think that Marshal Robin should be awarded the rank of Marshal. He played very much in the success of the **. Important role, while some people think that Robito is forced to join the **, he used to be a loyal running dog of the Cathar government.

Litham is more inclined to the former opinion, but he also has some concerns. After all, Robito has so many followers in the army. Once he is awarded the rank of Marshal, it will strengthen his power, which is not very beneficial for himself.

Therefore, he took a compromise approach by first awarding the medals of those who have meritorious service in the **, and tempting their attitudes while drawing the hearts of the army.

But what he did not think of was that the soldiers headed by Captain Hayes refused to accept the medal. . . . . . This is a very headache for President Litham. . . . . .

Captain Hayes did not think so much. In his opinion, no one can compare with General Robito, and the promotion of the Marshal is a true name. What he has to do is to fulfill his duties.

On the 10th Street, Captain Hayes suddenly found two sneaky guys in front of him. He shouted that they immediately stopped to check, but the two guys didn’t stop at all, but they pulled their feet. run.

“Catch up!” Captain Hayes and his two men quickly chased forward. . . . . .

In a small alley, Captain Hayes lost the traces of the two guys. Just as Hayes was puzzled, more than a dozen guys holding the Sub Machine Gun slammed. The person who took the lead shouted:

“In the name of **, sentence you to Robinto’s running dogs!”

Then all the Sub Machine Guns rang. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Captain Hayes and two French Defense Forces soldiers were assassinated!

Early in the morning, all Parisians knew the news!

This is completely shocking. Captain Hayes is a hero of the **. Although he refused the medal awarded by the National Assembly, he was still a hero.

However, now this hero has been subjected to a despicable assassination. . . . . . General Robito was furious, the military was furious, and even the National Assembly was shocked.

God, who made such a terrible thing? This will cause an uproar! The subsequent news also made the members of the National Assembly uneasy.

The anger in the army is spreading rapidly, and a large number of junior officers are preparing to control Paris in the form of force and find those despicable murderers!

This is equivalent to another mutiny!

The lawmakers were arguing over there without any idea, but they had to come up with a solution to them without any good ideas.

“General Robito is here!”

In such a voice, General Robito appeared in the parliament.

Has the mutiny changed? Is it to arrest them? Almost every member of the Council has such concerns. However, when they discovered that General Robito was only a person, their heart relaxed slightly.

General Robito went straight to the rostrum and he looked around these members:

“A very terrible thing happened last night. Our hero, Captain Hayes, was assassinated. I think this is the darkest night after the victory of France…. There are some rumors in the army. I think that because Captain Hayes refused the medals issued by the parliament, this was the assassination of some radicals… I can tell you frankly that some of the bloody officers are trying to use force. To find the truth… However, I can tell more dear members, more frankly, I will never allow this to happen…”

The hearts of the lawmakers were completely put down. . . . . .

“The victory of ** is hard to come by. As a soldier, I have a responsibility to ensure the stability of Paris…” General Robito continued: “I tell all the soldiers if they want to adopt the same radical Way, then the only possibility is to step on my body…”

A burst of applause rang. General Robito let everyone keep quiet again:

“I will not allow a second war in Paris. This will be a shame for a soldier. I will do my best to ensure the safety of Paris and ensure the safety of Parisians. However, the death of Captain Hayes must be resolved. I I think that the distinguished members of the parliament also want to know the truth. So I asked for the establishment of a special investigation team composed of the military. The former French police chief, Mr. Berkeley, was the leader of the investigation and thoroughly investigated this incident!”

“Ah, I have no objections to the establishment of the special investigation team!” At this time a member of the parliament said: “But why is Berkeley? He was once the most loyal running dog of the Cathar government. His hands are full of ** Blood!”

“No, he is a meritorious minister!” General Robito said slowly: “He has always been a sympathizer of the **, even when Olangi was arrested, he also carried out active rescue. And, I I think you should know that the arrest of the senior French officials headed by Cathar has made ** a success. Berkeley has played a huge role in it. Even we can think that without Berkeley, we still have Fighting fiercely with government forces.”

“Why not?” Sam, who is also a member of the legislature, stood up: “Berkeley has made tremendous contributions to the **, and he has a strong criminal investigation experience. Anyone in our room can still Think of a more suitable candidate than him?”

Seeing that the lawmakers still have some hesitation, General Robito’s face is gloomy: “I don’t understand what you are still waiting for. There is a time limit on the control of the military’s emotions. If it is beyond this time, you still have If you talk about it, then it is difficult for me to guarantee what terrible things will happen in the military!”

Nothing is more lethal than this sentence. . . . . .

Speaker Litham cleared his throat: “General Robito used his way to swear allegiance to the National Assembly. He is a patriotic general. The death of Captain Hayes makes me very sad. Everyone here is hoping to be as early as possible. Find the murderer. If you think that there is a more suitable candidate for Berkeley, you can come up with it.”

A piece of the bird is silent.

Litham knew very well that he had to make some compromises with the military at this time: “Then I announced the establishment of a special military investigation team in the name of the National Assembly. General Robito chose a list of groups. He has the right to appoint anyone to enter. The team.”

“Thank you for the trust that the Speaker and the Members have trusted me.” General Robito said slowly.

The establishment and establishment of the military special group soon appeared on the front page of the newspaper, and the popularity of General Robito was once again improved.

In the “Paris Daily” it is so described as General Robito:

“The general can completely force the parliament to succumb to his decision by force, but the general did not do so. His respect for the National Assembly is like cherishing the honor of being a soldier… This is a society ruled by law. The general respects this, and this is the biggest fortunes in France…”

Wang Weizhen left the Paris Daily aside and smiled: “Is this a society of the rule of law?”

“At least we have the initiative in our hands.” Colonel Heisenberg said: “Robitto did this according to your instructions, and he also earned a reputation for himself.”

“What about you?” Wang Weizhen smiled and asked, “Are you doing what you should do?”

“Yes, I have done my job well.” Colonel Heisenberg said calmly: “I can confirm the name I called “in the name of **, you sentenced to Robinto’s running dogs”, enough Most of the residents in the alley heard that they knew that it was not the time to sleep.”

“Oh, sometimes I think this is a despicable move.” Wang Weizhen smiled faintly, then turned his head to the other side: “What do you think, Mr. Berkeley?”

“Any ** is actually full of despicable and conspiracy.” Berkeley replied with a stern expression: “For example, Litham, who first took power, failed your trust. He secretly contacted American Ambassador Robin. While loyal to you, we also please the United States. Such people are not qualified to lead the whole of France.”

Wang Weizhen looked at him: “So what way should you lead the country in your opinion?”

“Take a one-sided policy towards Germany…” Berkeley said without hesitation: “I am sure that Robinto and I will have all the rights of France with your support, but we know more clearly. Who is the power given by this power. Lord Baron, we should be the one you don’t have to worry about.”

“Yeah, I don’t have to worry about you.” Wang Weizhen said thoughtfully: “You have power in your hands. You know the complexity of power struggle, so you will cherish it more, and those who are loyal. When they master the power, they will be complacent, they will forget, they think they have controlled everything.”

“So their ending will not be much more pleasant than those of Catri.” Berkeley’s face finally showed some smiles: “I will let them spend their entire life in prison, and I will let all The French people think that they are deserved of sin, believe me, this is what I am best at.”

Wang Weizhen nodded. He knew that Berkeley had such a powerful ability! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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